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diy solar

New JK-BMS and Basen cells ......


New Member
Apr 10, 2023
Calgary, CANADA
Hi Gang,

I finally got a new JK-B2A8S-20P BMS, now the fun part. My old (now dead) DALY that i got with the it had no user definable settings.

This New JK BMS is asking for lots of variables now - holy crap ! I'm going to start reading the doc in the beginners section called:
" Voltage Settings for BMS, Chargers and Loads "

In the meantime here's what I have now based on some default setting and a video I saw on Andy's channel ...... does anything look really odd or out of place before I get going with it? The cells are four : Shenzhen Basen's 3.2V LiFePo4's With a cap of 272Ah Voltage of: 3.24V IR: 0.12

Here is what's in the JK BMS now:

JK BMS Bluetooth App (Ver4.17.00)
Settings Menu


Cell Count 4
Batt Cap (AH) 272
Bal Trig Volt (V) 0.005
Calib Volt (V) 13.89
Calib Curr (A) 0.


Start Balance Volt (V) 3.20
Max Bal Current (A) 2.0
Cell OVP (V) 3.650
SOC-100% Volt (V) 3.560
Cell OVPR (V) 3.550
Cell UVPR (V) 2.650
SOC 0% Volt (V) 2.620
Cell UVP (V) 2.600
Power Off Volt (V) 2.50
Vol. Smart Sleep (V) 3.50
Time Smart Sleep (S) 24
Cont Charge Curr (A) 25.0
Charge OCP Delay (S) 30
Charge OCPR Time (S) 60
Cont Discharge Curr (A) 200.0
DisCharge OCP Delay (S) 90
Discharge OCPR Time (S) 60

Charge OTP (C) 70.0
Charge OTPR (C) 60.0
Discharge OTP (C) 70.0
Discharge OTPR (C) 60.0
Charge UTP (C) -20.0
Charge UTPR (C) -10.0
MOS OTP (C) 100.0
MOS OTPR (C) 80.0
SCP Delay (us) 1500
SCPR Time (S) 60D
Device Addr: 1
User Private Data: dat
User Data2: ____
UART1 Proto No: 0
CAN Proto No: 0

Wire resistance = all default for now

If anything is wrong PLEASE feel free to chime in !! I'm gonna start reading that beginners doc now .....

Dave C
Start Balance = 3.4V
Continuous Charge Current = 50A (that's still below a 0.2C charge rate for a 272Ah cell)
OTP = 40 to 45C (this is over 100F, which is a more reasonable value for LFP cells)
UTP = 0 to -5C (LFP doesn't like to go below freezing)
Start Balance = 3.4V
Continuous Charge Current = 50A (that's still below a 0.2C charge rate for a 272Ah cell)
OTP = 40 to 45C (this is over 100F, which is a more reasonable value for LFP cells)
UTP = 0 to -5C (LFP doesn't like to go below freezing)

Hi ! Thanks for the info ...... I'll go change that right now!

BTW Is there anything else that needs adjusting and can you suggest any readings for the other settings?
I'm not seeing a ton of good info on the web as far general info.

Start Balance = 3.4V
Continuous Charge Current = 50A (that's still below a 0.2C charge rate for a 272Ah cell)
OTP = 40 to 45C (this is over 100F, which is a more reasonable value for LFP cells)
UTP = 0 to -5C (LFP doesn't like to go below freezing)

Hi Bentley,

I got the Start Bal and the Cont Charge Current changed but
when I tried to do the OTP and UTP, I get send error ......

Just to make sure - its these, right?

Charge OTP (C) __43.0__ ( was 70.0 )
Charge OTPR (C) 60.0
Discharge OTP (C) 70.0
Discharge OTPR (C) 60.0
Charge UTP (C) __=3__ ( was -20.0 )
Charge UTPR (C) -10.0
MOS OTP (C) 100.0
MOS OTPR (C) 80.0

Thanks again .....

Charge Over Temp Protection is set at 43C so OTP(Recovery) has to be lower, like 38C instead of 70.
Also set Discharge OTP to 43 and OTPR to 38

Charge Under Temp Protection is set at 3C so UTP(Recovery) has to be higher, like 5C.

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diy solar