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diy solar

New Lux Power LXP-LB-US 12k / GSL-H-12KLV-US with 200A AC Passthrough Current (US Market)

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It's not necessary that I use them but I did have Charge First(PV) enabled, but I now have both the Charge First(PV) and the AC Charge disabled. The attached PDF file is all my current settings. I haven't tested to find out if disabling Charge First(PV) has solved my problem, but I will later after I get the latest Build Version updated to FAAB 0C0D.

My setup is the Grid circuit braker connected to the 12k GRID port. EPS goes to a 100 amp circut breaker
I don't have any connections to the PV inputs. I do have 4.2Kw with Enphase M215 microinverters AC coupled to the GEN port of the LUX 12
Can you take a picture of your setting under Advance
GRV0423 has already told you in his post just prior to my post that you must install the latest display update and then have Luxpower to install the latest firmware.
Eddie_Lux just shared with me that both the display firmware and the inverter firmware can be updated remotely by the manufacturer. It is not necessary for the user to download the display firmware and make a sd card to manually update the display. The manufacturer can now update both the display firmware and the inverter firmware. For them to update remotely, they need the hybrid inverter serial number code and the wifi dongle code. He also suggested that you could simply take a photo of the SN code and dongle code when requesting an update.

Just last night GSL sent me the files to manually update the display firmware. Luckily, I decided to check with Eddie_Lux to make sure that GSL sent me the latest files to update the display, which is when I learned that this can be done remotely by the manufacturer.

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Eddie_Lux just shared with me that both the display firmware and the inverter firmware can be updated remotely by the manufacturer. It is not necessary for the user to download the display firmware and make a sd card to manually update the display. The manufacturer can now update both the display firmware and the inverter firmware. For them to update remotely, they need the hybrid inverter serial number code and the wifi dongle code. He also suggested that you could simply take a photo of the SN code and dongle code when requesting an update.

Just last night GSL sent me the files to manually update the display firmware. Luckily, I decided to check with Eddie_Lux to make sure that GSL sent me the latest files to update the display, which is when I learned that this can be done remotely by the manufacturer.
i don’t think they can update the lcd remotely, when i asked for update, lux tech sent me the lcd update. They can remotely update the firmware of the inverter… doing a lcd update required 2 times to restart the inverter. Theres no way they can remotely restart twice of the inverter… the only way to update is with micro sd for old 12k and the newer is with usb….

i don’t think they can update the lcd remotely, when i asked for update, lux tech sent me the lcd update. They can remotely update the firmware of the inverter… doing a lcd update required 2 times to restart the inverter. Theres no way they can remotely restart twice of the inverter… the only way to update is with micro sd for old 12k and the newer is with usb….
Thanks for pointing this out, your concern is understandable. coz some batches of 12kW do have the issue of 2 times of restart. but we would say most of the sold LXP-12K's LCD and inverter can be remotely updated. So I would say, you may pls share the SN code for a quick confirmation for this matter.
Hello friends here,
All inverters with serial numbers starting from 2472 in the 8-12K range can have their DSP and M3 programs upgraded without issues, and their display screens can be upgraded remotely. However, for inverters with serial numbers prior to 2472 in the 8-12K range, upgrading the DSP and M3 programs will reset the historical power generation data, and the LCD cannot be upgraded remotely.
Special thanks to @Not Aerosmith and @GRV0423
If any users wanted support to finish the upgrades, DM me here or email:
Thank you all!
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I may have missed it here, But is there any compelling reason to upgrade my firmware if I'm not AC coupling and everything is working fine? The smart call is to leave everything alone, But that's rarely how I roll.
Hey Eddy, how can you say that? “All LXP 8-12kW models become available for American users from May-2023”?!

Are you sure your signature information is correct?

Didn’t Lux Power receive the judicial decision on April 25th(Tuesday) from the Ningbo Court: the lawsuit between Huayu and Lux Power is extended another 3 months?

It means at least until July of 2023, you guys will never know if you can sell 12kW in Northern America or not!

Lux Power cannot violate our agreement like this over and over again especially before the final judgment from the court. All your existing customers will be embarrassed in case you guys lose in the court in July!
Are you sure about that Lawsuit?

I know that one of Sol-Arks dealers "Iron Edison" is already selling their Inverters.
Iron Edison Luxpower 12K
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I may have missed it here, But is there any compelling reason to upgrade my firmware if I'm not AC coupling and everything is working fine? The smart call is to leave everything alone, But that's rarely how I roll.
yes if your not having any issues or don’t need the ac couple features then theres no reason to update…
So, I really didn't want to go off the topic, sorry about that adamantium, Will Prowse, and all guys following this thread.

However, I can't ignore the repeated attempts to smear our company, and we must also respect our users and current partners. As we have already made a statement before, I will make a brief statement here again:
1) Lawsuit?
Yes. There is a legal dispute between Huayu new energy and Lux Power.

2) The current status of this legal dispute?
Still under judgment at the court in China, no result yet.

3) What does Huayu want from this legal dispute?
To extend the exclusivity of selling Lux Power inverters (the version for the US market).

4) What does Lux Power want from this legal dispute?
To end all cooperation with Huayu.

5) Are we confident that we can keep selling our own products in the US?
As an independent company owning all the IP we worked out by ourselves, we have the right to choose who we want to partner with. Even if there's a price to pay to end the agreement with someone, we will respect the law by paying the price. The dignity and independence of a company are priceless, and no company would tolerate these things being violated by others.

6) Is any individual or company involved in the firmware/hardware development of Luxpower products?
6.1) If anybody from any company says otherwise, please provide the proof. We keep zero tolerance for this, and if there is conclusive evidence that any distributor or OEM distributor has violated this, we will not hesitate to terminate the cooperation no matter how big the business opportunity they have brought or will bring to us.
6.2) Some distributors may propose innovations or customization at the application or interface level and hope to be protected for a certain period of time. We will do so based on the agreement agreed upon by both parties.
6.3) We believe that any distributor should win customers based on their business reputation and service quality, rather than deceiving consumers by exaggerating or changing concepts to undermine the efforts of our own team and engage in unfair competition with other distribution partners.

7) Closing remarks.
We hope that our primary core value will always be centered around our users, with "better products + services" as our first priority. Therefore, I do not want to state who is right or wrong here, the fact will always be told by time, and the judge at the court will make the final decision. If it is proven that we made a mistake by signing an unfair agreement that harms our company, we are willing to pay for our mistake. However, our goals and how we respect the hardworking Lux Power team will not change.
I don't want to make any further statements on this matter unless there are further developments. To respect the "transparency" with our partners, when there is a result regarding this matter, no matter how it goes, we will disclose it immediately.

Thank you so much for all your help and attention to Lux Power!
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In such a case a transfer switch would be handy: direct from grid <-> output from inverter(s) feeding your main panel
I believe this is my best option with having solar in a separate pole barn 125 feet from our meter and main panel in our house.
Hey @Eddie_Lux

I'm a distributor/installer in Canada.

I brought in a couple 12k us breaker version, from your sales manager Elix, and I've been testing them in off grid.

I've noticed a couple small things that could be improved on,

1st one is when there is sudden load applied (eg deep well pump starts) the voltage drop seems to be quite noticeable. And the lights almost go out.
I'm used to seeing a quick flicker when I had my old lvx6048 invert. Which was only 6000w,

But now with you 12k the lights dim quite significantly more when a load is applied.

2. It seems that the inverter overloads right at 12k and will not go over 12k event for a split second.

My question is can this be fixed/improved apon with a software update. Or is it just the limitations of the inverter?

Other than that it seems to have alot going for it. I like the low standby power consumption of around 50w

The high pv ocv is great,

The 200amp internal transfer switch is impressive.

Also the gen peek shaving is a great function for those with a smaller gen.

And many more great functions.

I would really like to see those two areas improved on as they can be make or break for my offgid clients.

Please advise.
Hi @Eddie_Lux,

After multiple attempts to get the firmware remotely updated, did send FAAB-0D0D with instructions (attached below) for doing the update myself, but did include the link to the program used to perform the update. My 12k inverter S/N is 2352028138. Can you please verify that 0D0D is the correct update and tell me how I can go about getting the "remote update" program?

Hi @Eddie_Lux,

After multiple attempts to get the firmware remotely updated, did send FAAB-0D0D with instructions (attached below) for doing the update myself, but did include the link to the program used to perform the update. My 12k inverter S/N is 2352028138. Can you please verify that 0D0D is the correct update and tell me how I can go about getting the "remote update" program?

View attachment 147186
I believe 0D0D is the latest update thats what i have now…
If your account is a distributor or installer then you can remotely update your own inverter but if you are a end user then, you have to ask lux do it for you or your distributor remotely.
Also when doing a update you must have a good signal to your inverter dongle…
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