diy solar

diy solar

New solar project... 3 MEGAWATT Hours a month.


Solar Wizard
Dec 24, 2022
I just started a project to do solar on one of my other houses. My mother lives in this one and I just called up a snapshot of the power bill to see what I'm dealing with.....

God help me.

moms pwr bill.jpg

Best I can tell is the central air unit has run non stop since march. They set the temperature to 66 degrees and then closed all of the vents off that go to where the thermostat is located. So it stayed 75 in there. This is what it looks like when your central air never cuts off... ever.

I'm hoping it will come down some otherwise solar is going to be tricky on this one.
MOM, we gotta talk..............
This is going to be fun. I messed up and told her I set the thermostat to at 75. I figured at least set to that it would turn off some till I get all of the vents back opened and furniture moved from in front of them too. She of course called me today claiming she was burning up since I told her that the night before. I go over there and the temp in the house is exactly the same as it was the night before. All in her head. I lied and said I set it back to where it was. She's happy now. Didn't change anything :)
Oh wait I forgot the pillow covering the vent in the living room where she stays mostly. I asked her why the vent was covered. She said she got cold so she had someone cover it for her. I'm like why not turn the thermostat up ? She's like "How would that help?"........

I went back home.
Sounds like a situation I had once in a school.

The vice principal had a space heater in her office .... which was also right under the thermostat that controlled the entire office area. Everyone was freezing except the vice principal .... when I tried to tell her that the reason for the problem was her space heater, she got angry and refused to do anything about it.
I finally had to tell the principal that her vice principal's space heater was the reason it was so cold in her office.
Put a mini split in the room she spends the most time in. Watch 100kWh/day drop to 50kWh/day lol.
Put a mini split in the room she spends the most time in. Watch 100kWh/day drop to 50kWh/day lol.
I'm pondering that but if the central air heat pump is used correctly I think it will drop to 50kwh without me having to buy anything. I at least want to test the theory first. I use mini splits to cool my main house so I'm all for them but that house has a brand new central air heatpump (well its 2 years old or something like that) so I want to at least try it.
Ive ordered a new emporia v3 unit which I will replace my main houses v2 with and I'll move the v2 over to the house my moms in and at that point I will know EXACTLY where the power is going from then on.
I would highly suggest taking steps to lower the power consumption first. You may not need to provide this much power if there were a way to lower the amount of power needed for cooling. Invest in better insulation? More efficient cooling system?
I would highly suggest taking steps to lower the power consumption first. You may not need to provide this much power if there were a way to lower the amount of power needed for cooling. Invest in better insulation? More efficient cooling system?
The cooling system has no issues cooling the house. They had blocked all of the vents where the thermostat is located. It wasn't allowed to cool the room the thermostat was in. They set the thermostat to 66 but it was 74 in the room since the vents were closed off and blocked. The rest of the house was between 59 and 62 actual temperature :)

This is a very bad case of user error so far.
Oh lord, my bad! I seriously had thought you were trying to find a solution to the problem.... I'm an idiot!
I have nearly identical usage, and based on rates for my area, that comes to $508.01 per month. Just a few changes would save so much.
Alabama's kwh cost I think it pretty low compared to other areas. I don't know exactly what it is but I have seen references to people stating its cheaper here :)
Pretty common that people lack understanding of how heating and cooling work. They assume if they turn up (or down) the thermostat that it will make it work quicker to reach a warmer or cooler space and do not know that the unit outputs what it outputs until the temperature setting is reached. Thus they are constantly adjusting the thermostat instead of picking a temperature and being done with it.

On top of this is the bodies ability to heat or cool itself so that at times we feel warmer or cooler at the same ambient temperature.

Your Mother Crowz has likely adapted overtime to be comfortable at a very cool indoor temperature and will resist any changes. I would suggest getting the thermostat moved into the area she uses most. At least than she has the setting and thermometer to look at and it should act to modify what she puts up with.
Pretty common that people lack understanding of how heating and cooling work. They assume if they turn up (or down) the thermostat that it will make it work quicker to reach a warmer or cooler space and do not know that the unit outputs what it outputs until the temperature setting is reached. Thus they are constantly adjusting the thermostat instead of picking a temperature and being done with it.

On top of this is the bodies ability to heat or cool itself so that at times we feel warmer or cooler at the same ambient temperature.

Your Mother Crowz has likely adapted overtime to be comfortable at a very cool indoor temperature and will resist any changes. I would suggest getting the thermostat moved into the area she uses most. At least than she has the setting and thermometer to look at and it should act to modify what she puts up with.
I'm not changing the temperature in the room she is in I'm trying to get the ac to cut off. She can have it as cold as she wants.

Its been running wide open since late february from what I can tell. When she got cold she had people put pillows over the vents in the room she stays in instead of adjusting the thermostat. Its crazy. She's bed ridden for the most part (hospital bed setup in the livingroom) so the caregivers I hired adjust the thing for her and they are as old as she is and have no concept of how it all works.

Here's a list of what I'm dealing with.

Dining room = thermostat (set to 66) = 75 degrees or more in room from vent issue
Someone closed off all of the vents into the room so no cool air is getting to the thermostat so it never cuts off.

Livingroom = 64 degrees to 66 degrees depending on pillow vent blocking

Bedroom 1 = 80 degrees (all vents closed)

Bedroom 2 = 50 to 52 degrees (all vents opened)
No one ever enters this room. Complete waste of cooling.

Kitchen = 65 to 68 degrees (1/2 vents closed)

Bathroom1 = 49 degrees (vents open and door closed all the time)

Bathroom2 = 90 degrees (vents closed and door closed)

Laundry room = 70 degrees (no vents but gets airflow from kitchen)

Basically its a comedy of errors.

I've got some of the vents adjusted but my mother had my son take the vent covers off in a some areas and put duct tape across the hole in the wall for the vent and then put the vent register back since the vents were "stuck" when she tried to get him to close them. It was their idea of a "fix". So Ive got to remove the tape which means removing the vent covers which I didn't have time the other night to do. I will be tackling this over the next few days.
So, one thing about forced air cooling. The system is sized for the house. You can get away with closing off about 10% of the vents and be fine. Say 1 room. If you close off much more than that the back pressure on the fan makes it work harder. More closed or blocked means more work means more energy to run.

Just like a very dirty filter on it or those super tight hepa filters the energy required goes up. If using a tight hepa filter it take a 4 inch filter to make pushing air as easy as a 1" regular filter.

A lot of people don't realize that and they close off all rooms but one and the bill goes up.

Same problem with return air vent size, if it is to small when installed it will cause higher power usage.
Check out the Ecobee thermostat with room sensors. Costs a bit but thermostat can monitor other rooms and pay more attention to the ones that are occupied. At night you can force it to only pay attention to the occupied bedroom(s).

diy solar

diy solar