diy solar

diy solar

New Tricks for Old Dogs: A thread to post in when you find a better way to do something


You put these around areas to self extinguish in case of fire. Lots of youtube videos of them blowing up and putting out fires
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You put these around areas to self extinguish in case of fire. Lots of youtube videos of them blowing up and putting out fires
View attachment 40249

There are similar fire suppressant devices that can be deployed in vehicles, like under the hood. BigTruckBigRV did a review that can be found here:

However, I think he subsequently removed all the devices after he experienced premature deployment. I can't find the follow-on video.

Data logging directly to GoogleDocs​

In an unrelated project, I wanted to get a trendline from some remote sensor data 24x7. So I googled to see what others were doing and was blown away to see that you could setup a GoogleDocs spreadsheet as a web URL and have it act as a data logger repository. From there it's easy peasy to plot the data in a graph. Here's the link that got me going, it's about data logging for SmartThings sensors, but the first part about setting up GoogleDocs should be enough to get someone familiar with JSON going. If you google around you can probably find a better set of instructions.
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Cheap EndoScope​

You've probably read about this one in trying to fix my washer tank or Builder's mark threads, but this thing has been incredibly useful everytime I can't quite see what's going on. I even used it to spy on a wall interior to avoid missing pipes/wires with a sawzall. The other day in the kayak, I started thinking I might be able to use it as an underwater camera... too much lightning today to try... but soon. ?
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USB Microscope​

Saw one of those inexpensive ($30) USB Microscopes with 1600x resolution and thought, what! Turns out they're measuring resoltion differently, here's a video that explains it.

That guy also has another video reviewing them, and the one he found the most useful was the $9 one that clipped over the cell phone lens.

That said, they are fairly inexpensive and can be useful for the right things (e.g., more toys!)
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USB Microscope​

Saw one of those inexpensive ($30) USB Microscopes with 1600x resolution and thought, what! Turns out they're measuring resoltion differently, here's a video that explains it.

That guy also has another video reviewing them, and the one he found the most useful was the $9 one that clipped over the cell phone lens.

That said, they are fairly inexpensive and can be useful for the right things (e.g., more toys!)
I have one of the usb microscopes and despite the fact that are cheap and incomparable with the real things... I never had a "real thing" at reach. I grew up with paper manuals at school that had a few printed images of what you would see with a microscope.
I am happy this 30 bucks microscope exists for it will actually enhance the learning experience for young generations.

I like taking pictures of smallish animals or bugs that try to eat my plants. (I want to see them big so I can swear to them more clearly)


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Roughly Measuring Power Quality

This is a cool trick to get an idea as to how much harmonic distortion you have.
You know how in AC Vpeak = VRMS x √2? Turns out that's true for a perfect
sinewave. So, if your multimeter can read peak as well as RMS voltage, you can
use the formula to see how far off true your system is (ref).

diy solar

diy solar