diy solar

diy solar

Not connected to grid, solar through house circuit possible?

Can the 6000xp pull from the grid when solar is inadequate? What happens to those circuits when you didn't get enough sun?

The Delta Pro ULTRA has a smart panel that can accommodate 12 circuits. The grid becomes a backup power source when there isn't enough sun for those circuits. It prioritizes the solar panels first, the battery second and the grid is there as a fall back.

The DP-Ultra also does not back feed into the grid. It's "grid assisted" not "grid tied".

BTW - we're currently installing a full off grid eg4 system where I work. No grid available. It's 48v with 38 kW of their batteries and 7.2 kW panels. Can add photos in a couple of weeks
Yes, it can be set to go into a bypass mode if the demand is more than solar can provide, it is limited to 3000w per 120v phase, anything over that and it bypasses to the grid, and the bypass can handle 50 amps, and as you add more units it will increase the max it can handle, I think, still learning...

I'll have a look at the Delta, thanks, will be cool to see what's being installed at your work.

diy solar

diy solar