diy solar

diy solar

Now that it's daylight savings I'll make less kWh.

The fact we have daylight savings is evidence of how stupid politicians are.
Might as well just shut the whole system down until November... Sigh...
Just grates on me every time I think about.

I will be making power later in the day but it won't make up for what I lost at noon. ;)
I vote for making this fall the last time for DST change. @OzSolar can get his hour of production back, and then we'll never have to see these complaint threads again.
I'm sure I'll find something else to complain about. It will probably be the staggering number of people who refuse to use kW for power and kWh for energy.
Well, we can chat about what we call the time the sun shines, and how we relate regular working hours to that, but I can assure any that are not already in on the joke, no matter what we label the hours of the day, they are what they are, and unchanged by our titles.
BTW in Dairy country, the cows are no fans of DST either, and just produce milk to their own schedule regardless.
We may have already lost one hour of our lives forever if this bill passes Congress.

”The US Senate has passed a bill allowing permanent Daylight Saving Time (DST) in all US states.”

And with this, as how Ozsolar just astutely observed, Solar ROI just got longer!
Bullshipping* aside, I live in a country that has such an absurd time zone that we have the equivalent of DST (and a half) in winter, and are two (and a half) hours behind in summer. Which just means that most businesses open at 9 AM and most people dine at 10 PM.
And a lot of people still complain when autumn comes and it get dark earlier in the evening.

*Bullshipping: the well-known Italian practice of senselessly shipping bulls from one end of the country to the other, mainly to get agricultural subsidies.
Analog reset
What is this daylight savings thing of which you all speak? Oh, I live in Arizona, that's why - one of the two enlightened states where we don't do such silly things. :⁠-⁠)
You know, winter/summer timezone changes do have some advantages.
And the fact that they still use them despite so many people whining and whinging about them seems to indicate so.
If you had a choice of an hour of sunlight at 5:00AM to 6:00AM each day, OR shift that same hour to be from 9:00PM to 10:00PM
then you start to see the merit of the shift. I mean I like being an early riser, but even I got limits! For the average person the later daylight is nice for evenings with family after work.
Then again having worked in a place that had two months a year of NO daylight, and six months later 24-hour daylight, the DST didn't serve any purpose at all, LOL, (in fact working in 24-hour light is damn confusing to a body I might add).
Let's not forget the people who are fully off grid and can barely make it through the night as it was. Now with DST it's another hour before they see the sun in the morning.

diy solar

diy solar