diy solar

diy solar

Off Grid Cabin Go 12DC and 120AC or all 120AC

Is there any chance that you'd be able to connect to the grid at some time in the future?
If so, that would tip the balance in favour of more 120AC wiring.

Otherwise, best to maximize DC to avoid 2-way conversion losses (DC to AC and back to DC)
Is there any chance that you'd be able to connect to the grid at some time in the future?
If so, that would tip the balance in favour of more 120AC wiring.

Otherwise, best to maximize DC to avoid 2-way conversion losses (DC to AC and back to DC)
No way that we will be able to connect to the grid. We are a least 7-8 miles from the grid. The only service that we have access to is propane delivery, which is not cheap. We like to keep the fridge running May until October, which does not use that much but it would be nice to not have that cost.
Propane is good for cooking and space heating too.
We cook with propane (Stove and Grill) and we have backup propane lights. To be honest the propane lights don't get used much. This cabin has been in the family for over 70 years. When I was a kid we used the propane lights a lot more, but battery powered USB chargeable lights have really replaced that need for lighting when the Genset is not running. We have more wood than I can burn so heating is not an issue.