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Off grid people ill-prepared

Do you have 100% vaccination or not?

Looks like mandatory to me.

Coercion and lockdown unless you take vaccination is forced..
wow imagine that

meanwhile in Canada

  1. News
  2. Canada

"FIRST READING: The evidence against Trudeau's claim he didn't 'force' vaccination​

Canada imposed some of the world's strictest vaccine mandates, and maintained them long after they'd ceased making any sense
Author of the article:
Tristin Hopper
Published May 01, 2023""
I think he might as well be communist

Probably worse part he locked ppl's bank accounts down for protesting.


Canada Examines Its Covid Protest Crackdown​

‘I am absolutely, absolutely serene and confident that I made the right choice,’ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau testifies.​

Michael Taube
Nov. 30, 2022 6:30 pm ET""

I am not vaccinated, but I know a lot of people that are.
The official figures seem to vary a lot, I don't think anyone really knows how may people have taken what.

I am very fortunate in being retired. Many people were told get vaccinated or lose your job, so many people complied.
But the choice was still there to look for another job, work from home, or start up a business.
There was definitely huge pressure applied, but nobody was physically FORCED to take that crap.

Some groups like Jews and Freemasons simply went to a Jewish or Masonic doctor and received a vaccine card.
They were officially listed as vaccinated but never were.
""John Tierney

Lockdowns: the Self-Inflicted Disaster​

Governments’ use of the pandemic to claim sweeping new emergency powers has had destructive effects.

That was certainly the case during the pandemic, as politicians went on budget-busting binges that showered money on special interests and pet projects that had nothing to do with Covid. To reward teachers’ unions for their support, politicians kept schools closed long after it was obvious that they could be safely reopened. The inflationary effects of the spending have slowed the economic recovery from the pandemic, and the school closures have set children back so far that many will never catch up. One estimate suggests that the average American student will earn 6 percent less over the course of a lifetime because of learning loss during the pandemic.

Predictably, the officials responsible for the damage are ignoring these consequences and seeking even more power in the future. CDC officials are planning to be more aggressive in the next pandemic, and the World Health Organization wants countries to sign a new pandemic treaty giving the WHO the authority of international law to order lockdowns and other measures.

If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic and earlier disasters, we ought to be doing precisely the opposite by enacting new limits on government power during emergencies. Americans need what Swedes have enjoyed: legal protection against autocrats posing as saviors."""

Every time we give them an inch they will take a mile. Australia was listed as a British prison colony like the USA. I served in the US military and had assignment alongside, Australian Military. They were good soldiers.
The covid vaccines here and most western world was “ Emergency Use Authorization” which meant they had not withstood the test for all aspects of safety. Ppl were tricked by being told the FDA or CDC authorized them as approved. They were EUA. Anyone that took them is the lab rat and you are on your own… can’t sue anyone. They will say you made the choice then smug say “your decision.“

everyone knows they forced ppl or lose jobs.
I am absolutely right about the vaccinations and camps for the unvaxxed there
No, you are not.

No one was forced to vaccinate and no one was held for not being vaccinated. Please stop sprouting nonsensical rubbish. If you do not wish to operate within the realm of reality, then no discussion can be in good faith.

Do you have 100% vaccination or not?
No, Australia does not have 100% vaccination.

Australia however has historically always had very high voluntary rates of vaccinations against all sort of diseases. Measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, polio, influenza. Covid is no different.

100% vaccination is never possible because not every person can be vaccinated. Babies for instance or those with known adverse reactions or who have some pre-existing health issues or pregnancy. What is desirable however is reaching sufficient level of vaccination for herd immunity to protect the vulnerable who otherwise are unable to be vaccinated.
Many people were told get vaccinated or lose your job, so many people complied.
There was no government forced vaccinations.

Workers in some sectors (e.g. health care, aged care and in general where there were those most vulnerable to the disease) were requested by their employers to be vaccinated but exemptions still applied. These were just application of regular work, health and safety obligations and failure to do so would have been little different to allowing a drunk person to operate machinery. Same principle applies to influenza vaccine for aged care facilities.

As to the law and discrimination, this is well covered by the Human Right Commission:

I don’t live there but watched so many videos from there it made me glad that I did not move to Australia.

I knew not to move to Canada due to the Trudeau Dynasty.

You guys have become to compliant. ?

Did you guys know there was rioting there or least ways it was broadcast and shown all over twitter
There was no government forced vaccinations.

Workers in some sectors (e.g. health care, aged care and in general where there were those most vulnerable to the disease) were requested by their employers to be vaccinated but exemptions still applied. These were just application of regular work, health and safety obligations and failure to do so would have been little different to allowing a drunk person to operate machinery. Same principle applies to influenza vaccine for aged care facilities.

As to the law and discrimination, this is well covered by the Human Right Commission:
There was no government forced vaccinations.

Workers in some sectors (e.g. health care, aged care and in general where there were those most vulnerable to the disease) were requested by their employers to be vaccinated but exemptions still applied. These were just application of regular work, health and safety obligations and failure to do so would have been little different to allowing a drunk person to operate machinery. Same principle applies to influenza vaccine for aged care facilities.

As to the law and discrimination, this is well covered by the Human Right Commission:
What time is it there?
Yet there is a complete absence of any credible evidence for the fanciful claims being made. "I watched a lot of videos" doesn't pass muster.
The videos were on twitter being streamed …. Why would your countrymen and news ppl lie? Just to make their videos and get views?
The videos were on twitter being streamed …. Why would you countrymen and news ppl lie? Just to make their videos and get views?
I'm not calling anyone anything.

All I ask is for those making extraordinary claims to provide credible evidence of such. None has been forthcoming despite days having passed.

The last bit of "evidence" posted was a silly chat video and a BBC news story about a quarantine centre which occurred before Covid vaccines even existed.

Before this devolves into yet another example of Brandolini's law in action, I'll just wait until something credible is available. It's pointless otherwise.
I'm not calling anyone anything.

All I ask is for those making extraordinary claims to provide credible evidence of such. None has been forthcoming despite days having passed.

The last bit of "evidence" posted was a silly chat video and a BBC news story about a quarantine centre which occurred before Covid vaccines even existed.

Before this devolves into yet another example of Brandolini's law in action, I'll just wait until something credible is available. It's pointless otherwise.
This whole chit chat sub forum should be called Brandolini's Law Forum.

Thank you by the way.. Never heard of Brandolini's Law until your post.
Here in Melbourne, we had the largest demonstrations since the anti Vietnam war days, and there was zero police presence, except to block off traffic for public safety. The police were 100% on the side of the public.

The difference here, is that the men with guns (the police) came out solidly on the side of the public once they realized the truth.
There was certainly some confusion and panic at the start, but it all ended very well indeed.
We are very proud of our police !

Believe what you want. But I was right there in that crowd, and that is exactly how it was.
Yet there is a complete absence of any credible evidence for the fanciful claims being made. "I watched a lot of videos" doesn't pass muster.
What do you call being fired from your livelihood and not being able to travel or go to the grocery store?

That is forced vaccination or death.
We could travel, but not very far. We could go to the supermarket, bank, or gas station any time we wanted.
Visit nearby friends too, but large groups of people were forbidden.

Sure you could get fired from your job, it was exactly the same as in the US.
That is why you now have many fewer airline pilots among other things.
People in the US military did not get a choice either.
It was pretty much the same as here, and gun ownership made zero difference.
What do you call being fired from your livelihood
I call it a bad decision to work for someone else in the first place.

If you behave like the sheepole, you get treated like sheepole. Sheepole go to work, and they beg someone to give them a job and a paycheck so that they don't personally have to carry any responsibility and so they can minimize their personal risk. This behavior comes at the cost of giving up one's personal choices..

When the boss tells the peasants to jump, they jump, or they don't work there anymore.

and not being able to travel or go to the grocery store?
That's interesting.. I didn't have any problems traveling or going to the grocery store. In fact, I went all kinds of places and did all sorts of stuff BECAUSE the roads were so clear.. Damn, that was amazing.. I went all the way through to the other side of Detroit and I might have seen 50 cars on the road the entire 150 mile trip..

That is forced vaccination or death.
Hey, you anti-vaxxers are a dying breed!

You had a choice, you just didn't like it. Your choices, and everyone's choices, are the result of your life's path and will continue to be the result of your path forward. Perhaps you might want to consider a different path if you don't like your choices?
We could travel, but not very far. We could go to the supermarket, bank, or gas station any time we wanted.
Visit nearby friends too, but large groups of people were forbidden.

Sure you could get fired from your job, it was exactly the same as in the US.
That is why you now have many fewer airline pilots among other things.
People in the US military did not get a choice either.
It was pretty much the same as here, and gun ownership made zero difference.
Gun ownership made all the difference.
There wasn’t any Covid camps because they knew what would happen.

The purpose for the military was to drive out the conservatives few left in so there was zero possibility of a coup
They couldn’t even get anyone to go in after that.
They decimated the military with that nonsense and I don’t know if it ever recovered.

A lot of people quit rather than be forced to vaccinate.
Now all those people that got fired during covid are filing class action suits and winning.

One of these days your government is going to do something drastic you dont agree with and they will push it out anyway because they know you have no way to stop it..

Covid camps were just a warm up to see how many resisted.

Digital Currency is next up on the list.
Wrong think. All kinds of good stuff coming.
Nobody was ever forced to take the vax.
Persuaded, but never forced.
Strict travel limits were imposed as well as lockdown restrictions.
The only people arrested and locked up were violent demonstrators, and those that were found not obeying the quarantine restrictions.

If an American cop tells you to do something, and you attack or abuse him/her, what is the likely outcome of that ?
Same thing happens here, you will end up being cuffed and locked up.
Persuaded through threats of a happy little “quarantine” camp? Persuaded through threats of not being allowed to travel, not being allowed to leave your home? The following sounds really voluntary and extremely “persuasive”. Why are you ignoring it? Are you saying it didn’t happen? Do you consider the choices of incarceration or taking the vaccine to be a reasonable choice in a free democracy?

Police said the trio scaled a fence to break out of the facility.
Officers found them after a manhunt on Wednesday. All had tested negative to Covid the day before.
Officials did not state whether the escapees were returning travellers or locals in quarantine.

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