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diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Every President sense there were rules have kept documents. And if you believe otherwise you are a complete..............
Trump himself signed the bill into law.

The issue I have is when it is shoved so to speak "in my face"
Grow a pair already snowflake.

Heck with that you want to be ruled by others by removing choice.
Why would I want to be "ruled by others"? In society we make certain agreements, some you probably agree with, some you probably don't. But it would be stupid to drive on the right hand side of the road when the rule of the country is to drive on the left.

I agree that you are a socialist.
Single payer health care doesn't remove choice, it actually increases the choice.

You go ahead and believe the narrative that they want you to see.

A fine example of a deep state bureaucrat is Anthony Fauci who's vision helped to release a pandemic on to this world.
Present evidence that will hold up in a court of law. Until then it is as valid as the claim that Trump rape a 13 year old.
Trump himself signed the bill into law.

Grow a pair already snowflake.

Why would I want to be "ruled by others"? In society we make certain agreements, some you probably agree with, some you probably don't. But it would be stupid to drive on the right hand side of the road when the rule of the country is to drive on the left.

Single payer health care doesn't remove choice, it actually increases the choice.

Present evidence that will hold up in a court of law. Until then it is as valid as the claim that Trump rape a 13 year old.
liar and a fraud.... hmmm
I don't have to. You did it for me.
Trump signed legislation 2018 that extended section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, part of which included a change to 18 U.S. Code §1924, increasing the penalty for "unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material" from one to five years. Upgrading the seriousness of mishandling classified material from a misdemeanor to a felony.
Trump signed legislation 2018 that extended section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, part of which included a change to 18 U.S. Code §1924, increasing the penalty for "unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material" from one to five years. Upgrading the seriousness of mishandling classified material from a misdemeanor to a felony.
What about the presidential records act?
What about the presidential records act?
In 1978, Congress passed the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which states that any records created or received by the President as part of his constitutional, statutory, or ceremonial duties are the property of the United States government and will be managed by NARA at the end of the administration.
You are way to partisan, pretend that it was Obama who took the classified papers home, showed them to journalists. Would you want Obama to go to prison? You guys had a fit when Clinton stored documents on a private server and have been shouting lock her up at the top of your lungs...

Probably not, a normal person just wants to earn enough in order to raise their families in peace and moderate comfort. Why there are people on the left and right that want to force others to conform with their limited outlook on life is the most puzzling of all.

I have been accused of being a socialist and capitalist. I am for things like single payer health care because it has better outcomes and is cheaper.

Nonsense, you guys are so far to the right that the overwhelming majority of the house of representatives, including the majority of democrats denounced socialism recently.

You should spend some time reading up on this "deep state" nonsense. Learn how governments work, what keeps the country functioning regardless of the party that happens to be in charge, how and why dictators become corrupt. Ignore all the partisan bullshit.
Leo socialism is a stepping stone to communism. The USA in 1950’s had to have McCarthyism to stop the communist from taking over the USA. They were rooted in the USA in early 1900’s. Started and Spread from NY to Hollywood. Why NY and Hollywood are still messed up to this day. A man by the name of Jacob Schiff planned and financed the Communist take over of Russia from New York. Jacob Schiff was basically the older version of our modern, George Soros for his day. We know you admire Soros but he has used his wealth and power to destroy countries. He - Soros crashed the Bank of England for fun and profit. Soros has openly admitted he financed BLM and Antifa rioting. BLM OPENLY ADMITS COMMUNISM. The Communism always gets in cracks like freezing water and pushes them apart it exploits things like racism as a divider . Soros has openly admitted so many things like financing ppl pouring across the southern border. Those ppl coming across now are mostly military age men. George Soros needs the RICO Act. Supposedly George Soros has transferred his power to his son to whom seems worse.

Even if the USA converts to all out communism then ppl like Soros will still have the same power or even more which is no doubt his goal. The reason you are seeing mad rush to convert the USA is account Soros wants to see it before he dies at 93-94 years old. Can’t have much longer. No person lives forever

why do you ppl always want to destroy the USA with communism. You know that shit ALWAYS TURNS TO DICTATORSHIP.

We still have this Communist Control Act on the records

I’m waiting and watching to see for when all else fails - One of you crazy leftist just take Trump out. He has had numerous attempts and threats against his life.

If you can watch this video and still not understand a 2 tier system then you are nuts.

Tit for tat this is what it is about for double standards. What went on with Biden, obama, clintons (president and Secretary) and Bush presidents is never going to be pursued ….. they were before Trump. The American ppl were and are pissed off on both sides. Diplomacy is done. That is exactly why Trump got elected. I have no doubt Trump took shit - records for his own defense at a later date. The FBI leader J Edgar Hoover had files on everyone and the day he left this planet his secretary had a mass records burn and destroy field day. Ppl were afraid of J Edgar Hoover.

I have no doubt Trump like most idiots tried to control the swamp because ….. we all know he only added more creatures to it.
his appointments were a disappointment on purpose. Surely you have seen “professional fake wrestling” at least once in your life. I prefer not to watch 2 men basically roll around with nothing on but their under wear. ‘ppl chant ‘’Pile driver” Trump was knee deep in “fake wrestling.”

No one has done anything to all the criminal actions committed by the democrats. So it is in fact a 2 tier system.

‘In combat when the Military moves in we either take over or destroy all key control and command assets of that foreign adversary.”
The Democrats have captured the White House Captured the Senate….. have the CIA and FBI on their side.Had and basically still have the House with McCarthy. They Even captured the Military when Obama purged it. Obama was a busy fella doing all that plus purging the schools -colleges and updating the training indoctrination carried out in them.
He had 8 years. Saul Alinsky was Obama’s and Clinton's mentor.

Biden and his puppet masters have been purging even more. Biden is a known liar and that was proven with video evidence in 1987-1988 when he ran for President. Ppl always fail to study history. So it gets repeated over and over. Oh well. The ppl on the Left wanted it and the ppl on the Right bent over and are crying about their sore a holes. Hahaha
The fbi has been crooked for a long long time. Ppl never wanted to look. The ppl that say Trump woke them up on the right are liars. They just never wanted to look.

This FBI man was a straight up thug criminal that black mailed everyone with dirt he had on them. The FBI just recently turning dirty is horse shit

If you don’t learn history you will repeat it over and over. Our FBI have always been dirty. Don’t listen to the bs on it just turned that way.
Edit added:
Later in life and after his death, Hoover became a controversial figure as evidence of his secretive abuses of power began to surface. He was found to have routinely violated both the FBl's own policies and the very laws which the FBI was charged with enforcing, 2 to have used the FBI to harass and sabotage political dissidents, to amass secret files for blackmailing high-level politicians, 3] and to have collected evidence using illegal surveillance, wiretapping, and burglaries. *15] Hoover consequently amassed a great deal of power and was able to intimidate and threaten
political figures.”

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Well seems Rolling Stone are doing hit piece on RFK jr to help Biden. He is telling the truth.


Another but now RFK jr is being called a white - racist. Wow how did they miss vetting Joe Biden over his 50 year background? Bahaha Joe Biden has all kinds of easy digs…just look. Te left won’t look. Most of the far right won’t either. Ppl in the middle or closer to it might look. The Kennedy s have a habit of getting killed-murdered or in car wrecks, plane crashes and so on when the govt becomes displeased with them. He needs to hire his own body guards.

The Trump lawyers are being targeted by the U.S. Govt…. They - Trump lawyers do not want to be attacked by our govt. The Govt is violating Trump’s rights to legal counsel just like in the past. In the past Client Attorney privileges were violated by our govt when they raided his lawyers to get client attorney files. Seems our FBI should be called KGB. If govt raids and takes client attorney records from a representing lawyer then civil rights have been violated. Real simple. You have been denied legal representation and due process of the law.

A person that claims to be a social justice warrior such as Leo-( a foreigner) should be against excessive govt control and legal law advice restrictions - interference by the USA govt against an accused person. Any person including Trump has Rights. A charged person is suppose to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in the USA court but in last few years that has not been true. The main stream media jump straight to guilt and the Left parrots it before the trial. It is obvious and most times the RINOS POP OUT TOO..

When the Right does it the Left melts down.

if there was secret info as the charges state then the public, jury, lawyers, or judge will never be allowed to see it or defend it. = they have No secret clearances to view the govt evidences. Why such matters are handled by Military Tribunals if real … where the military judges and military lawyers have the military security clearances to view the evidences if it even exist. Ppl that have dealt with secret info know the general public will never be allowed to know the whole story so this Trumped up case is bs in a regular court of law. Only a moron would keep going on about it as if it will ever be a fair trial. It is flawed from the start. If it goes through then pandoras box is opened for democrats to be brought up on charges. The FBI has covered for democrats over and over. That is why house of representatives are having investigations. Transparency. Probably be nothing done. 20 Republicans allowed Schiff to keep his job They fined MTG under Pelosi - tit for tat was declared on her. Schiff wasted millions of dollars and way to much time on trumped up bs…. because of Schiff. No punishment. There are 2 standards. 2 tiers.

The Main Stream media went full leftist around year 2000. “ Hanging chad. “ The news media has always been govt and propaganda controlled. It is not new or recent change. Geeeezeeeee

One of the reasons a former President is given life time secret service protection is because of all the secrets they have been shown or given for exposure while in office. The secret service protects them for those reasons. Their brain is a secret document - filing system.
Except Joe Biden's brains as - it is a blank sheet of paper. We need Leo to sniff Joe Biden’s butt and then sniff ppl’s hand until we have a match for the puppet master. 1 suspect it is Obama as puppet master so go sniff his hand to see if it matches - Biden’s butt for a smell. Biden is an ass puppet.
There is no proof that Trump leaked anything. There is proof out that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. There is proof our govt, former govt security, and news media lied and covered for Biden to which an election was altered from that Conspiracy and synchronized deceit.

If Trump had been backed up by the truth known by FBI over Hunter Biden‘s laptop existence and investigated then Trump might been the president ….. the fbi caused the present situation by lying. They are guilty of insurrection. How’s that. Feel like someone stepped over your bs to spread truth again?


The motive and intent for revenge by govt intel services explained. MOTIVE solving crimes is really simple. State sponsored crimes and treasons.

So in your brain if you are successful you should be shunned. Sounds like someone that wants something for nothing.
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ok so you have pictures of boxes. Is anything in them What is is them. Just giving you the Right Deserved version of Hunter Biden’s laptop now that it has been revealed as real and was a cover up. Remember your cheeky monkey drool about “what’s on the laptop”. Hahaha what’s in the box - bitch?
Might be emergency toilet paper


"What do you say to the charge that if you are a climate change campaigner, but you also travel around the world on a private jet, you're a hypocrite?" Rajan bluntly asked Gates.

"Well, I buy the gold standard of funding Climeworks to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family's carbon footprint," Gates responded. "And I spend billions of dollars on on climate innovation. So you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?"

Does Bill Gates own a private jet?​

Simply answering "yes" would be an understatement.
According to the website Private Jet Charter, Bill Gates actually owns four private jets: Two Gulfstream G650ERs and two Bombardier Challenger 350s.
He also owns two other aircraft: A Eurocopter EC 135 helicopter and a Cessna 208 Seaplane.
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diy solar