diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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"What do you say to the charge that if you are a climate change campaigner, but you also travel around the world on a private jet, you're a hypocrite?" Rajan bluntly asked Gates.

"Well, I buy the gold standard of funding Climeworks to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family's carbon footprint," Gates responded. "And I spend billions of dollars on on climate innovation. So you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?"

Does Bill Gates own a private jet?​

Simply answering "yes" would be an understatement.
According to the website Private Jet Charter, Bill Gates actually owns four private jets: Two Gulfstream G650ERs and two Bombardier Challenger 350s.
He also owns two other aircraft: A Eurocopter EC 135 helicopter and a Cessna 208 Seaplane.
What are you trying to say?

"What do you say to the charge that if you are a climate change campaigner, but you also travel around the world on a private jet, you're a hypocrite?" Rajan bluntly asked Gates.

"Well, I buy the gold standard of funding Climeworks to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family's carbon footprint," Gates responded. "And I spend billions of dollars on on climate innovation. So you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?"

Does Bill Gates own a private jet?​

Simply answering "yes" would be an understatement.
According to the website Private Jet Charter, Bill Gates actually owns four private jets: Two Gulfstream G650ERs and two Bombardier Challenger 350s.
He also owns two other aircraft: A Eurocopter EC 135 helicopter and a Cessna 208 Seaplane.
Do You know who else like lots of aircraft? Jeffery Epstein a good friend of Bill Gates Jeffery Epstein was a suspected Mossad asset also good friends with Clintons. Since Bill Clinton committed perjury when testifying about sexual relations and lost the debate over “is” definition then we’ll see him and others in court soon. Pandoras box smells like fish.

Can’t you just hear Epstein, “ hey Bill - both Clinton and Gates jump on the private jets and fly to the island where we can have sex with under age girls.”

i wonder has Leo every been in a training accident with his dildo? May have knocked himself out with it. Think it is a 12” or bigger? I bet him and his partner have sword fights. ??
You have completely missed the point.
Any politician in DC could easily be imprisoned if you investigated and dogged them like they have Donald Trump and have a hostile media magnify every misstep.
If you apply every federal code literally to Trump in this case I suppose hes guilty on some of it.
However why wasnt the same diligence in upholding the law applied to Hillary? Joe Biden? Hunter Biden? And why the blind eye turned to the weaponization of the DOJ which since 2016 has been obvious with the revelation of Strzok and Pages texts?

This is the same DOJ that took Hillarys phony steele dossier and ran with it 3 years, and Trump didnt do anything they claimed he did.

We dont want to hear this nobody is above the law bullshit when every democrat has been above the law and is using the law against its political opponents because they cant possibly defend the abyssmal performance of Biden/Harris.

Outrageously we find now that the bogus first impeachment really was a matter of Bidens corruption, not Trumps.

Its way behind patronizing. We are tired of being told Trump is guilty of something democrats are doing x3.
You have completely missed the point.
Any politician in DC could easily be imprisoned if you investigated and dogged them like they have Donald Trump and have a hostile media magnify every misstep.
And yet they rarely are. Maybe you should stop electing criminals or ensure law enforcement does a better job?

If you apply every federal code literally to Trump in this case I suppose hes guilty on some of it.
Let the courts sort it out.

However why wasnt the same diligence in upholding the law applied to Hillary?
There were 10 investigations into Bengazi and nothing came from it. Her email server I don't know, seemed like a dumb thing to do even though she was cleared.

Joe Biden? Hunter Biden?
When there is evidence that will hold up in a court of law, I hope you will go after them.

And why the blind eye turned to the weaponization of the DOJ which since 2016 has been obvious with the revelation of Strzok and Pages texts?
There are people in every organization who will disagree with their bosses, Strzok was fired, no idea what happened to Page.

This is the same DOJ that took Hillarys phony steele dossier and ran with it 3 years, and Trump didnt do anything they claimed he did.
The Steele dossier was opposition research initiated by a republican client and later sold to the Clinton campaign. It did not start the investigation into Russian interference which was already ongoing. The Clinton campaign handed the information to the FBI as they should have when they suspected potential criminal activity. (I expect any reponsible politician on either side to do the same) Ultimately, Mueller's investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities"

We dont want to hear this nobody is above the law bullshit
It isn't bullshit, that is how just law is supposed to work.

when every democrat has been above the law
No one should be above the law.

and is using the law against its political opponents because they cant possibly defend the abyssmal performance of Biden/Harris.
Hey, I wouldn't have voted for Biden/Harris myself. (I might have voted against Trump because Trump just oozes hate and I don't care if a politician is left or right wing, hate is not what I would want for my fellow citizens)

Outrageously we find now that the bogus first impeachment really was a matter of Bidens corruption, not Trumps.
Present it in a court of law.

Its way behind patronizing. We are tired of being told Trump is guilty of something democrats are doing x3.
It doesn't matter who does it, bring them to court else it will only get worse.
I might have voted against Trump because Trump just oozes hate and I don't care if a politician is left or right wing, hate is not what I would want for my fellow citizens

I have to disagree with this in terms of "oozing hate". He says some pretty stupid and childish things and he seems to be getting worse, but it isn't hate.

That said, Biden and Harris say some pretty stupid things as well, and some of their more recent statements have taken dumb to an entirely new level.
And yet they rarely are. Maybe you should stop electing criminals or ensure law enforcement does a better job?

Let the courts sort it out.

There were 10 investigations into Bengazi and nothing came from it. Her email server I don't know, seemed like a dumb thing to do even though she was cleared.

When there is evidence that will hold up in a court of law, I hope you will go after them.

There are people in every organization who will disagree with their bosses, Strzok was fired, no idea what happened to Page.

The Steele dossier was opposition research initiated by a republican client and later sold to the Clinton campaign. It did not start the investigation into Russian interference which was already ongoing. The Clinton campaign handed the information to the FBI as they should have when they suspected potential criminal activity. (I expect any reponsible politician on either side to do the same) Ultimately, Mueller's investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities"

It isn't bullshit, that is how just law is supposed to work.

No one should be above the law.

Hey, I wouldn't have voted for Biden/Harris myself. (I might have voted against Trump because Trump just oozes hate and I don't care if a politician is left or right wing, hate is not what I would want for my fellow citizens)

Present it in a court of law.

It doesn't matter who does it, bring them to court else it will only get worse.
So much bullshit, still doesnt get the point.
The DOJ is the one that brings it to court and they have no desire to prosecute a democrat.
Dont pretend youre here for honest discussion.
As for Trump "oozing hate" only an idiot selects the leader of the free world because he only says nice things that dont hurt anyones feewings.
Most bosses we have can be dicks. Not unreasonable, but their decisions rarely seem to be in our best interests. Whatever they do, someones not gonna like it.
Funny thing about those companies, their paychecks never bounce.

Your comment about Hillarys server being only "stupid" is typical of the media coverup.

It was on a private server so she could hide her clinton foundation graft and corruption. Over half of clinton foundation donors had business on her desk.

When subpoena'd they destroyed the evidence.

She wasnt even president so no authority to declassify.

Your bias on this disqualifies you. As usual.
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I have to disagree with this in terms of "oozing hate". He says some pretty stupid and childish things and he seems to be getting worse, but it isn't hate.
It seems like hate to me. And the news media doesn't help.

That said, Biden and Harris say some pretty stupid things as well, and some of their more recent statements have taken dumb to an entirely new level.
Oh they do, I don't know why you guys pick such incompetent politicians. But they do make for good comedy...
Biden is in real trouble due to a FBI whistle blower claiming 5 million in pay out for policy changes during his vice presidency from Baresma (His son was on there board in Ukraine.) Expect noise from the left to obscure this investigation. (The FBI has being very uncooperative with this investigation)
It seems like hate to me. And the news media doesn't help.

Oh they do, I don't know why you guys pick such incompetent politicians. But they do make for good comedy...
So you do not like truth posted then.
So much bullshit, still doesnt get the point.
I do get your point, you want to say Trump should get away with what he did because democrats did (in your opinion) I am saying that I do not care if it is a democrat or a republican (or any one else) no one should get away with that and if the law is bad, it should never have been signed into law.

The DOJ is the one that brings it to court and they have no desire to prosecute a democrat.
The head of the DOJ is appointed by the president. Trump appointed Barr and even he said that Trump is toast.

Dont pretend youre here for honest discussion.
I am not pretending.

As for Trump "oozing hate" only an idiot selects the leader of the free world because he only says nice things that dont hurt anyones feewings.
I am all for free speech and I will call an idiot an idiot as you will have noticed. But at the same time, I will say happy holidays to atheist, merry Christmas to Christians, happy Hanuka to Jews, etc. I don't use racial slurs either.

Most bosses we have can be dicks. Not unreasonable, but their decisions rarely seem to be in our best interests. Whatever they do, someones not gonna like it.
Funny thing about those companies, their paychecks never bounce.

Your comment about Hillarys server being only "stupid" is typical of the media coverup.
I have worked in some situations where the official security is very strict and became unworkable so people in the organization bypassed it. It is stupid. If a rule/law is stupid and you want to see it changed, follow the rule to show it is unworkable. And I have been guilty of taking shortcuts myself.

It was on a private server so she could hide her clinton foundation graft and corruption. Over half of clinton foundation donors had business on her desk.
Oh man, here we go again with the unsupported allegations... If you have something that hold up in a court of law, present it to the courts. In the mean time it is as valid as the allegation that Trump raped a 13 year old.

When subpoena'd they destroyed the evidence.
During her tenure as United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. After a years-long FBI investigation, it was determined that Clinton's server did not contain any information or emails that were clearly marked classified. Federal agencies did, however, retrospectively determine that 100 emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.

On June 14, 2018, the Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General released its report on the FBI's and DOJ's handling of Clinton's investigation, finding no evidence of political bias and lending support for the decision to not prosecute Clinton. A three-year State Department investigation concluded in September 2019 that 38 individuals were "culpable" in 91 instances of sending classified information that reached Clinton's email account, though it found "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information"

She wasnt even president so no authority to declassify.
Did she declassify?

Your bias on this disqualifies you. As usual.
What bias?

I keep saying, prosecute any one who breaks the law.
Anyone remember these days.?

What is Trump grabbing?
So back in 2000 they loved Trump and Melania

Hillary Clinton has been a very evil person…. Her campaign group has started crap since early days She has harrassed women that accused Bill of sexual misconduct. Hillary’s campaign group began the birther shit about Obama, she lied about Benghazi because it was an illegal CIA station hiding behind banner of diplomats, she had top secret information on a personal computer system and the FBI let her slide, she - democrats paid for russian bs on Trump…..

if you want to see something ask the FBI to finally investigate - release the Laptop from Andy Weiner. Just like Hunter Biden Laptop is has been tucked away. Anthony Weiner went to prison. Weiner wife was Hillary Clinton’s hand maid lick lick lick

Personal life​

Wiener's wife Huma Abedinin 2010
Weiner is Jewish.[118][119] He is a lifelong fan of the New York Mets and New York Islanders.[120]
In 2009, he became engaged to Huma Abedin, a long-time personal aide to Hillary Clinton,[121] and they married in July 2010, with former president Bill Clinton officiating.[122] Abedin is a practicing Muslim of Indian and Pakistani descent.[123] In December 2011, Abedin gave birth to a son.[124]” wiki

‘’In September 2016, claims were published that Weiner had engaged in sexting with a 15-year-old girl from North Carolina, and devices owned by Weiner were seized as part of an investigation into this incident.[72][73] The report prompted a criminal investigation and Weiner's laptop was seized. Emails that were pertinent to the Hillary Clinton email controversy were discovered on the laptop; this prompted FBI Director James Comey to reopen that investigation eleven days before the 2016 US presidential election.[74] Hillary Clinton said Comey's decision was one of the reasons she lost the election to Donald Trump.“ wiki

Had Hunter Biden’s laptop not been lied about and all this announced about Biden before the election the by polls it is stating trump would have been a land slide. Instead they lied about Hunter Bidens laptop and they are still trying to cover and lie. …. For biden. Hillary had publicy stated biden should never concede the 2020 election but when Trump took her advice the World was pissed. 2 standards 2 tiers.

By being dishonest about Hunter’s laptop they controlled the 2020 election. The fact the House is having to threaten fbi over the unclassified documents about Biden in fbi possession is even worse. It is rotten to the core. Everyone can see it

Where did all the documents go that biden had in his garage?

So sadly if Biden is replaced that means Harris goes in as President so who would be the VP? You better worry.

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If you look at postures - Clinton had been screwing Melania… just what it looks like body language.
interesting link.

Snopes says unproven for Epstein introducing Melania and Trump.

Again the pictures from before wedding indicate clinton was laying pipe To Melania. Strange picture for someone that just got married - above look at body language. They are sex freaks.
Biden is a corrupt idiot an ass puppet. It is real simple to see. He has 50+ years as a lying corrupt politician. Video evidence over and over through out the years of Biden caught lying and corruption. Term limits is bs. Look at damage done by Biden up to this point just as president. Presidents have term limits
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diy solar

diy solar