diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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“Show me the man and I will show you the crime.”
Lavrentiy Beria, chief of the Soviet NKVD secret police under Joseph Stalin

This is the opposite of how our system of government is supposed to work ..... Everyone .... Well, everyone who values the rule of law .... whether you like Trump or not .... should fight against the constant attempts to FIND a crime.
I know right?

The "lock her up" crowd is surely upset that the bill that Trump signed into law (and knowingly broke) might send him to prison instead.
Well to be fair if that is the case Biden had hundreds of boxes that span from when he was a senator, should be indited along with Pence.
Trump is simply a witch hunt that has been going on sense before he was a president.
Well to be fair if that is the case Biden had hundreds of boxes that span from when he was a senator, should be indited along with Pence.
Clinton was investigated and cleared, Republicans and Trump amended the law to make it easier to go after people who mishandled secret documents. Biden and Pence both handed in the "boxes" voluntarily. Trump told reporters on two occasions that he should not have those secrets, nor was he allowed to show them, he did anyway. So Trump was well aware that what he was doing was illegal as he signed the law into effect.

Why any of them wanted to keep those documents is beyond me. I never left a job and took work related papers with me. (I dislike paperwork)

Trump is simply a witch hunt that has been going on sense before he was a president.
The people involved are Trump appointees, who according to Trump were supposed to be the best of the best and even Bill Barr said it is not a witch hunt.

As for me, I will wait and see what the courts decide. But I have plenty of popcorn, because this whole thing is typical Trump, self inflicted...
Clinton was investigated and cleared, Republicans and Trump amended the law to make it easier to go after people who mishandled secret documents. Biden and Pence both handed in the "boxes" voluntarily. Trump told reporters on two occasions that he should not have those secrets, nor was he allowed to show them, he did anyway. So Trump was well aware that what he was doing was illegal as he signed the law into effect.
You are really a sucker for the narrative.
Why any of them wanted to keep those documents is beyond me. I never left a job and took work related papers with me. (I dislike paperwork)
There may be reasons that you will never know.
The people involved are Trump appointees, who according to Trump were supposed to be the best of the best and even Bill Barr said it is not a witch hunt.
It is amazing what people will say when there lively hood is threatened.
As for me, I will wait and see what the courts decide. But I have plenty of popcorn, because this whole thing is typical Trump, self inflicted...
You go ahead. Cheer on the deep state. that's the socialist thing to do......
You are really a sucker for the narrative.
Not at all, I don't follow even follow much US news with the exception of maybe "foreign affairs".

There may be reasons that you will never know.
I am sure I will never know other people's reasons, I am sure they believe they are smart to keep them.

It is amazing what people will say when there lively hood is threatened.
Trump is facing prison time, it is amazing what people will say to stay out of prison.

You go ahead. Cheer on the deep state. that's the socialist thing to do......
Actually the deep state isn't the "socialist" thing. Socialism concerns itself with the well being of all citizens, like quality education, healthcare, infrastructure, justice, pensions, etc. You know, those things that private companies can not and should not be tasked with. If it were a socialist thing, it certainly wouldn't exist in the US where the majority of both parties condemned socialism.
Not at all, I don't follow even follow much US news with the exception of maybe "foreign affairs".
That is not a surprise given your answers on US politics.
I am sure I will never know other people's reasons, I am sure they believe they are smart to keep them.
Any you will never know.
Trump is facing prison time, it is amazing what people will say to stay out of prison.
Ya right perhaps in your leftest dreams.
Actually the deep state isn't the "socialist" thing. Socialism concerns itself with the well being of all citizens, like quality education, healthcare, infrastructure, justice, pensions, etc. You know, those things that private companies can not and should not be tasked with. If it were a socialist thing, it certainly wouldn't exist in the US where the majority of both parties condemned socialism.
It is who controls the deep state, Are you kidding me? Democrat leaders are CLEARLY Socialists. Perhaps it would be best that you deal with your countries politics.
Not at all, I don't follow even follow much US news with the exception of maybe "foreign affairs".

I am sure I will never know other people's reasons, I am sure they believe they are smart to keep them.

Trump is facing prison time, it is amazing what people will say to stay out of prison.

Actually the deep state isn't the "socialist" thing. Socialism concerns itself with the well being of all citizens, like quality education, healthcare, infrastructure, justice, pensions, etc. You know, those things that private companies can not and should not be tasked with. If it were a socialist thing, it certainly wouldn't exist in the US where the majority of both parties condemned socialism.
If ppl in the USA want socialism all they have to do is join our military.

rank structure
duty structures
set monies
same basic uniforms
on duty 24/7/365
told when sleep shit shower shave hair cut eat - some say it is like prison or indentured servant. Why they say vets do better in prison….system.
it - Military used to be most discriminating job in the World for requirements but went Lax. What I see now is Definitely Not the same military I was in.

When ppl get out of service if qualify get VA medical benefits just like socialized medicines have to jump through hoops and usually get substandard care…. At the govt leisure and evaluated appointments. Exactly Why: a vet when call VA to get appointment - the first ppl they suggest is Suicide Hotline. The fun is about to begin as they push ppl to that extreme edge of fighting with the VA system.

I think military service should be a requirement. ? DRAFT that arse. No exceptions whereas in the past elite children were spared or given select safe duties. Trump - Clintons( both) Bush and so on If elite want to get us in wars then their fucking children or them should be first out on the front lines. It would stop needless wars because most of them are cowards - bitches worse mf'ers ever shit between a pair of shoes for starting shit that will make them even more wealth . As it is they stay home count their war profits while us poor bury our dead and get a flag that was draped over the coffin. Would George Soros children be required fight on front lines? No.

I think women should be drafted too. Just like in Israel. Everyone in reserves until around 50 years old…. Everyone armed as such. I have been there in Israel - seen it and it works but there are exclusions even there with certain religions or parts of their population and such. ?

Israel had areas with Kibbutz…socialism - communist leanings. Why they played both sides in Cold War Era. Bernie Sanders lived in Kibbutz until they kicked him back to USA where became a politician.

Real National Socialism is always ruined like in Sweden. Shhhhsss Hitler’s Germany was National Socialism Why Trump is called a nazi despite jewish family members. Even Trump is reported as a jew Convert just like Nero was for Ancient Rome. Nero blamed the Christians as Rome burned.

Ppl would know these things if they look for them. You have the most powerful information device in the World - right in front of you. Ignorance is willful or inability to process information. Your choices. If they live in the vacuum of their own head then lights on but no one home. You have lights on. Out.
That is not a surprise given your answers on US politics.
You are way to partisan, pretend that it was Obama who took the classified papers home, showed them to journalists. Would you want Obama to go to prison? You guys had a fit when Clinton stored documents on a private server and have been shouting lock her up at the top of your lungs...

Any you will never know.
Probably not, a normal person just wants to earn enough in order to raise their families in peace and moderate comfort. Why there are people on the left and right that want to force others to conform with their limited outlook on life is the most puzzling of all.

Ya right perhaps in your leftest dreams.
I have been accused of being a socialist and capitalist. I am for things like single payer health care because it has better outcomes and is cheaper.

It is who controls the deep state, Are you kidding me? Democrat leaders are CLEARLY Socialists. Perhaps it would be best that you deal with your countries politics.
Nonsense, you guys are so far to the right that the overwhelming majority of the house of representatives, including the majority of democrats denounced socialism recently.

You should spend some time reading up on this "deep state" nonsense. Learn how governments work, what keeps the country functioning regardless of the party that happens to be in charge, how and why dictators become corrupt. Ignore all the partisan bullshit.
You are way to partisan, pretend that it was Obama who took the classified papers home, showed them to journalists. Would you want Obama to go to prison? You guys had a fit when Clinton stored documents on a private server and have been shouting lock her up at the top of your lungs...
Every President sense there were rules have kept documents. And if you believe otherwise you are a complete..............
Probably not, a normal person just wants to earn enough in order to raise their families in peace and moderate comfort. Why there are people on the left and right that want to force others to conform with their limited outlook on life is the most puzzling of all.
The issue I have is when it is shoved so to speak "in my face"
I have been accused of being a socialist and capitalist. I am for things like single payer health care because it has better outcomes and is cheaper.
Heck with that you want to be ruled by others by removing choice. I agree that you are a socialist.
Nonsense, you guys are so far to the right that the overwhelming majority of the house of representatives, including the majority of democrats denounced socialism recently.
You go ahead and believe the narrative that they want you to see.
You should spend some time reading up on this "deep state" nonsense. Learn how governments work, what keeps the country functioning regardless of the party that happens to be in charge, how and why dictators become corrupt. Ignore all the partisan bullshit.
A fine example of a deep state bureaucrat is Anthony Fauci who's vision helped to release a pandemic on to this world.
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diy solar

diy solar