diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Why are they hiding the Nashville murderer’s manifesto

Perhaps because it would further the goals of the mass murderer. If these types were treated by the media and law enforcement as they should be - as the sick and demented cowards they are - maybe there would be less inclination for others to commit similar atrocities against people who had nothing to do with their perceived victimhood.

They want fame. They want the crying relatives on TV. They want to publicize their excuses for their actions.

Stop giving this scum what they want.
Perhaps because it would further the goals of the mass murderer. If these types were treated by the media and law enforcement as they should be - as the sick and demented cowards they are - maybe there would be less inclination for others to commit similar atrocities against people who had nothing to do with their perceived victimhood.

They want fame. They want the crying relatives on TV. They want to publicize their excuses for their actions.

Stop giving this scum what they want.
The deal:
You as well as I know the Govt Agenda is to get the Guns and make citizens into subjects. Most ppl are already compliant subjects as you know. Look at covid vaccine and mask mandates - ppl jumped into car and rode with Trump and Biden policies. No one likes to admit they were fooled especially ppl like Leo. Some ppl are also into the game for supposed rewards most like Leo. He doesn’t have gun rights in his country so he needs to stay there. Do you want foreigners pushing our govt policies? He would not like us pulling our military protection and money out of his country. Ask him.

The Govt and private industry such as Budweiser immediately reward transgenders after the shooting in Nashville…. Vs Mourning the dead.
The CEO of Budweiser was former CIA nothing else matters about him to me - no trust in him or govt. the promotion of tranny and their beer is obvious. You don’t promote criminals. So agree with you…. But. In this case it is govt- news and private corporations promoting criminals. They have been doing it since 1980’s. Would ppl be upset if gun maker made a commemorative killer model. Yes the son of sam pistol by charter arms caused an out rage. Even gun enthusiast didn’t like it. Son of sam link.

The shooter in Kentucky Bank was probably transgender a few suspicions given by news but the Govt won’t confirm. If you notice queer and in particular transgenders are being put on full public display as victims by govt media and private corporations. If you haven’t noticed since George Floyd riots in 2020 the criminals in Govt protect the leftist criminals or anyone that promotes and forwards their agenda of complete control. There is no decency left…. Only degeneracy on display from all sides. The govt is hiding the Nashville manifesto to no doubt hide an obvious pattern for a very small percentage of populations agenda to commit murder and get weapons. If ppl notice transgender patterns are in fact murdering kids then the crack down will be on them just as it should be. Leo acts like others doing crime…cancels it or ppl don’t see them. That is not true and anyone hurting kids should be profiled. white supremacy is highly publicized every chance news govt-media get. Even more so if Christians yet pay attention if a black - minority committed a crime it is swept under the rug so it is not equality. It is obvious protectionism of and for an agenda…….. Whites are noticing the slants. Do you not see it?
There is also the fact TN passed law banning transgender being around underaged children and child genital surgeries. So was the recent shootings in Nashville and similar laws in KY a result of both shootings?

again our govt is promoting them. The news shows over and over what mother said “about Kentucky bank killer being good boy.“

The govt is using the Nashville murderers killings of children - christians to try build bigger case against guns. It is not the guns it is the ppl behind them and their advocates the govt. The govt has lost so much trust will never recover now. Major change is all that can restore it.

why did 6 Jan 2021 go down without the most heavily armed political group in the World using weapons. What the govt is doing is sending messages that should registers Black Officer Byrd at Capitol shot and killed white woman Ashili Babbit. Filmed for whole World to watch timed and filmed. We know what happened after George Floyd a career criminal was filmed and timed for murder changed from crimal passing counterfeit money to Politicians taking a knee to him and BLM-Antifa. Btw blm antifa are same as violent tranny movements.

Right now the govt is playing out a 1 sided operation much like it has always done.

why aren’t radical groups of the Left ever hunted down and murdered then shown over and over on tv? Is the Govt afraid it might become a trend? When we start seeing large groups of leftist politicians and world elite murdered then we can relax and look to buy the Son of Sam commemorative type models from gun makers. ?? Did you know David Berkowitz was a jew? He was caught because the police profiled his car -ticketed it for illegal parking - had a jewish sticker in a catholic neighborhood. He - David Berkowitz - son of sam has since converted to being a christian in prison. If police had not used profiling and finally listened to eye witness then Berkowitz might never have been caught. Why was a jew murdering catholics in NY? Rut ro… now we went a hit on actions by another minority around 3% population. The jews hate the spot light.

Police sorta acted on Red Flag and got rid of a school teacher in Florida that threatened shoot children Those kind of ppl need locked up until mentally checked and weapons removed with protective order.
So there is positive govt action.
Leo will no doubt run in and spam this post now. Profiling is a good thing and works most of the time if applied properly. Our govt needs to stop showing bias and allow - require all news to openly be reported. Show the agenda - manifesto to see the targets and motivating factors. Just like hunter biden laptop should not have been denied then the lies exposed. No lies should have been told. But they were. The govt and sponsored news media is breeding mis-trust for the public.

Ask why these mass murderers never attack large groups of prominent democrats-politicians. You will find they are the ones normally behind promoting it to take up guns because of a criminal carrying out criminal actions. Almost every gun law in place is because of criminals being criminals and obvious no regard for Laws. No amount of laws will stop them… proven over and over. Mass shooters head to schools aka gun free zones like a programmed magnet - target set every time ….. repeatedly do so as stated by Nashville killer “going after easiest target” as a motive and former school. STRANGE BUT HAPPENED AFTER TN PASSED LAWS AGAINST TRANSGENDER not being allowed around under age children AND CHILD GENITAL SURGERIES not being allowed. Just a coincidence?
Has Leo ever made an initial OP on or about anthing?
Not that I have seen .... he just lurks around till he sees something that tics him off because it's too close to the truth and posts some fact checker nonsense.
It doesn't seem he has ever had an original thought.
He's not on the forum to provide information or an interesting perspective .... he is here to disrupt .... he has already admitted that.
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Not that I have seen .... he just lurks around till he sees something that tics him off because it's too close to the truth and posts some fact checker nonsense.
It doesn't seem he has ever had an original thought.
He's not on the forum to provide information or an interesting perspective .... he is here to disrupt .... he has already admitted that.

I just say a story about a kid who was stabbed after calling someone and NPC ..... looked it up .... Leo seems like and NPC

NPC (/ɛnpisi/; each letter separately; also known as the NPC Wojak), derived from non-player character, is an internet meme that represents people who do not think for themselves or do not make their own decisions;
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In the closing address at last month’s Summit for Democracy, Secretary of State Antony Blinken piously proclaimed, “As President Biden has said, democracy doesn’t happen by accident.

“It requires constant effort.”
Or in the case of the 2020 election, it required deceiving American voters.
The House Judiciary Committee revealed that Blinken, then a top Biden adviser, orchestrated the letter from 51 top intelligence officials claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was nothing but a Russian disinformation campaign.
Biden pretended that letter arose spontaneously from the patriotic sentiments of former officials.
But the letter was “triggered” by Blinken’s call to Morell, who then contacted his former colleagues.
Blinken’s ploy may have swayed Biden to appoint him secretary of state. MSNBC would be howling about the death of democracy, and CNN hosts would be sobbing hysterically about the dirty deal.""

""GOP lawmakers ask Blinken for information on 2020 public letter from ex-intel officials casting doubt on Hunter Biden laptop story

By Kylie Atwood, Annie Grayer and Clare Foran, CNN
Updated 4:15 PM EDT, Fri April 21, 2023

WashingtonCNN —
The Republican chairs of the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees sent a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday asking for information related to the crafting of a public letter signed weeks before the 2020 presidential election by dozens of former intelligence officials, who said they saw signs the Hunter Biden laptop story could be Russian disinformation.

In October 2020, 51 former intelligence officials signed on to a public letter that stated that the appearance of the Hunter Biden laptop story on the political scene had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” Though the former officials acknowledged in their public letter that they did “not have evidence of Russian involvement,” Republicans have argued that the letter helped discredit the laptop story just before the election. s
House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner wrote to Blinken, who was out of government and an adviser to Biden’s presidential campaign at the time the intelligence letter was written, that their panels had “recently conducted a transcribed interview with Michael Morell,” a former deputy director for the CIA and one of the former intelligence officials who signed the public letter.

The committee chairs write: “Morell testified that on or around October 17, 2020, you [Blinken] reached out to him to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop story. At the time you served as a senior advisor to the Biden campaign. According to Morell, although your outreach was couched as simply gathering Morell’s reaction to the [New York] Post story, it set in motion the events that led to the issuance of the public statement.”

Morell testified before the committees that he had a phone call with Blinken about the Hunter Biden laptop story in the New York Post, and they discussed possible Russian involvement in the spreading of information related to Hunter Biden, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Jordan and Turner wrote that Blinken’s call with Morell “set in motion” events that led to the letter, but Blinken never tasked Morell with writing such a letter, he told the committee, the source said.

Democrats on the committee also pushed back on Republicans’ statements about Morell’s interview.

“Jim Jordan has released cherry-picked excerpts of a transcribed interview,” a Democratic Judiciary committee spokesman said in a statement. “To be clear, no part of that interview demonstrates that Tony Blinken or any other Biden campaign official asked Mike Morell to write a letter about Hunter Biden’s laptop.”
Democrats on the panel released a different portion of Morell’s transcript in an attempt to discredit House Judiciary Republicans’ claims.

Asked if Blinken directed him to write a letter or statement on this topic, the transcript reads that Morell responded, “my memory is that he did not, right. My memory is that he asked what I thought.”

Following the conversation with Blinken, Morell had conversations with other former intelligence community officials, which is what led to the letter, the source said. He then circled back to the Biden campaign to let them know that the letter efforts were underway, the source said.

Before the letter was even published, social media companies were already moving to limit sharing of the story and Trump administration officials had said – in multiple places – that Russia was interfering in the election to denigrate Biden, the source pointed out.

Jordan and Turner are requesting that Blinken hand over documents and communications regarding the drafting of the public letter from the former intelligence officials by May 4.

Morell declined to comment on the matter.

Asked about the letter from the GOP lawmakers, State Department principal deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said, “It is not a State Department issue.”

“I don’t really have a comment on this from the State Department,” he said at a daily press briefing Friday.

In a tweet responding to the GOP letter, White House spokesman for oversight and investigations Ian Sams said, “Think about this: instead of working with President Biden on solutions to real problems Americans care about – like lowering costs or tackling gun violence – House Republicans keep weaponizing their power to re-litigate the 2020 election in a wacky strategy to get on Fox News.”

The letter to Blinken states that “Morell also explained that the Biden campaign helped to strategize about the public release of the statement” and that “Morell further explained that one of his two goals in releasing the statement was to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election.”

Once the letter was in motion, the campaign did ask for it to be shared with The Washington Post first, Morell explained to the committee, according to the source.

Another signatory of the letter who testified before the committees told CNN that they did not know about any role that Blinken had played with regard to the letter. The person described the letter drafting effort as one conducted by private citizens in support of the former vice president.

Other signatories made similar remarks in their testimony to the committees.

“The only person who signed the letter and was known to be in contact with the Biden campaign was Michael Morell. It is true that when the draft was sent out to people to sign, the cover email made clear that it was an effort to help the Biden campaign. The overwhelming majority of people who signed the letter were apolitical career intelligence officials whose intent was to make it known that the Russians appeared to be using this issue, among many others, to influence the 2020 US election,” said attorney Mark Zaid, who is representing more than half a dozen signatories of the letter.

During questioning, the committees asked if the signatories had violated any secrecy agreement or contacted current members of the intelligence community. The person who testified, and spoke with CNN, explained that there was no connection to the current intelligence community and that the letter was based on professional experience designed to warn the American people about what the Russians might be up to. The letter was reviewed by the CIA publication review board, which is required for the public writings of all former intelligence officials.

Jordan and Turner acknowledged in their letter to Blinken that the signatories on the letter “have an unquestioned right to free speech and free association – which we do not dispute” but added that “their reference to their national security credentials lent weight to the story and suggested access to specialized information unavailable to other Americans.”

“None of the content was based on classified information and it was submitted for CIA prepublication review, as required by their authors’ secrecy agreements, to ensure the document did not contain classified information. They don’t weigh in on the accuracy or content of the letter,” Zaid said, which he emphasized was made clear to the committees.

CNN’s Jennifer Hansler, Arlette Saenz and Mary Kay Mallonee contributed to this report.""
""Blinken then allegedly emailed Morell an article published by USA Today reporting that the FBI was investigating whether the Hunter laptop story was part of a possible Russian “disinformation campaign.”

Morell then reached out to retired CIA Senior Operations Officer Marc Polymeropoulos to help him compile a letter discrediting the Post’s story connecting then-candidate Biden to Ukraine, at which point Morell gathered a total of 51 signatures from intelligence officials.

The letter, published by Politico on October 19, alleged that the story published by the Post days earlier had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” ""

“"their reference to their national security credentials lent weight to the story and suggested access to specialized information unavailable to other Americans.”"

In the psychiatric world it would be called psychobabble. "a set of repetitive verbal formalities that kills off the very spontaneity, candour, and understanding it pretends to promote. It’s an idiom that reduces psychological insight to a collection of standardized observations that provides a frozen lexicon to deal with an infinite variety of problems."
In the psychiatric world it would be called psychobabble. "a set of repetitive verbal formalities that kills off the very spontaneity, candour, and understanding it pretends to promote. It’s an idiom that reduces psychological insight to a collection of standardized observations that provides a frozen lexicon to deal with an infinite variety of problems."
Of course. :unsure:?

Not that I have seen
I have, about technical issues.

.... he just lurks around till he sees something that tics him off because it's too close to the truth and posts some fact checker nonsense.
Lol, you are contradicting yourself. It can't be too close to the truth and failed the fat checkers...

It doesn't seem he has ever had an original thought.
With Billions of people in the world, it would be rare to have a thought no one else has considered.

He's not on the forum to provide information
False, I post links to science papers or reputable news sources to back up my assertions.

or an interesting perspective
Well, you might not find it interesting, but then again conspiracy nutters are not interested in facts. (which is why they hate fact checkers)

.... he is here to disrupt .... he has already admitted that.
Absolutely, disrupting nutcases who are proposing to hang people for the crime of providing live saving vaccines deserve to be ridiculed.

Wow, I listened to Trumps Video deposition at the trial and I have to wonder why his lawyers even allowed him to talk. It certainly did not help his case to double down on his previous statement and state that a man who is famous like him can grab a Woman by the P.
This is a rape case and half of the jury are probably Women. As a male juror I would find it really awkward to argue in his favor even if I believed him to be innocent.

I am no Fan of Trump but this whole 20 or 30 year old event stories with women coming out and accusing men of raping them is kind of insane. I cannot even remember the faces of half of the women I met 30 years ago, much less their names.
If a woman claimed I raped her 30 years ago I would say no way, I do not even remember meeting her.
Then she pulls out a picture of me next to her and I would look like a liar.
It would be all down hill from there trying to prove I am innocent.
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diy solar

diy solar