diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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LOL was that an April 1st article?
The sad part about the satire is that it is VERY close to the truth.

Just a few days ago .... in spite of illegal border crossings being at record high levels .... The white house press secretary claimed that illegal immigration was down by 90% .... and no, she didn't do this presentation on April 1st either.
You can tell by the way here eyelids flutter while talking that she is really dreading the lie she is about to tell.

The sad part about the satire is that it is VERY close to the truth.

Just a few days ago .... in spite of illegal border crossings being at record high levels .... The white house press secretary claimed that illegal immigration was down by 90% .... and no, she didn't do this presentation on April 1st either.
You can tell by the way here eyelids flutter while talking that she is really dreading the lie she is about to tell.

Ya well her eyelids flutter ALL the time her lips are moving so......... Apparently she looks up to her crime boss on how to codify the corrupt media. One word in there that is NOT used (unless it fits there narrative) is ........wait for it.......... Honesty. Sad really.
Ya well her eyelids flutter ALL the time her lips are moving so......... Apparently she looks up to her crime boss on how to codify the corrupt media. One word in there that is NOT used (unless it fits there narrative) is ........wait for it.......... Honesty. Sad really.

They get a kick out of lying and then making others waste time proving them wrong. They love doing it.
Just a few days ago .... in spite of illegal border crossings being at record high levels .... The white house press secretary claimed that illegal immigration was down by 90% .... and no, she didn't do this presentation on April 1st either.
You can tell by the way here eyelids flutter while talking that she is really dreading the lie she is about to tell.

Took me less than a minute to debunk your claim and I am not even an American. Why don't you fact check claims before repeating them, it makes you look gullible...

you are being suckered by a highly manipulative administration. She outright lied to the people. Currently the administration has released scores of illegal aliens with out any tracking/court dates into the USA. It is YOU that's gullible. Since Biden's been in office there have been 6.4 million illegal aliens allowed into the USA. (This does not include "got ways") There are a estimated 60 thousand currently at the border at just one port of entry( as reported by CBS this morning) but you go ahead and believe the lies.......
Took me less than a minute to debunk your claim and I am not even an American. Why don't you fact check claims before repeating them, it makes you look gullible...

you are being suckered by a highly manipulative administration. She outright lied to the people. Currently the administration has released scores of illegal aliens with out any tracking/court dates into the USA. It is YOU that's gullible. Since Biden's been in office there have been 6.4 million illegal aliens allowed into the USA. (This does not include "got ways") There are a estimated 60 thousand currently at the border at just one port of entry( as reported by CBS this morning) but you go ahead and believe the lies.......
I don't know about you, I have crossed many international borders and crossing the border into the US has been mostly a very unpleasant experience. Even Eastern block borders have generally been less bad. I can't imagine what it is like crossing from Mexico into the US.

At one place they were busy discussing the previous night's sports match, ignoring every one who was waiting, so I rang the bell for service... They all jumped as if a gunshot went off, some even reaching for their guns... I thought it was quite funny... I got the full inspection treatment, mirrors, dogs, half a dozen angry border guards rifling through my things... I should consider myself lucky that they didn't plant anything on me...

But do you support Biden's proposal on immigration reform? To me it seems like a pathway for legal migration as well as making it harder to migrate illegally? Or do you oppose all migration, or migration from certain countries only?
I don't know about you, I have crossed many international borders and crossing the border into the US has been mostly a very unpleasant experience. Even Eastern block borders have generally been less bad. I can't imagine what it is like crossing from Mexico into the US.
Not since Biden gained control. However if your a citizen its a pain. Why is that?
At one place they were busy discussing the previous night's sports match, ignoring every one who was waiting, so I rang the bell for service... They all jumped as if a gunshot went off, some even reaching for their guns... I thought it was quite funny... I got the full inspection treatment, mirrors, dogs, half a dozen angry border guards rifling through my things... I should consider myself lucky that they didn't plant anything on me...
And your point?
But do you support Biden's proposal on immigration reform?
No I do not at all.
To me it seems like a pathway for legal migration as well as making it harder to migrate illegally? Or do you oppose all migration, or migration from certain countries only?
We have laws in place for legal immigration. ( And I'm OK with them) There being ignored be the people in charge and worse yet 1/2 the country does not know that there being lied to.
Not since Biden gained control. However if your a citizen its a pain. Why is that?
I am not a US citizen, if you look back you will notice that Bush increased the number of border patrols, as did Obama, under Trump they were reduced somewhat.

And your point?
I could simply have walked out and driven on, no one would have noticed me, discussing sport results on the tax payer dime while they are supposed to be working, is wrong right? Petty and vindictiveness is not something you'd expect from people who are supposed to uphold the law, right? Jumping at certain sounds is something I would expect from people living in a war zone, not something I expected at a border crossing.

No I do not at all.
Why not? it would make it more difficult for repeat attempts to cross into the US illegally, while making sponsoring family members, like Melania's parents, a little easier.

We have laws in place for legal immigration. ( And I'm OK with them)There being ignored be the people in charge and worse yet 1/2 the country does not know that there being lied to.
Well, you really need to look further because if they were being ignored, there would be no arrests made at the border and people like me wouldn't even be checked at the port of entry.
How did they keep the Obama and Larry Sinclair scandal buried. I never heard or seen this before.

Does Obama need to be sued for defaming Larry Sinclair like happened to Trump? Fair is fair. How did this fly under the Obama radar where the Left claims no scandals happened to Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama. Why the name change?

Obama“s grand dad in Kenya never seen or met a white man until around 1895. About 30 years after the American Civil War where slavery among other things was fought. To listen some - white ppl were running around kidnapping blacks into slavery left and right. Truth was blacks sold other blacks into slavery. Congo still has slavery. In video Obama talks about racism that he firmly injected into the UsA even more so as president. Listen to his words. Obama even talks about “pussy.” Obama describes himself as the racist. Most likely why Obama liked Byrd the kkk congressman in his democratic party. None of the things Obama talked about inner cities was ever done as he specifically mentions Chicago. Matter of fact they are far worse now. Thanks Obama.
If you have time: “Obama discusses his book "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance," which at the time had just been released a few months previously.” He was a destructor. Obama politicized the abc of the govt agencies such as the FBI.
Imagine being mad at your black father but blaming the white ppl - other side of your family that support you.

Who helped radicalize Obama = Saul Alinsky. Another white man. The same guy - Alinsky was an influence over Obama and Clinton as a mentor.

GO Listen to Clinton, Obama, and Biden at the Byrd funeral….if you can handle the wake up. Look up the videos.

I think Obama is gay. I believe Larry Sinclair was honest in his story of being with Obama. I think Obama is a liar and racist shit stirrer.

When Obama is talking about sexism in Africa - this is most likely what he is complaining about in picture below. Muslims do not allow queerness. No doubt Obama felt uncomfortable.

Again I believe, Larry Sinclair. He said “swallowed a load from Barry aka Barack while the receiver aka great deceiver was smoking pipe full of crack” watch video for reference. How did they hide Larry Sinclair scandal? He was never exposed on msm. Maybe I just missed it. Gay radar was done.

Trudeau is one of these ppl. This is exactly what he did. He is Globalist scum just like both of his parents. I doubt they were duly elected and if they were then Canada is in far worse shape then I originally believed.

I also doubt Biden was duly elected.

I think we have witnessed a selection process for years.

If this is true and they were being taken to Martha’s Vineyard then that is the most racist place on the planet. The Obama live at the exclusive place known as Martha’s Vineyard. Definitely racist living there. So he will get life in prison.… if true. Have to wait and see.

As has been stated about, criminal activities of Biden “innocent until proven guilty.” Ever notice how that only works 1 way.???

if Trump is taken out and DeSantis is taken out that just about leaves Pence.
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diy solar

diy solar