diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Leo is a communist and admires Marx and Lenin …..” you’ve just never seen real communism” is always the line from communist.

Financed by american jew Jacob Schiff which was George Soros type for his day. Schiff had worked for Rothschild Family just like Soros. Educate yourselves.
Congress is taking the Month of August off. They have worked themselves way to hard. Poor politicians. They will come back in September.

in mean time this has repeated what told ppl from moment Biden was announced.
they needed to make it past the 2 year mark. Then when he steps down whomever goes in can do it for 10 years.
The conversion is over.

oh well
Congress is taking the Month of August off. They have worked themselves way to hard. Poor politicians. They will come back in September.

in mean time this has repeated what told ppl from moment Biden was announced.
View attachment 159878
they needed to make it past the 2 year mark. Then when he steps down whomever goes in can do it for 10 years.
The conversion is over.

oh well
That wouldn't surprise me at all .... seems like they are willing to do anything that prevents evidence from being presented.

Like your obsession with sex crimes criminals?
My obsession, if that is what you want to call it is to show that there are plenty of laws available to deal with those crimes and that there is no need to pick on any group because of their sexuality, religion, profession, or whatever. Surely you agree?
My obsession, if that is what you want to call it is to show that there are plenty of laws available to deal with those crimes and that there is no need to pick on any group because of their sexuality, religion, profession, or whatever. Surely you agree?
" idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
plural noun: obsessions"

How many memes have you posted around the same subject? Many hundreds? More? Then if that is not enough you justify it with a lame "cover story"?
" idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind.
plural noun: obsessions"

How many memes have you posted around the same subject? Many hundreds? More? Then if that is not enough you justify it with a lame "cover story"?
Most are not even meme's, most are just screenshots of current news items posted by some one on twitter and my "obsession", as you call it, is with liberty, as in the freedom to be yourself. (I draw the line at some one abusing that freedom to violently impose his/her sick values on others)

I have been consistently saying that. If you disagree, show me where I said that we should make cops or religions illegal...
Most are not even meme's, most are just screenshots of current news items posted by some one on twitter and my "obsession", as you call it, is with liberty, as in the freedom to be yourself. (I draw the line at some one abusing that freedom to violently impose his/her sick values on others)

I have been consistently saying that.
This is a story YOU MADE!
If you disagree, show me where I said that we should make cops or religions illegal...
Once again justifying your obsession.............
Not at all, some idiot implied that transgender should be made illegal because a transgender woman shot up a school.
What does that have to do with posting child molester's? Your all over the map. ADHD perhaps is showing. Your OCD sure is.
"Obsessed" as you call it, with personal freedom...
So it is OK in your mind to cost Will ( Who pays for the storage if this site ) Over one person's frustration over killing kids in school?
What does that have to do with posting child molester's? Your all over the map. ADHD perhaps is showing. Your OCD sure is.
The reason they are all over the map is because child molestation is not limited to one group.

So it is OK in your mind to cost Will ( Who pays for the storage if this site ) Over one person's frustration over killing kids in school?
It is not, but Will allows him posting the hateful message and I am pushing back. Why aren't you?
The reason they are all over the map is because child molestation is not limited to one group.
That is not what it looks like when you post.
It is not, but Will allows him posting the hateful message and I am pushing back. Why aren't you?
It's simple really. They call it free speech. You seem to be the poster child for the weaponized woke crap. ( My way or the highway attitude )
That is not what it looks like when you post.

It's simple really. They call it free speech. You seem to be the poster child for the weaponized woke crap. ( My way or the highway attitude )
Apparently, you have never dealt with a trained communist. :) Him and Murphy are more then likely trained communist in china. Why they use to respond to post broken down in sentences - makes using translator easier. Also why they miss the contest of total post. Write messed up to them..... messes with their translators :)
That is not what it looks like when you post.
You are not reading for comprehension, I have limited the posts to only a couple of groups because they have a history of hiding their evil behaviour behind their religion or because they are charged with enforcing the laws they make.
It's simple really. They call it free speech. You seem to be the poster child for the weaponized woke crap. ( My way or the highway attitude )
Again, you are not paying attention, they don't get to pick on minorities without push-back. The suicide rate among trans youth is extremely high, there is nothing wrong with parents loving and accepting them for who they are, there is no sane reason to marginalize them. Do you really think it is a good idea to tell women who look like men to use the female bathroom? To tell people what they can and can't wear. To tell people which consenting adults they can and can't love?

Seriously think it through, stand up to the bullies instead of appeasing them...
Chef found dead supposed drown…. Look at that hand and face.
Source… usually police would look at that…. In most cases. ….. but…… that bruise next to eye might been from Michelle’s pecker. Is obama’s leg bruised too? ?
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diy solar

diy solar