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diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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So a UFO landed in my backyard last night and five little grey aliens came out and told me the world will end in 2050. (PLEASE: Show me the evidence that my story is false)

Are you sitting down for an hour every night and watching MSNBC news.
Why not, are you vilifying the source and ignoring the content?

So what, who cares? This is the oldest scheme in the history of Politics, there is no president or leader has not been involved with it. When your in a position of power people offer your adult children and close relatives all sorts of deals in order to curry favor with you. Don Jr was busy making sure that every diplomat that came to Washington stayed at a Trump Hotel. Jarred was busy doing billions of dollars worth of Business with the Saudis and Israel. Ivanka was Busy doing deals with Chinese Government. So why would I care what Hunter Biden was doing?

Was that Biden or was that the Ukraine Govt getting rid of a thorn in their side?
Nobody knows and nobody cares!
How many people has Trump fired for doing their Job?

You guys are really wasting your time. I am a Independent Voter and even I have zero interest in what Hunter Biden did or if he used his dads connections.
The Ammo you guys are slinging is so insignificant compared to the Bathroom full of Classified Documents that Trump was hiding. You guys don't even mention the tapes they have of Trump telling people to add votes and change the election results or the fact that he actually requested that people show up and overthrow the elected government.

Jesus could you imagine if you guys could even dig up a small Tape of Joe Biden manipulating the election instead of prattling on about the exploits of a Junky called Hunter.
You might want to get a few professional to check your solar setup… I can hardly believe you did it yourself.
So a UFO landed in my backyard last night and five little grey aliens came out and told me the world will end in 2050. (PLEASE: Show me the evidence that my story is false)

Are you sitting down for an hour every night and watching MSNBC news.
Why not, are you vilifying the source and ignoring the content?

So what, who cares? This is the oldest scheme in the history of Politics, there is no president or leader has not been involved with it. When your in a position of power people offer your adult children and close relatives all sorts of deals in order to curry favor with you. Don Jr was busy making sure that every diplomat that came to Washington stayed at a Trump Hotel. Jarred was busy doing billions of dollars worth of Business with the Saudis and Israel. Ivanka was Busy doing deals with Chinese Government. So why would I care what Hunter Biden was doing?

Was that Biden or was that the Ukraine Govt getting rid of a thorn in their side?
Nobody knows and nobody cares!
How many people has Trump fired for doing their Job?

You guys are really wasting your time. I am a Independent Voter and even I have zero interest in what Hunter Biden did or if he used his dads connections.
The Ammo you guys are slinging is so insignificant compared to the Bathroom full of Classified Documents that Trump was hiding. You guys don't even mention the tapes they have of Trump telling people to add votes and change the election results or the fact that he actually requested that people show up and overthrow the elected government.

Jesus could you imagine if you guys could even dig up a small Tape of Joe Biden manipulating the election instead of prattling on about the exploits of a Junky called Hunter.
Apparently you have never had a security clearance and have no understanding of what it means to have a president of the US who is compromised.

The classified documents Biden had at his China town office .. maintained by Chinese people .... were from the time he was senator ... a senator cannot legally leave a room with a classified document.

The documents in Joe's garage behind his Corvette were from the time he was Vice President .... a Vice President does not have the ability to declassify a document ... a president does.

You should educate yourself on this subject before further embarrassing yourself.
Did you ever wonder just why Obama would not endorse him until he received the nomination?
Because that is standard practice from as long as I can remember, which goes back to Nixon.
The current president does not endorse a candidate until they win the nomination.
To endorse him before the nomination is a slap at the other candidates and can backfire if one of them wins.
He has so many other people on the take around him that are covering for him.

I think he weathers it fine and gets re-elected in 2024 on nothing more than the abortion issue and the fact that more than 50% of the population hates Trump.
That could very well be true with all the people too lazy to try to understand the gravity of the situation .... We have a president who is totally owned by the worst elements of several countries because the have they proof.
Because that is standard practice from as long as I can remember, which goes back to Nixon.
The current president does not endorse a candidate until they win the nomination.
To endorse him before the nomination is a slap at the other candidates and can backfire if one of them wins.
But ... Obama was the one who said .... don't under estimate Joe's ability to F things up.

This is not a Biden presidency ... his is mentally crippled and so many people have dirt on him that he is pretty much told what to do.
Apparently you have never had a security clearance and have no understanding of what it means to have a president of the US who is compromised.

The classified documents Biden had at his China town office .. maintained by Chinese people .... were from the time he was senator ... a senator cannot legally leave a room with a classified document.

The documents in Joe's garage behind his Corvette were from the time he was Vice President .... a Vice President does not have the ability to declassify a document ... a president does.

You should educate yourself on this subject before further embarrassing yourself.
It is very clear that you have never had security clearance.
The president can only declassify a document by requesting it through the agency that holds the document ie all those that are in charge of that document eg. the FBI, CIA etc.
It must then be read word by word by that agency and checked to see the relevance of any name, location or action mentioned in the document could be detrimental if leaked to the public.

A Black sharpy is used to strike out any information that the holders of the document deem as a risk to national security or assets to the country. This is why declassified documents have loads of blacked out areas on them. This is a lengthy process and is done word by word, not page by page or in Trumps case Box by Box. A president cannot declassify a document just because he wants to take it home with him and keep it. He also cannot do it without going through proper procedures.

BTW did you forget that VP Mike Pence also had classified documents?
It is very clear that you have never had security clearance.
The president can only declassify a document by requesting it through the agency that holds the document ie all those that are in charge of that document.
It must then be read word by word and checked to see the relevance of any name, location or action mentioned in the document could be detrimental if leaked to the public.

A Black sharpy is used to strike out any information that the holders of the document deem as a risk to national security or assets to the country. This is why declassified documents have loads of blacked out areas on them. This is a lengthy process and is done word by word, not page by page or in Trumps case Box by Box. A president cannot declassify a document just because he wants to take it home with him and keep it. He also cannot do it without going through proper procedures.

BTW did you forget that VP Mike Pence also had classified documents?

While you are president .... all that's required for a document to be declassified is for the president to say it. AFTER a president is out of office it is as you describe.

So .... If while Trump was president he said .... I declassify these document .... they ARE declassified. Crazy that you can't see the double standard though.
That could very well be true with all the people too lazy to try to understand the gravity of the situation .... We have a president who is totally owned by the worst elements of several countries because the have they proof.

Correct but don't underestimate the amount of people who are tribal and don't care.
Does not matter, ex presidents follow the same rules as current presidents. They do not endorse a canidate until he has won the Nomination. Same fate awaits them if they make the wrong choice.
No they don’t

Real simple to find this stuff. Ppl want Hunter taken down like a commoner vs royal member of society By taking him down get to the Big Guy
He lied at the debates and the press let him get away with it.
Not just them the 50+ trusted members of our secret service intel services and so on flat out lied. The FBI had the laptop in 2019 knew and remained silent. They allowed Weiner and Hillary to float on the CLASSIFIED emails too. They knew in 2016 just like 2020
Trump was the winner in 2016 so Obama was able to award Biden anything he wanted to before he left office in 2017. Even though Obama pushed the democrats to give Hillary a clear path to the Nomination, Obama did not endorse her until after she Won the Nomination against Sanders.
What part of this standard protocol are you not getting!

As for your argument that Obama said Biden would F things up. Your quoting an unidentified source for the information that Obama said that :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: .
If we start believing unidentified sources then it's very easy to add a whole list of other accusations against Trump to the mix.
Trump was the winner in 2016 so Obama was able to award Biden anything he wanted to before he left office in 2017. Even though Obama pushed the democrats to give Hillary a clear path to the Nomination, Obama did not endorse her until after she Won the Nomination against Sanders.
What part of this standard protocol are you not getting!

As for your argument that Obama said Biden would F things up. Your quoting an unidentified source for the information that Obama said that :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: .
If we start believing unidentified sources then it's very easy to add a whole list of other accusations against Trump to the mix.
Troll harder ? You know Biden was told to stand down He was told to bow out and he did as instructed.
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diy solar

diy solar