diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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So ... If you can be prosecuted for claiming an election was stolen .... What about what happened in 2016? This video doesn't even include the Stacy Abrams nonsense.

Everyone seems to forget Hillary calling Trump an "illegitimate president" because the election was rigged by the Russians.

Democrats engage in projection, bigly
DOJ ..... J stands for justice.

This guy is a decorated marine and has multiple commendations for his work as a police officer.
Read his story and decided for yourself if what he is experiencing is justice ... or political persecution.

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More white supremacists. ?

You cant make this up if you tried!
Our govt is run by the most shameless and arrogant liars!
you just figured this out? fark they all lie continuously thats why i pray for an asteroid to take out DC and the surrounding 50 miles at the next state of the union... get all of the elected, the bureaucrats, GS's Civil servants, and lobbyists all in one shot.
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diy solar

diy solar