diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Has your account been hacked? Because no one is better off dead...

It is an example of the level of liberal hatred towards the right in the US, and especially anything to do with Trump.

It has been said that conservatives think liberals are stupid, but liberals think conservatives are evil. I think there is some truth to that which explains the level of emotion involved.
Nope. I haven't gotten a decent night's sleep since 2016. The world is better off if this motherfucker is dead. Addition by subtraction.
Sorry to see that about your sleep, but seriously, the world is not better off with him dead, if he broke the law, put him in jail..
It is an example of the level of liberal hatred towards the right in the US, and especially anything to do with Trump.
I have no idea, I do not hate Trump...

It has been said that conservatives think liberals are stupid, but liberals think conservatives are evil. I think there is some truth to that which explains the level of emotion involved.
I really don't know. But lets face it, the Neo-Nazi's are not going to be voting liberal are they?

Now for the record I do not trust any politicians on either side, but coming from Piglosi (who turned California and places like SF and LA) into literal shitholes i just have to laugh.
Also when you realize that people like Pelosi have been influence peddling and enriching themselves via insider trading (and spreading their legs at the right time for most women in politics).
Treason is a loaded charge, People in German occupied territories were executed for sheltering Jews.
This isn't that. Trump gave secrets to the Russians and would sell out the Ukrainian people to Putin. Better off dead. Sacrifice THAT one, to save MANY on both sides? That's a deal any sane person would make.
This is not from the Babylon Bee .... it is real.

FBI agent who spearheaded the bogus investigation of Trump for Russia collusion .... Is pleading guilty of colluding with Russia.

You know "someone" will post leftist leaning " Fact Checker" Fraud site.
Probably ..... They simply don't understand that ... facts are facts.

I could have posted some "acceptable" media .... but decided those who are interested to see will see ... those who don't want to see will find some excuse not to look.
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Huge multi-state Biden campaign funded voter fraud organization discovered in Michigan.
This isn't that. Trump gave secrets to the Russians and would sell out the Ukrainian people to Putin. Better off dead. Sacrifice THAT one, to save MANY on both sides? That's a deal any sane person would make.
You assume that killing people is a sane choice, except for self defense, it isn't...
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diy solar

diy solar