diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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The way I understand the allegations is that Hunter Biden as the son of a politician, got jobs and made business dealings for no other reason than being the son of the vise president and that those dealings unduly influenced his dad.

Is this correct?
To gain influence from the at the time vice president Biden. So yes
The DOJ isn't even trying to pretend any more.
After tomorrow Congress goes on break until after August. Get a whole Month off. They are extremely over worked just look at everything they have done which is NOTHING in reality and wasted millions of dollars in the process. Jordan will hang out with Trey Gowdy to learn how to be more fluffy in his acting - presentations. Remember Gowdy’s antics but always pointless show just a big nuthin burger with invisible fries.?
Ted Cruz is Israel first. So his bs doesn’t fly. Rand Paul will run away now especially after they burned his office right after pushing Fauci to DOJ. He probably got the message. They beat the shit out of Rand Paul once already.

You can’t blame them…. Average Ppl are at home tucked away in current safety of their home ….. screaming do something …. when they - themselves won’t do anything. Politicians are not warriors they are however - survivors and will do whatever it takes to keep jobs and lie lie lie. They would suck on anything put in front of them from rotten egg forward to stay in office. Again can’t blame them. The smart ones became billionaires $$$$.

History in 1950’s Senator McCarthy put his neck on chopping block fighting communism. He fought a great fight Afterwords the public threw him in a hotel - broke - drunk and forgotten where he died alone. McCarthy is by chance now listed as an asshole by the communist. They call any actions against them McCarthyism. They won. The General Public allowed it. Would not stand up. Same with Kennedy murders… ppl average citizens wanted someone else to stand up….but not themselves. So it is what it is. Sacrifice yourself for me and mine. ?? Interesting events McCarthy went after Military as well as most communist influence to clean it up and he lost… after watching what happened Eisenhower issued his “beware of military complex speech when departing the White House.”

the speaker of the house McCarthy is a do nothing RINO. We knew it going in. They are not going to get killed for us. Can’t blame them. I would prefer they stop putting on all these shows. Just be honest. ??? Can you imagine the panic and fear from them not lying to the public?

Sad. One of the basic problems with computers - internet still require ppl to do lot of reading - research. Most ppl are lazy and or just don’t have the time.
To gain influence from the at the time vice president Biden. So yes
If those allegations are proven, is that an impeachable offense and how does that compare with these two stories?

More whistleblower testimony today .... Business partner of Hunter and Joe testifies about MANY things ... among them that Joe had talked to Hunters "business partners" / marks via speaker phone along with Hunter more than 20 times.

Joe has claimed repeatedly he had no idea about Hunters "businesses."

This guy trying to explain it away .... Joe was just talking to them about the weather.

Another clip of the lame attempt to cover for the Biden crime family.
I watched one video they had on the Tic Tac UFO Fighter jet encounter story and now my YouTube page gets daily videos from them on Aliens and UFO's.
Project Veritas is a known video faker!
You guys really need to research the sources. Most of these sources are ultra right wing media that will print or say anything that pushes the agenda. They are no better than CNBC or CNN.
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More whistleblower testimony today .... Business partner of Hunter and Joe testifies about MANY things ... among them that Joe had talked to Hunters "business partners" / marks via speaker phone along with Hunter more than 20 times.

Joe has claimed repeatedly he had no idea about Hunters "businesses."

This guy trying to explain it away .... Joe was just talking to them about the weather.

Another clip of the lame attempt to cover for the Biden crime family.

A stupid thing to do, it backfired now...
I watched one video they had on the Tic Tac UFO Fighter jet encounter story and now my YouTube page gets daily videos from them on Aliens and UFO's.
Project Veritas is a known video faker!
You guys really need to research the sources. Most of these sources are ultra right wing media that will print or say anything that pushes the agenda. They are no better than CNBC or CNN.
Show me any evidence the content is false.

I'm pretty tired of people trying to vilify a source while ignoring the content.

Joe Biden has claimed for years he knows nothing about Hunters businesses .... We all knew that could not be true. Now we find out Biden was on over 20 phone calls talking to those "business" people ... who were the most corrupt people in China, Ukraine, and Russia.
Vice President Joe Biden is on video bragging about getting a prosecutor fired who was investigating one of those "business" partners ... The most corrupt corporation in Ukraine ... and there were / are a LOT of corrupt corporations in Ukraine.
So, now they move the goal post and say he was only on the phone calls talking about the weather .... What a total joke .... It's hard for me to believe that any informed person can't see what's going on.
The Biden family has been running pay to play bribery schemes for years.
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Show me any evidence the content is false.
Have you never heard of "Hitchens's razor" Bob?

I'm pretty tired of people trying to vilify a source while ignoring the content.
When your sources have a history of lying and promoting conspiracy theories you need to find better sources. If you want a rational discussion, you have to do your own homework, verify the story that explains your viewpoints and post from reliable sources.

When you claim there is a bunch of papers that say the vaccines are not safe or effective and the first one I randomly opened said that the vaccines are safe and effective, it shows me that you didn't do your homework. To make matters worse, you never even acknowledged that the paper said it.

So yeah, when you have a history of sourcing from notorious conspiracy and/or psudoscience sites, know liars on twitter and youtube and fail to acknowledge published peer reviewed science papers that do not agree with your narrative, why do you think any normal person would take you seriously? Why do you expect others to do your homework when you clearly fail to learn anything anyway?
"One of the greatest corruption scandals in the history of Washington."

How does that compare with the following?

How does that compare with the following?

As it affects the united states. The stories do not hold a candle to "Selling out the USA"
Show me any evidence the content is false.
So a UFO landed in my backyard last night and five little grey aliens came out and told me the world will end in 2050. (PLEASE: Show me the evidence that my story is false)
I'm pretty tired of people trying to vilify a source while ignoring the content.
Are you sitting down for an hour every night and watching MSNBC news.
Why not, are you vilifying the source and ignoring the content?

Joe Biden has claimed for years he knows nothing about Hunters businesses .... We all knew that could not be true. Now we find out Biden was on over 20 phone calls talking to those "business" people ... who were the most corrupt people in China, Ukraine, and Russia.
So what, who cares? This is the oldest scheme in the history of Politics, there is no president or leader has not been involved with it. When your in a position of power people offer your adult children and close relatives all sorts of deals in order to curry favor with you. Don Jr was busy making sure that every diplomat that came to Washington stayed at a Trump Hotel. Jarred was busy doing billions of dollars worth of Business with the Saudis and Israel. Ivanka was Busy doing deals with Chinese Government. So why would I care what Hunter Biden was doing?
Vice President Joe Biden is on video bragging about getting a prosecutor fired who was investigating one of those "business" partners ... The most corrupt corporation in Ukraine ... and there were / are a LOT of corrupt corporations in Ukraine.
Was that Biden or was that the Ukraine Govt getting rid of a thorn in their side?
Nobody knows and nobody cares!
How many people has Trump fired for doing their Job?
So, now they move the goal post and say he was only on the phone calls talking about the weather .... What a total joke .... It's hard for me to believe that any informed person can't see what's going on.
The Biden family has been running pay to play bribery schemes for years.
You guys are really wasting your time. I am a Independent Voter and even I have zero interest in what Hunter Biden did or if he used his dads connections.
The Ammo you guys are slinging is so insignificant compared to the Bathroom full of Classified Documents that Trump was hiding. You guys don't even mention the tapes they have of Trump telling people to add votes and change the election results or the fact that he actually requested that people show up and overthrow the elected government.

Jesus could you imagine if you guys could even dig up a small Tape of Joe Biden manipulating the election instead of prattling on about the exploits of a Junky called Hunter.
So a UFO landed in my backyard last night and five little grey aliens came out and told me the world will end in 2050. (PLEASE: Show me the evidence that my story is false)

Are you sitting down for an hour every night and watching MSNBC news.
Why not, are you vilifying the source and ignoring the content?

So what, who cares? This is the oldest scheme in the history of Politics, there is no president or leader has not been involved with it. When your in a position of power people offer your adult children and close relatives all sorts of deals in order to curry favor with you. Don Jr was busy making sure that every diplomat that came to Washington stayed at a Trump Hotel. Jarred was busy doing billions of dollars worth of Business with the Saudis and Israel. Ivanka was Busy doing deals with Chinese Government. So why would I care what Hunter Biden was doing?

Was that Biden or was that the Ukraine Govt getting rid of a thorn in their side?
Nobody knows and nobody cares!
How many people has Trump fired for doing their Job?

You guys are really wasting your time. I am a Independent Voter and even I have zero interest in what Hunter Biden did or if he used his dads connections.
The Ammo you guys are slinging is so insignificant compared to the Bathroom full of Classified Documents that Trump was hiding. You guys don't even mention the tapes they have of Trump telling people to add votes and change the election results or the fact that he actually requested that people show up and overthrow the elected government.

Jesus could you imagine if you guys could even dig up a small Tape of Joe Biden manipulating the election instead of prattling on about the exploits of a Junky called Hunter.
It is clearly obvious that you are not paying attention. I think that it is very likely that Joe Biden will no longer be in office around Christmas.....
It is clearly obvious that you are not paying attention. I think that it is very likely that Joe Biden will no longer be in office around Christmas.....

He has so many other people on the take around him that are covering for him.

I think he weathers it fine and gets re-elected in 2024 on nothing more than the abortion issue and the fact that more than 50% of the population hates Trump.
He has so many other people on the take around him that are covering for him.

I think he weathers it fine and gets re-elected in 2024 on nothing more than the abortion issue and the fact that more than 50% of the population hates Trump.
God knows I am really hoping that it's not a Biden vs Trump election. It would not be so bad if it was not for the fact that if he dies we have Kamala "no personality" Harrison as the President.

If it does come to the match up it's a safe bet that most voters will none the less be voting for Biden.
What the Republicans voters should be more worried about is the Democratic Congress getting a super Majority and then bye bye goes all those rulings the SC made.
It is clearly obvious that you are not paying attention. I think that it is very likely that Joe Biden will no longer be in office around Christmas.....
Why? What, do you think he is going to be impeached :ROFLMAO:.
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diy solar

diy solar