diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Glad those whistle blowers blew the whistle, I think it is great that the IRS goes after presidents kids, I hope they go after all presidents, both serving and previous, as well... (And all high income earners for that matter)
I wish they'd go after high profile trolls too.
Compare that statesmanship to this political strategy .... which one appeals to you?
Antisemitism laws are worse then diversity laws. Ppl - Zionist are giving hidden rulers the right to silence ppl and void the 1st amendment. It is allowing the 2.3% in the USA to go unopposed.

Soros has already had antisemitism invoked in his name as protection to keep ppl from talking about his evil doings.

what RFK jr got censored over is bs. When USA made discovery that blood type determined how Covid reacted then we were doing just as he claims. Since the vaccine are mRNA …. The vaccine is working off dna. Ppl with low iq should pay attention vs name dropping.
Antisemitism is used when they can’t call you a liar.

Here is a suggestion why don’t all jews go to Israel? ? simple because Zionist followers would be lost and the super strict immigration polices of Israel would not allow the followers access. .

Imagine Ben & Jerry hand their company-land over to Native Americans and go to Israel to set up shop. ?? They can see how the Palestine ppl are treated so badly in person.

Imagine only 1 person in the house voted against antisemitism law. They just promoted and gave the fox unobstructed access to the hen house and nothing can be said about it. Imagine a woman gets raped and is not allowed to name the rapist. Ppl are so stupid and deserve what they get. The communist Lenin and Trotsky both jews put antisemitism laws in place after taking over russia around 1918 and then they murdered the Tsar and Royal Family..

Schindlers List is taken from a novel Use to outright state it was fiction. The fancy word “novel“ means fiction. Fiction means untrue.

The result of being tied to a crime family your whole life. The Khazar Mafia were masters at taking names, religions, and blending in - hiding to commit crimes. The Khazar Mafia worked the China Silk Road applying their criminal skills. NOW The whole World is their replacement for the China Silk Road and We the Ppl have allowed it. Remember when Trump said, “Nancy give them a check” He was at that moment Caesar and the Generous. ??? Imagine giving out ~$5 trillion dollars and being told you don’t deserve any of your own money.

This has been done time and time again. We give Ukraine ~$210 billion but can’t will not spend the $5 billion dollars or so Trump wanted to secure the border.

Nancy has everyone locked down for Covid but goes out gets her hair done. Look at it. Like Gavin Newsom recall over him locking ppl down then going to party no mask. Obmas had party during covid lock downs. WEF had no mask party during covid lock downs.

Ever wonder why Nancy left the east coast for the west coast? Same reason communism did - It was to spread the wealth.

What was going on with Paul Pelosi before the attack event was manufactured? Anyone remember? Insider trading

Duck and cover

Leo's goal is to mess up a thread so badly with his meme's that relevant posts are completely lost in the rubble.

The only way to get rid of the irrelevant BS is to put Leo and Murphy on ignore. If they haven't figured out a way to be relevant by now .... It's never going to happen. I've just put both of them back on ignore.

The thread magically becomes readable and nothing of any value is lost. Put them on ignore and have a better experience on this forum.
I take for granted that most people have seen this video of then Vice President Biden .... Bragging about doing exactly what he and Hunter were well paid to do .... and also getting rid of the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter. But .... Maybe people voted for Biden have never seen how compromised this guy is.
The people who paid Biden to do this .... and other countries who have done the same thing ..... have owned Biden ever since.
I think anyone who has ever had a security clearance understands exactly how compromising this is.

Who is going to vote to re-elect a president who is owned by several foreign countries?

They are definitely out to get Elon Musk .... they are really ticked off that threw a monkey wrench into their censorship agenda.
Does anyone have an idea what he is actually trying to say ... except that they are trying to figure out how to get him.
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It has never been about Israel being able to survive. You can see the Zionist. :)
They are definitely out to get Elon Musk .... they are really ticked off that threw a monkey wrench into their censorship agenda.
Does anyone have an idea what he is actually trying to say ... except that they are trying to figure out how to get him.
The big guy can barely talk. Posted that too but on another thread :)
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diy solar

diy solar