diy solar

diy solar

Oh my goodness how Presidents have changed oh no drama drama like a man with a period

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Says the man? who often posts from a satire website and uses twitter or youtube as "evidence" to further his conspiracy theories.

Oh come on now, you can deal it but can't take it?

You and your fellow conspiracy nutters agreed with the statement nothing will make me believe covid vaccines are safe, after I posted study after study that they were safe, want me to post them again? Will you admit that you are wrong?
That satire is always surrounding current events .... brings attention to it in a humorous way.

It comes down to whether you want to be relevant .... or just be a troll. Posting a couple of pages of memes doesn't make you relevant.
Says the man? who often posts from a satire website and uses twitter or youtube as "evidence" to further his conspiracy theories.

Oh come on now, you can deal it but can't take it?

You and your fellow conspiracy nutters agreed with the statement nothing will make me believe covid vaccines are safe, after I posted study after study that they were safe, want me to post them again? Will you admit that you are wrong?
The science is turning away from you dumb dumb
What you see going on with Trump is an all out or nothing attempt to prevent him from running and getting President again.
If Trump did get elected again who would he get for a DOJ this time? Bill Barr was worthless.
It would be something if he got an Attorney General that worked for him like Janet Reno worked for Clinton. Like Holder worked for Obama. Someone not afraid to break rules like the LEFT have done in the PAST except to really go after and prosecute the LEFT. It is time that they go to jail. Trump will have to stop being a pussy trying to pet swamp creatures and flat ORDER THEM ON TV to do it.

The Left are terrified they can't contain or cheat the ~74 million votes this time.

This is what the LEFT wants right now, and it is what they have wanted from the beginning:

"""""Donald Trump to Abandon 2024 Presidential Campaign 'Under the Auspices of a Plea Deal,' Top Podcaster Predicts
Story by Dave Malyon • 10h ago """""

For all the crap Hillary has caused this is all that happened to her another double standard:

"The DNC was fined $105,000 and the Clinton campaign was fined $8,000, according to a letter sent by the Federal Election Commission to a conservative group that requested an inquiry."

‘’2017 Schumer warned Trump not to insult the intelligence community.

do you get it? Trump went into office it surprised him as much as anyone else. So he went in there with ZERO PLAN than tried play patty cake with the swamp.
That satire is always surrounding current events .... brings attention to it in a humorous way.
It is a conservatives attempt at satire. You guys aren't very good...

George Carlin was great at it, he was able t pick on both sides (liberals and conservatives) and often neither side saw he was picking on them as well.

It comes down to whether you want to be relevant .... or just be a troll. Posting a couple of pages of memes doesn't make you relevant.
You can't claim to be relevant when you use thoroughly debunked sources on twitter, youtube and conspiracy/pseudoscience websites.

But lets try again, what will it take for you to change your mind on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines?
Same question for therapeutics...
Here's one for you Leo .... Don't worry, I'm not going to post 16 more.

View attachment 158167
You will be posting many more memes and the funniest part is that it is the extreme right wingers who are legislating what people can and can't read, which consenting adult you can and can't love, altering history books and even how to dress...
It is a conservatives attempt at satire. You guys aren't very good...

George Carlin was great at it, he was able t pick on both sides (liberals and conservatives) and often neither side saw he was picking on them as well.

You can't claim to be relevant when you use thoroughly debunked sources on twitter, youtube and conspiracy/pseudoscience websites.

But lets try again, what will it take for you to change your mind on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines?
Same question for therapeutics...
Actually, they are equal opportunity ..... They throw satire at both sides .... I just post the ones I like the most.

Cmon man .... Drop the memes and try posting something current that supports your positions .... and stay out of US politics .... or tell us what country you are from. Must be somewhere you have no "pride" in .... Yes, that's the proper use of the term.
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Actually, they are equal opportunity ..... They throw satire at both sides .... I just post the ones I like the most.
Have you ever thought about why you like those the most? Is that because they bash Americans you do not like? Did you consider that 1984 could be describing republican policies, if so, why did you post that meme? If not, why don't you get it? Did you read the book?

Cmon man .... Drop the memes and try posting something current that supports your positions .... and stay out of US politics .... or tell us what country you are from.
Are you trying to say that foreigners can't comment on what they see happening in American (hyper partisan) politics? American politics is all drama and little substance.

As for my position on presidents (staying on topic), if you have evidence of wrongdoing by any president, present that evidence to the FBI and or go public.

The presumption of innocence is not guaranteed in your Constitution. However, through statutes and court decisions–such as the U.S. Supreme Court case of Taylor v. Kentucky–it has been recognized as one of the most basic requirements of a fair trial. But you guys will claim some one is guilty without evidence or claim some one is innocent before the trial.

Must be somewhere you have no "pride" in .... Yes, that's the proper use of the term.
It is not our achievement where our mothers gave birth to us, so why should we take pride in that? Are you proud of the way your ancestors invaded North American nations, slaughtered the inhabitants? Enslaved people from another continet and brought them to the U.S to be sold to the highest bidder? Are you proud of your current government or previous governments? How about the (supposedly) independent judicial system? Like what exactly are you proud off?

Here is something you should cherish, you can say to Joe Biden that you think he is a cunt and not get arrested for that, nor "fall" out of a window. You can wear whatever you like and not get arrested. You can bed any consenting adult and not get arrested. You even have the right to tell falsehoods in public and not get arrested. You can travel freely around the country, including other states, even leave the country and come back.

But look which party is trying to make some of those things illegal, why are you supporting that, where is your pride?
Are you trying to say that foreigners can't comment on what they see happening in American (hyper partisan) politics? American politics is all drama and little substance.
I'm saying foreigners shouldn't be trying to influence American politics .... You are a coward and won't even tell us what country you are from.
I'm saying foreigners shouldn't be trying to influence American politics .... You are a coward and won't even tell us what country you are from.
You invited me to post something current that supports my positions and now you are telling me I shouldn't?

And why are you trying to change the subject, are you a narcissist?
You invited me to post something current that supports my positions and now you are telling me I shouldn't?

And why are you trying to change the subject, are you a narcissist?
I told you to try harder to be relevant .... Your attempts to influence American politics are NOT relevant.
This same whistleblower testified before congress that he had identified over 17 million in payments coming from Ukraine, Romania, and China to Hunter Biden and the "big guy" ..... independently congressional oversight has identified over 10 million in payments via bank records.
Who has any doubt that these were shakedown payments? Worse than the payments is that these entities have proof of these payments and holding that proof is a perfect way to blackmail someone. If you have this kind of evidence on a politician ... You totally own them.
How can anyone see this happening and not object to it loudly. How can anyone actually intend to vote for these scumbags? Being willing to ignore ... or cover this up ..... or fail to prosecute this is WAY beyond political bias.

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Another IRS whistleblower who testified before congress today .... Is this guy credible?
Unfortunately it appears they ran the clock out on them - Obama, Biden, Clintons and so on. This was all intentional. Statue of Limitations. The IRS was always the go to for getting a conviction then the fbi. I have tried to tell everyone over the years these ppl are professional criminals aka Mafia. I’ve been following this stuff for years. Time and time again they slip away. The nick name - term “slick willy“ obviously had several meanings besides just Bill Clinton. “Murphy is right when he stated the Left are better at it. They get away with it and get shit done. The USA Attorney General like Janet Reno and William Holder got shit done.” In WW2 President FDR joined forces with the mafia to get things done on the home front. Thick as thieves every since.


We still do stuff like that - enlisting criminals. Actually it is what the CiA specializes at doing “the enemies criminal enemy is my friend.”.

the ppl that can be got are the ones that covered the crimes up and were suppose to investigate. Remember that 1 single low level fbi attorney that got 1 yr sentence but never served a prison sentence over Russia Russia investigation? Oh well.

Flash from the past - found this interesting:

Sadly Trump will be persecuted while Biden is celebrated for a show. Ppl need to stop watching unless you realize this. The term “Time is on their side is true.”
Glad those whistle blowers blew the whistle, I think it is great that the IRS goes after presidents kids, I hope they go after all presidents, both serving and previous, as well... (And all high income earners for that matter)
Hmmmm anyone ever read how Justice Scalia was found dead? I’ve read this and heard this on the news time and time again.

This is who the Left wanted in his place. Aren’t you glad Garland nor some of the others made it? Jackson finally got in
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diy solar

diy solar