diy solar

diy solar

Ok ,so now it starts..

The lab coat adds at least 5 points to your IQ.
Well hell….then I’m buying two…will the chalk board and podium give me a bit of a boost too.?
Life is much like being a politician, it’s not what you know ,but what you appear to know.
The podium isn't helping our current head politician, so I wouldn't rely on it.

When I lecture, I prefer no podium at all. In my mind, a podium implies a lack of confidence in your subject matter.
The podium isn't helping our current head politician, so I wouldn't rely on it.

When I lecture, I prefer no podium at all. In my mind, a podium implies a lack of confidence in your subject matter.
You are correct referencing current day political leaders…

on the other topic, I sence you are one of those stage stalkers when giving a presentation…
left - right …pointing at upfront audience members….. back and forth…A Mick Jaggar- or a Ronnie Van-zant Type ……yea !
I was just thinking a podium at least gives one some partial “ cover” if they start throwing stuff at ya during the gig…

personally I would prefer the Ron White approach…standing next to a small wooden stool with a glass full of Jack and water ….

just a thought…
Simple put… I unplugged yesterday. Period….. I have a house , a mobile home a nice tool shed and a 35 ft rv….all in the mtns, out in the sticks.
I choose to live in the Rv… it’s fun…my wife disagrees and lives in the house…?…we get along better that way..
I am building this for powering the Rv…
The solar build has taken a while to get done but from here out no more grid… many of you have helped me and I thank you.
it’s much like when you commission or build a boat , it’s called a shake down cruise try it out…for real..
you will see what you did right and also what you did wrong…. Been there few times…

I need to know for sure what I need to live totaly independent of any outside power source Other than the sun….
I will continue this venture Untill I see if and what I should have done different … if it all works then I will continue indefinitely …if it won’t then I will stop , modify and continue..… regardless of results I I will not borrow from the other structures having the grid…

To me there is no other way than to go cold turkey ..I will not use any propane… ( that would be cheating) …I will not use a gen set..( that would be cheating)…the power to live comfortably will only come from the batts and what sun they have been charged with.
will it be perfect …no…. Will the wife participate…. Ha ha ha…NO….will I learn what more if any I need to do , YES.

If I can’t live good on what I have now , then I am a poor ass sailor..

PS…. So far , It’s all working great… screw the grid…..
I just looked back to when I turned on my house system back in early March. I've generated and used $420 worth of electricity already.

As to giving up gas or other things, if you are comfortable then do what you want. I lived in a combat zone for 5 months straight without running water, hot food, no toilet, no shower, no lights except a flashlight. I was a young 24 years old at the time.

I'm older now and much wiser. :LOL:
I just looked back to when I turned on my house system back in early March. I've generated and used $420 worth of electricity already.

As to giving up gas or other things, if you are comfortable then do what you want. I lived in a combat zone for 5 months straight without running water, hot food, no toilet, no shower, no lights except a flashlight. I was a young 24 years old at the time.

I'm older now and much wiser. :LOL:
By doing without ya learn what’s important ..then you can modify afterwards. Without going without you can never really know .

“ A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone..”
Henry David Thoreau
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