diy solar

diy solar

Panels don’t seem to produce much

Thanks everyone for the replies! There’s no more obstructions and I’ve cleaned the panels so let’s see what happens tomorrow..
Our generator keeps tripping on 12v so might have to get a 240 battery charger. Because our engine also can’t charge them.. (oil leak on our last trip seized the engine ?)

Have a good Monday everyone!
Now this is demoralising! Why are governments investing so much money on solar then? Unless we get a solar farm on the Sahara desert, I don’t see how solar can be useful in the winter..
Not everyone lives in a sunless place? Not every day is sunless even in places with less sun. Even if you do live in a place with very limited sun during the winter, that's one season out of four, while the other three might be producing plenty of good energy from the sun, which in many places reduces the localized air pollution (or would if there were more homes on solar).
Would tilting the panels make that huge a difference? I can build the stands and tilt them but if it’s to increase 10 or 20% doesn’t seem ideal.
Yes. It makes a drastic difference.

Rain and clouds will cripple production. On a sunny day I see ~40kwh from my arrays in the summer, ~30kwh in the winter. On a rainy cloudy day I'm lucky to produce 3kwh...
Hello everyone.

For some reason the mppt isn’t showing me today’s production. Has anyone had that problem before?
It clearly produced something, I’m just curious how much. Apparently peak production was about 60w, which I still find weird on almost 700w array.


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diy solar

diy solar