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diy solar

Power wall in van build


New Member
Feb 24, 2020
Good morning. I’m planning to use the mpp all-in-one solar charger and inverter with 2 24v byd powerwalls in my van build and I’m wondering if I should run them in series and run as a 48v system or In parallel as a 24v system.
This is a personal opinion (other opinions are available!) but I would never install a 48V DC system in a living area. If you've ever had a shock from a 48V source, you'll understand why.
Good morning. I’m planning to use the mpp all-in-one solar charger and inverter with 2 24v byd powerwalls in my van build and I’m wondering if I should run them in series and run as a 48v system or In parallel as a 24v system.
A van build mostly needs 120V source, so, a single 2424 inverter would give you 2400 watts and use 24V to power it.
There is a few discussions going on about those banks, you might want to wait before ordering any of the BYD banks just yet...
Could you give me a little more guidance on the BYD banks, please? I’ve already ordered two. Are there any threads discussing their issues? @Supervstech
Search battery hookup, and batterywarehouse
Basically, we are starting to think the batteries have VERY few cycles left in them, and are getting approximately 50% of original rated storage...

many have very weak cells in thepack, needing breakout, and swapping to get a full charge - discharge cycle...

nobody is getting 4.5KWh out of them... some aren’t getting 3KWh out of them... and the banks were originally rated at 5.5KWh.

my 4 have yet to achieve 3.4V per cell sustained... so the 18KWh I purchased is at best capable of 12KWh, and I think more like 10... and when new, the set should have put out 22KWh... so LESS than 50% left... which puts them HEAVILY cycled, likely over 20,000 deep cycles... so the cells likely will all fail soon...

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