diy solar

diy solar

Question on solar controller readings.


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
I have been testing various solar panels and a couple different controllers.
When I connect a 100 watt panel directly to a multimeter and measure the voltage and current I get 20.8 volts and 4.7 amps, which is pretty close to specs.
My question is;
What do the controller voltage and current reading actually represent? Do the controller readings reflect the voltage and current that’s being delivered to the battery dependent on its state of charge and load? With the test battery at a resting voltage of 12.25 volts, the controller was reading 19 volts and 1.1 amp. I know the function of the controller is to regulate the charge voltage and amperage to the battery, it just seems that in the past when I was looking at the charge controller amperage it was always much higher.
The controller is a Renogy 30A PWM but I’ve also used a Victron MPPT with similar results.
This is just bench testing with all components in close proximity connected with10 AGW wiring and no load.

Does this seem like normal operation? Am I just not understanding the measurements that I’m getting from the controller?

Thanks in advance for any comments or educational opportunities you can provide!
What do the controller voltage and current reading actually represent? Do the controller readings reflect the voltage and current that’s being delivered to the battery dependent on its state of charge and load?
You were measuring Voc and Isc as stated on you panel label. Under load, the Vmp and Imp numbers are what you are suppose to get.
There are three pairs of voltage/amps

1 - The Voc/Isc that you measured with the multimeter when the panels wasn't connected to anything
2 - The Vmp/Imp that is the actual voltage/current coming from a connected panel into the charge controller
3 - The battery charge voltage and current which is the output from the charge controller after it converts the incoming solar power into outgoing battery power.

Most charge controllers can show #2 and #3.