diy solar

diy solar

repair a sofa battery pack, is it even a thing?


Solar Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2024
Washington State
We have a power loveseat in the travel trailer. The battery can run it over a long weekend no problem when boondocking. This year it did not come back to life when we took it out. It passes through the juice and operates when plugged in, but no joy on charging it up. I took it apart and was greeted with that stink.
It is a 29V thing and a quick check showed 12 volts across the batteries.
A closer look and this cap seems smoked.

The thing is like this:



I can get a similar unit, same brand and volt/amps for $ 99 and swap some connectors easy enough from Amazon.
My gut says go that way.

The exact replacement with the same connectors is stupidly priced around 200 for no other reason than, they gotcha.
there is the shiny electrolyic one, the one sideways, then the bottom one is so cooked you can't see the 3 marks in the aluminum top.PXL_20240724_231601206.jpg

I ordered the new one it is overnight so I get to sort this out tomorrow.
I answered my own question. I could get this and wire it inline for double the capacity.
Looks like a decent $42 expiriment.

Looks like an L to me too. Does it look crispy bad to you? I did not find any resistors or other things that had the smoke let out of them.
I can chip away at it now, I have the new one in and it is doing the job.
That inductor does not have any legible marking left, the heat did away with it. How would I source it?
Looks like an L to me too. Does it look crispy bad to you? I did not find any resistors or other things that had the smoke let out of them.
I can chip away at it now, I have the new one in and it is doing the job.
That inductor does not have any legible marking left, the heat did away with it. How would I source it?
Likely the inductor has basic shrink wrap on it.
Looks normal to me.
I dont see anything on the board with any issues.

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diy solar