diy solar

diy solar

Schneider 60/150 weird (new??) setting


New Member
Sep 16, 2021
(as any good story starts) so, no $hit, there i was...

...minding my own business, just poking round my Insight Cloud account and i was looking at the settings of my CC's. i've been having an "issue" with one of them turning off or not charging at all after my system goes from Bulk/Absorb to Float. then after 2h or 5h or even the next day (seemingly random amounts of time), starts charging again. anyway, i saw a new setting i had never seen before: "Charge Mode".

the optional settings for this menu are 'Stand-alone', 'Primary', 'Secondary', and 'Echo'.

i've been all through the manuals and all over online and came up with nothing! you guys have any idea what this menu/setting is for?

-the CC giving me an 'issue' is set to 'Primary', and my other one, which is fine, is set to 'Secondary'
-no, i didn't just update the firmware. i did that months ago without any issues. this "problem" just showed up a few days ago.

so, i'm just curious as to what these settings *specifically* are for, as it's not described in the manual. guessin' it's installation based? if you have one, it's 'Stand-alone'. if you have 2 it's "Primary" and "Secondary". but what if you have more than 2?? and what *EXACTLY* would "Echo" be for/do?

just throwin' it out there!


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Bumping an old thread here but I too would like to know what the Primary, Secondary and Echo settings do. It seems as though when I make a voltage change to one CC using my SCP that the other controller changes as well. Is this what Echo mode does? I am currently at our main home 1,200 miles away and using Insight Cloud I have to change voltages on each controller individually. Next time I am up there I intend to get to the bottom of these settings and I'll update it here. I'm guessing each controller needs to be set to Echo but that's just a guess.

It would be nice if Schneider would explain the settings.
Echo should mean copy/follow the other charge controller. I don't know what secondary would do...

I also don't have their MPPT
@hammick , i see your "1200 miles away from home" and raise you to 7500 miles!! LOL! i, too, have used InsightCloud, but i now use a Cloudflare Zero Trust tunnel on an old computer to access my home network as if i'm physically there - pretty awesome, actually! i can get into my InsightFacility via InsightLocal (GOD, Schneider - your naming scheme SUCKS.) and see everything real-time.

anyway, luckily enough my 'problem' hasn't happened again.. but i'm STILL wondering about the 'Stand-alone', 'Primary', 'Secondary', and 'Echo' settings. no luck getting info anywhere...

but, as the saying goes "if it aint broke, don't fix it"! so i aint touching it... LOL

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diy solar