diy solar

diy solar

Series volt/amps compatibility

fjr vfr

New Member
Jan 30, 2021
I know series panels must be the same rating. But does that mean they need to be exactly the same? In other words can I use different brand 100watt 20v panels in series? They all have slightly different volt/amp ratings. Does each par need to be identical? I want to series parallel them.
Thanks, John
Could you provide panels' specifications and why "I want to series parallel them"?
No, I have 5 100w panels in parallel feeding a 40a charge controller. I bought 2 Newpowa panels about a year ago and they are secured down on the roof of my 5th wheel trailer. About 6 months later I added 2 more Newpowa 100w panels and they are secured to the roof. Because they were bought at different times they are slightly different, probably made under contract for them. Recently I added a 5th panel. They are all 100w panels, but since I can no longer see the back sides of them I'm unable to read they're specs. They are all 100w 20v range panels.
Now I'm adding another charge controller and 3 more HQST 100w panels. I thought I might be able to series parallel 4 of the panels into the new charge controller. I would have the 3 new ones to pare with one other secured on the same side. I have no plans to rip any of the others up to create perfect pars.
I will most likely just parallel 4 to each charge controller. It was just a thought having one of the controllers with a series parallel group.
In a perfect world I'd have planned it all out and built it all at once, but due to different constraints like money and learning curve I've had to do it all piecemeal.
Thanks, John
Series panels need to be about the same current (Imp). Parallel panels need to be about the same voltage (Vmp).

If series panels are not the same current they will still work, but the current through the series string will be limited to the lowest rating of the panels.