diy solar

diy solar

Server Rack LiFePO4 batteries. Where to find UK stock?

Looks interesting. Anyone have any experience of these?
If you scroll down (or look on youtube) Will has reviewed them - summary good battery (but expensive at the time - less now) BUT inadequate cables which may or may not be an issue , I only need 2 batteries
If you scroll down (or look on youtube) Will has reviewed them - summary good battery (but expensive at the time - less now) BUT inadequate cables which may or may not be an issue , I only need 2 batteries
I checked that out, but he didn’t seem to test it fully (capacity and comma) as he was hung up on the cost and cables. The cost in the U.K. appears to be as good as it gets at £1499. They include a rack and a bit of discount if you buy multiple. Interesting.

I have been looking at the Pylon US5000 rack mount battery. Has anybody managed to get hold of one, and what inverter are you using on it?

I already have solar panels installed, so am looking for recommendations for an AC coupled inverter that would work with these batteries.

Any comments/suggestions welcomed.


An update on things.

I have purchased a Victron Multiplus II GX (wanted the GX so that I could use the MQTT stuff out of the box to link into my Home Assistant setup). Placed the order on 23rd December and it arrived on the 28th December as promised. I also ordered 3 Pylontech US5000, this was a completely different matter, as the company I originally ordered them from were let down numerous times by their suppliers and after waiting for 5 weeks no show, so I cancelled the order. I then placed the same order with another supplier on Mondy morning and the batteries were delviered on Tuesday morning. I have ordered an 18U 19" rack with additional rack rails (was also recommended to have the rails by the sales guy who said that when their racks have been purchased for holding batteries it is recommended to have the rails as the batteries are 39Kg in weight) The rack should arrive on Monday 30th January, with the order being placed on the previous Tuesday. My original Solar installer is back on site on Wednesday 1st February to finalise what additional equipment is required and discuss what things need/can be done prior his return to finish the battery install, to get things to work. Looking at a 45 day lead time on the G99 paperwork.

I will update when things have moved on again.

None of the Victron Multiplus are ENA certified in an ongoing fiasco, it may well change!

Where did you get the rack?
30p/kWh is pretty damn good. My DIY battery worked out at 20p and I can definitely see the benefit of premade and server rack form factor for just 10p/kWh more.
Genuine question. Why would you buy one of these over a Pylontech US5000 which is only around £150 more for the same capacity?
I think you answered your own question. £150 is a lot of money. If the quality is not a lot different then the question becomes why spend the extra?
Genuine question. Why would you buy one of these over a Pylontech US5000 which is only around £150 more for the same capacity?

One answer is that if you DIY Pylontech you havre no warranty
I think you answered your own question. £150 is a lot of money. If the quality is not a lot different then the question becomes why spend the extra?

Not really. If Pylontech's quality and inverter support was superior I would gladly pay the extra £150, possibly more to save the headaches and for the extra functionality.

That's why I asked, it wasn't a loaded question, I was genuinely curious.
One answer is that if you DIY Pylontech you havre no warranty

I did see those threads after asking the question.Was a surprising read given Pylontech's ubiquitousness. I would have expected better.
I did see those threads after asking the question.Was a surprising read given Pylontech's ubiquitousness. I would have expected better.
5. Exclusions of Warranty To the extent permitted by law, Pylontech excludes all liability for the Product to the extent that any damage or defect has been caused or contributed to by the following:

6. Storage, installation, commissioning, modification or repair of the Product that has been performed by a person other than Pylontech or a Pylontech’s certified installer
Quick update.
Victron MultiplusII-GX and 3 x US5000 Pylontech batteries installed and running as of 4th May 2023.
Just waiting for a console cable for the Pylontech batteries so that I can get individual information from each battery, as the Victron sees the batteries as a single storage unit, then I can feed this information into my Home assistant setup.
I have imported 3.5kWh from the grid since that time, so quite happy with the results so far.


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Quick update.
Victron MultiplusII-GX and 3 x US5000 Pylontech batteries installed and running as of 4th May 2023.
Just waiting for a console cable for the Pylontech batteries so that I can get individual information from each battery, as the Victron sees the batteries as a single storage unit, then I can feed this information into my Home assistant setup.
I have imported 3.5kWh from the grid since that time, so quite happy with the results so far.
Where did you buy the server rack?
Also do you have solar or just batteries?
Not really. If Pylontech's quality and inverter support was superior I would gladly pay the extra £150, possibly more to save the headaches and for the extra functionality.

That's why I asked, it wasn't a loaded question, I was genuinely curious.
Don't forget also that the Pylontech US5000 is only 15 cell and hence 4.8kWh, rather than most other 16 cell / 5.1kWh battery racks
Quick update.
Victron MultiplusII-GX and 3 x US5000 Pylontech batteries installed and running as of 4th May 2023.
Just waiting for a console cable for the Pylontech batteries so that I can get individual information from each battery, as the Victron sees the batteries as a single storage unit, then I can feed this information into my Home assistant setup.
I have imported 3.5kWh from the grid since that time, so quite happy with the results so far.
Pylontech Console cable now installed. I can now get data from each battery and cell individually. This is achieved by connecting from a USB port on my thin client running Home Assistant, and using Node Red (in Home Assistant) to carry out all of the communications/logic then using MQTT to send the data back to Home Assistant.

Have currently got my system configured so that I force discharge my batteries from 16:00 - 19:00 (limiting to 25% of the stored capacity) - to take advantage of the premium rates paid for exported Electricty at that time, then via the Victron inverter schedule a charging of the batteries from 02:00 - 05:00 to capitalise on the cheaper priced Electricty import rates.

Still early days with my configuration, so no doubt a few tweaks here and there to get things working how they should. All in all happy so far.

For the period 16th May - 6th June I imported 1.1kWh of Electricity from the grid as I was using stored electricity during the periods when solar was not available. My usage profile will probably change as I take advantage of the premium rates paid for exported electricity and the reduced rates for consuming electricty within certain timeframes.
Still awaiting order completion frogstar server rack battery's - battery look good build but as to how bms work each outer and the Victron system will have to be a later up date as all cables are missing from the order made back April 2023 and cap it all mist the G99 test date with dno so may not paper work this year dno think you time wasting we now in dog house with them

diy solar

diy solar