diy solar

diy solar

Solar Assistant Wish list, Bugs and Issues.

Ad a bulk or absorb time option for inverters that don’t have that setting(in open loop) and only have some fix or built in algorithms.
I've been thinking about programming my own in Home Assistant or Node Red. But before doing so I need to know how the inverter behaves when a change to charge voltage setting is made. I have a feeling it disconnects the MPPT(s) and then does a restart. If so then I'm not keen on that occurring most days.
I've been thinking about programming my own in Home Assistant or Node Red. But before doing so I need to know how the inverter behaves when a change to charge voltage setting is made. I have a feeling it disconnects the MPPT(s) and then does a restart. If so then I'm not keen on that occurring most days.
Perhaps it can simply change the float voltage in the background. Today I actually intervened for the first time since I installed my JK’s in over a year as to regards of balance. Yesterday I noticed that it did finished absorbing but one bms had only attained a low delta of 25mv. Thou that’s not bad but it’s unusual for this system and looked to be setting a trend. No bad cells, just a bit of delta bop-a-mole. So this morning using SA remotely, I raised the float voltage to just under the bulk. In an hour and 45 the delta was around 2mv. I gave it another 30 minutes just to teach it a good lesson and reset the float back to 54V. The system immediately released the tail current went back to normal and looked great. It’s no big deal if I should have to do this a few times a year because of a set of circumstances, but I’m always looking for automation.
Perhaps it can simply change the float voltage in the background.
My inverter's charge controller does not revert to float voltage, even though it has such a float voltage setting.

This is when charging from off-grid solar PV while in Utility First mode. While in bulk charge mode the current drops to a trickle (~0.5 A for ~ 700 Ah of battery) as battery SOC reaches 100%.

It's not specified in the manual what triggers it to move into float mode. Instead it will just hold the bulk charge voltage setting for hours until I change load source to SBU mode and it powers the home from the battery. Hence why I wondered about automating the bulk charge setting, but I don't think that's desirable as it shuts the MPPT down to reset.
I don't know why, but under that latest versions of iOS the graphs keep crashing out on the main page when I access it from a remote IP using the page.
I get a message where each graph should be that "SolarAssistant Pluggin Failed Chunkloader Failed loading Chunk 62 failed"
Oddly enough I don't get this message when I am on the Local IP.
Anyone else having this problem?
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I don't know why, but under that latest versions of iOS the graphs keep crashing out on the main page when I access it from a remote IP using the page.
I get a message where each graph should be that "SolarAssistant Pluggin Failed Chunkloader Failed loading Chunk 62 failed"
Oddly enough I don't get this message when I am on the Local IP.
Anyone else having this problem?
Have you tried a different browser?
I don't know why, but under that latest versions of iOS the graphs keep crashing out on the main page when I access it from a remote IP using the page.
I get a message where each graph should be that "SolarAssistant Pluggin Failed Chunkloader Failed loading Chunk 62 failed"
Oddly enough I don't get this message when I am on the Local IP.
Anyone else having this problem?
I opened SA on an older machine yesterday and it took some time to load the graphic display (apparently a plugin of some kind).
I haven’t seen any messages like that, however twice I’ve gotten a completely black screen on that app only. The last one was over a week ago. The only fix is to restart the iPhone. Twice the Pi froze data, luckily a remote reboot is doable and clears it. Every two weeks when the SA isn’t in the middle of an automated function I’ll do a reboot.
On mine with the latest iPhone iOS version it never works.
It used to work before Apple did the last upgrade,
No, but I will give that a try. I am using Safari.
What version update update do you have?
Mine is 17.1.2 It wants to update tonight to 17.2.1 The auto update has just been turned off until I know more. My addiction to SA has me needing.
Edit ; my phone is a pro 12 and also using Safari
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There is a new beta build from 2023-12-18, but SA does not show the download/install option in the "Configuration/System" section like usual. My current installed version is the previous beta (2023-12-15). Any ideas?
There is a new beta build from 2023-12-18, but SA does not show the download/install option in the "Configuration/System" section like usual. My current installed version is the previous beta (2023-12-15). Any ideas?
Odd I see the same thing.
Wait for the next beta or email SA?
I noticed that my battery packs always report highest or lowest cell voltage as 3.3. If the average is below 3.3V, then highest cell voltage is being reported as 3.3V and if the average is higher than 3.3V, then lowest cell voltage is reported as 3.3.
I hesitantly upgraded to the latest 2024-04-05 stable build. The automations might prove to be useful, provided I can figure out how to configure the settings. A little explanation on the SA website on how these thing work would be nice.

In the last build, switching between Grid Bypass and SBU was one touch and done. Now it’s a three step process and as I related in another post, not a deal breaker but still a regression rather than an improvement.

I’ve seen text and email alerts coming soon keeps kicking the can down the road. I’d rather see an actual app with Apple Watch support, and would even pay extra for this convenience.

Despite my minor gripes, SA is still by far the most useful addition to my system.
Does anyone have a copy of Build 2023-08-16 lurking on their hard drive you could send me? I thought for sure I had saved it on my computer but apparently did not. After many emails with Duane at SA, they refuse to provide a copy and can't understand why I'm dissatisfied with the new stable build.
Yeah, me thinks I’ll stay with the older version for now. Looks like I’ll just trade out old issues for new ones.
I noticed that my battery packs always report highest or lowest cell voltage as 3.3. If the average is below 3.3V, then highest cell voltage is being reported as 3.3V and if the average is higher than 3.3V, then lowest cell voltage is reported as 3.3.
Do the batteries' BMSs themselves report correctly?

I don't see this. My server rack batteries use a PACE BMS.

Data taken from Solar Assistant via MQTT to Home Assistant & InfluxDB/Grafana:

Screen Shot 2024-04-18 at 8.14.05 am.png
Do the batteries' BMSs themselves report correctly?

I don't see this. My server rack batteries use a PACE BMS.

Data taken from Solar Assistant via MQTT to Home Assistant & InfluxDB/Grafana:

View attachment 209999
Yes, BMS reports correct data and I can see that if I connect same same RS485 cable to a laptop and use seplos software. I think this might be a bug. Support for V3 BMS was just recently added to the SA beta, so that's very likely
Yes, BMS reports correct data and I can see that if I connect same same RS485 cable to a laptop and use seplos software. I think this might be a bug. Support for V3 BMS was just recently added to the SA beta, so that's very likely
Sounds like it. Hopefully they can sort out what's going on.
I just in past three days, received my Solar Assitant Orange PI from Solar Assistant.. preloaded no SD card.. I initially connected via WiFi, however the past 24 hours it has been disconnecting from the WiFi and has available a good WiFi Signal and no issues with the router.. any solutions or best that I run a network cable Ethernet to the Solar Assistant.. ? Thanks in Advance - Ric

diy solar

diy solar