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Sticker with QR code missing - Fortune cells


New Member
Dec 4, 2021

I just received my Frey/Fortune/Overkill cells straight from LPT-Energetech in China (through Alibaba). I don't see any sticker with QR code around the cells and there was no documentation at all coming with the batteries, no certificates, no test datasheet, nothing. On the other hand, I haven't seen that sticker on any Fortune cell photo that I can find on internet. Isn't every company using that label with the QR code? There is just a simple label with a barcode on mine.

Does that mean my cells are Grade B or used or something? When they arrived, they were all at 3.334 V each. They were all measuring exactly the same voltage. I am trying to top balance them now at 3.65 V but they were taking only 0.5 A at the beginning and it slowly dropped to 0.2 A after 6 hours.

3.334V indicates they were likely shipped well above the 30% charge level. It's possible for fully charged cells to sit at this voltage.

Ordering directly from Alibaba from an unknown source is a great way to get ripped off.

Not sure about these cells, but the typical prismatic cells from Eve, Lishen, etc., have a QR code ETCHED into the Aluminum case.

If you're top balancing per the guide, it instructs you that you likely need to make high quality leads to ensure the voltage drop from the poor connection doesn't slow charging. If you haven't done this, that's likely why your current is so low.
Most LiFePO4 batteries will have a QR code, but not all. In addition, some batteries will have two QR codes, one for the factory and one for the battery wholesaler, which also exists. But there's no spec sheet... my friend, it's a bit dangerous, to be honest, did you buy it at a price well below market? If yes, cheap LiFePO4 batteries may be a scam...need to keep an eye out.
Could be used cells that they refurbished.
Until you capacity test them you won’t know anything .
Well, I bought them from LPT-Energetech, which is the same wholesaler that Will Prowse suggests here:

I just ordered them from China because I'm in Europe, so it doesn't make sense to order from USA due to import duties. That's the wholesaler I used:

The price I paid was 450 USD including shipping DDP, so it's more or less the same price that the recommended sellers in USA advertise.

It's true I didn't use good leads for charging, so I'll change that. Of course, I will test their capacity now...
So, I have completed a series of tests and here are the results...

I got 104 Ah discharging at 14 A. During the next charge I put 103 Ah in the batteries charging at 20 A. So I guess, that's a pass.

Next was the self-discharge test:
Initially, the cell voltages were:
3.468, 3.468, 3.464, 3.498
Delta: 32 mV

One week later:
3.453 (15 mV less), 3.448 (20 mV less), 3.449 (15 mV less), 3.486 (12 mV less)
Delta: 38 mV

I guess that's OK, isn't it?

The only thing that worries me is the Delta. Straight after disassembling the cells after the top balancing, the cells had a 30 mV Delta or so! I'm even wondering how is that possible. I had them balancing at low current (4 A) for a couple of days! And the impressive thing is that when I received the cells, all of them had exactly the same voltage: 3.334 V! During the next normal charge through BMS, the Delta went down to 15 mV but now it's again 38 mV. I set the JBD BMS to balancing only during charging. Is this something that should worry me? I'm trying to figure out if I should finally keep the cells or return them... Well, I guess there isn't much I could accuse the seller for.
100% SoC resting voltages in the upper leg of the voltage curve are going to be a little off. 38mV sounds great. Once they're a little below 100% SoC and in the "flat" part of the curve, delta will likely drop to <10mV.

Nothing stands out as problematic.

I just received my Frey/Fortune/Overkill cells straight from LPT-Energetech in China (through Alibaba). I don't see any sticker with QR code around the cells and there was no documentation at all coming with the batteries, no certificates, no test datasheet, nothing. On the other hand, I haven't seen that sticker on any Fortune cell photo that I can find on internet. Isn't every company using that label with the QR code? There is just a simple label with a barcode on mine.

Does that mean my cells are Grade B or used or something? When they arrived, they were all at 3.334 V each. They were all measuring exactly the same voltage. I am trying to top balance them now at 3.65 V but they were taking only 0.5 A at the beginning and it slowly dropped to 0.2 A after 6 hours.

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Frey is not selling to the automotive industry, so it is entirely possible that they don't have the same QR codes required for automotive grade cells.

I would order directly from Frey if you order more.

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