diy solar

diy solar

Temporary Setup


New Member
Apr 16, 2024
Hi - I have 7 x 250w Sanyo panels and a Schuco inverter. I have had to remove them due to a reconfiguration of my loft space. until I can put them back in place I am attempting a temporary installation in my back garden.

I have extended the cable which takes my generation back to the generation meter - so that it extends out to the garden. This cable runs to an isolator switch, which in turns runs to the Inverter and the Inverter runs to another isolator switch which the plus and negative from the panels plug into.

I have tried with a single panel connected - the inverter has the green, amber and red light illuminated - any know what this means?


The cables that connect the panels look like this - there is also a sticker with instructions but I'm not quite sure what they mean:



Since I have only one panel connected there is only one possible way to connect it so I can't see that I have connected anything incorrectly?

This is the setup - isolate top left run back to my main generation meter.


Do I perhaps need more than one panel to fire the system up? If so and I add another in series how do I know which way around the cables should go?

Thanks in advance!
Most inverters with MPPT have a minimum panel voltage to work. Look in the manual and see what that is, then add more panels until you Voc exceeds that.

The panels should have a two different connectors on it so you can't do it wrong. If the connectors are laying on the ground get rubber tape that sticks to itself and wrap the connectors to keep water out when it rains.
Yeah in hindsight I guess the single panel was not generating enough to power the inverter. It was a little overcast, I'll have a go tomorrow with a few more panels added.
Spam the electrical specs from the panels and the inverter (photo is fine), and we can tell you the answer with facts and science and math real quick. No need to do this experimentally.
My old panels have the same connectors. I think the sticker on the 3rd photo just means "don't disconnect under load". My 2004 panels have a similar warning sticker on every panels wire, but with text under the image.

The inverter looks like my old SunnyBoy inverters from SMA.. I googled Schüco and they are indeed affiliated somehow with SMA.


diy solar

diy solar