diy solar

diy solar

Texas grid close to edge tonight ?

Old Chrysler's had left hand threads on one side of the lug-nuts .
So did internationals, AMC's etc, as are all Budd wheels.

Now is that right hand from the 12:00 position or 6:00?

What I will say is that you get less strength imbalance when on side side righty tighty and other side is lefty tighty.
Can you mirror image that when turning a bolt on the underside?

And ever meet a lug nut where that rule led you astray?

Of course I can mirror it... And I know when I'm being tricked with a left hand thread when I look at the threads sticking through the nut.. The problem is when you can't see them.

I spent my teenage years flying radio controlled everything.. Planes, gliders, and even a couple of helicopters.. Thinking backwards mechanically is easy..
I also play the piano.. if you want to see a trick try playing the music backwards...
The most eminent scientists in the world disagree, strongly and unanimously.

Nope and Nope.

Voltage sag and temps here this week. Crazy what heat and demand can do


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