diy solar

diy solar

Thermocouple battery cooling


Nov 18, 2019
Is it possible to put a thermocouple plate under battery, stick that inside a styrofoam box with a lid, and keep a car size battery cool over the summer when it’s 110 eff outside?

All I need is about 4 cubic feet (max) cool.

Charging temperatures aren’t going to be much of an issue because this battery will mostly sit there on unused until I go up on the weekends. And it will probably be full by 10:30 AM.

Edit-It will have to keep itself charged. But once cool, I’m hoping the load will be small.

I can devout a small charge controller and 3 or so panels to this. Say 750 watts.

I don’t mind taking a chance with a cheap 100 amp hour lfp.

I see they sell little thermocouple ice chests on Amazon.

Good plan? Bad plan?
It's not bad, just know they cool on one side and generate heat on the other side. Gotta do something with that heat
Lot of heat not to mention they are inefficient, as in 50% range. I'm not an expert but do have some professional experience with Peltier devices used for cooling and heat transfer.

diy solar

diy solar