diy solar

diy solar

They want to charge you for using the sun now

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9967
  • Start date
You forget, beavers have more rights than I or my land has and I will end up in jail. :)
I think it’s written somewhere you can feed beavers Hardee’s biscuits… with ham and egg too..but not sausage ,
( as I remember). It affects the lipid panels .. bad juju…. Beaver police will come…
Easy. Two meters. The typical meter between utility and your main panel, and another meter between the inverter output and the panel.

You could never pay me enough to live in California. The level of stupid that goes on there seems endless.
That would require a huge outlay of cash and would violate a number of rights guaranteed under the constitution.
If you wanted it done for your sell back benefits in the old days then that was a whole different story but for them to come in and start to charging you money on a device that you installed to generate free energy is impossible, it just not gonna happen!

BTW that authors statement would mean they would also charge you for energy made by your Generator! Does anyone really see that happening?
Has anyone but me actually taken the time to even read the whole of section 9?

This is one of the huge problems in this country right now. Somebody starts a story using a tiny nugget of truth mixed in with a bunch of lies and makes the headline look spectacular and polarizing to get peoples attention.
They are taking advantage of the fact that 99% of the population will not take the time to verify the information.
Ironically we all keep joking that because it's on the Internet it must be true ? and yet we still believe Internet stories that align with our own preconceived notions.

I am nobodies puppet, I will always look at stories from the Left and Right that sound odd with skepticism.
Sometimes these things are true but in most of those cases it's just a lie or a pie in the sky craftsmanship by a group of legislators that will never be enacted because they know the uproar it would create. It's just messaging the Base with something they want to hear so they can get votes, but they know it will never happen and they themselves don't even want it to happen.

I have heard the argument that say people with Solar are making the people without solar pay more and in the case of Grid tied they are reaping benefits that they are not paying for. This argument cannot just be dismissed because it does have some bit of truth, but on the other hand nobody is stopping people from getting Solar so the point is kind of moot.
California is going to do what California is going to do. Not all of their ideas catch on in the other states
Please stop blaming Californians for everything that happens in California. PG&E is an incompetently run company that bribes our politicians to let them do stupid shit...same as 1000s of other big companies on every other state. If it were up to me, they'd have been seized for being insolvent and their infrastructure sold to the highest COMPETENT bidder.

I already messaged all my congressman about this stupid bill as well as Newsom to tell him I'll vote for ANYONE else if he signs this bill.

Any state representative that votes for this should be recalled or officially executed for treason (not that that would ever happen) because this tax is trying to be snuck through and it does NOT represent the best interests of Californians in any way, shape or form.
Oh well eh.
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Here we go again.
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Hell they do it here on the daily.
Just walk in your yard and if you ask them who they are it” County assessor or County Inspector” like that is supposed to be like saying GOD or something.

I had one of these bastards open my shed to see what was in it.

Needless to say they now all have locks and no windows.
Dig out a grave near the entrance to your property, put a sign near it that reads "Prepared in advance for Trespassers". ?
I didn’t say I agreed with it, if you need to reference some of the statutes , look up “The United States Waters Act”... Passed by mr O in about 2009 or 10 . A citizen does not own any of the water in his creeks , rain, underground and any of the runoff from his land… its very revealing.
to much to say here… I have read it. I know farmers up here who have been fined for violating it…
IMO, we should be able to charge the owner of the water rights rent for letting "their" water fall on our land. I'll set my price at only $5 per gallon.

I believe a law was passed in California in around 2012 that allows homeowners to collect the rainwater from their roof and that this overrides the Water board's water rights control. I'm pretty sure this is going to have it's limits though (i.e. maybe doesn't apply to the roofs of auxiliary structures).
Any state representative that votes for this should be recalled or officially executed for treason (not that that would ever happen) because this tax is trying to be snuck through and it does NOT represent the best interests of Californians in any way, shape or form.
That’s why it would never happen. It would be a career ending move for any politicians that signed off on it, no matter what side of the aisle your on.
I bet you I know how they will eventually ram something like this through. Rolling blackouts. They will say they can't afford to keep the lights on because of the evil solar owners who aren't paying anything. Solar tax would be pushed through as a fix.

Turning us against each other is how they accomplish everything.
I bet you I know how they will eventually ram something like this through. Rolling blackouts. They will say they can't afford to keep the lights on because of the evil solar owners who aren't paying anything. Solar tax would be pushed through as a fix.

Turning us against each other is how they accomplish everything.
Probably not far from the truth.
I bet you I know how they will eventually ram something like this through. Rolling blackouts. They will say they can't afford to keep the lights on because of the evil solar owners who aren't paying anything. Solar tax would be pushed through as a fix.

Turning us against each other is how they accomplish everything.
The fact that they even tried is all you need to know. Ya don’t win a foot ball game on the first play,.. its all a procession of advances and retreats.. thrust and party. They are almost certain to get anything they want in California. and will cut deals and lobby here and there and then slip it on some slow day , in some way… it may have even been a “ gimme” among the big guys .
they didn’t try to pass it to get somthing else advanced , but just like The Arnold said in T-1
I’ll BE BACK .. they ain't done.. they have only just started.
I bet you I know how they will eventually ram something like this through. Rolling blackouts. They will say they can't afford to keep the lights on because of the evil solar owners who aren't paying anything. Solar tax would be pushed through as a fix.

Turning us against each other is how they accomplish everything.
Like the carbon tax fixed everything right? RIGHT? LOLOLOL
You are right sadly.
The fact that they even tried is all you need to know. Ya don’t win a foot ball game on the first play,.. its all a procession of advances and retreats.. thrust and party. They are almost certain to get anything they want in California. and will cut deals and lobby here and there and then slip it on some slow day , in some way… it may have even been a “ gimme” among the big guys .
they didn’t try to pass it to get somthing else advanced , but just like The Arnold said in T-1
I’ll BE BACK .. they ain't done.. they have only just started.
Too bad they can't be a limit to the number of times they apply. Say twice per election or such.
Them [and others] have no respect for those who said no to them.
I believe it was additions to the “ Clean water act” originally passed in 1972.
Obama added some to it and most of those rules were repealed in 2019.

Can’t find anything on “The United States water act”
I have not looked at it in about 4 -5 years. I assure you it was much more sever in every way than the 72 version.. it was unreal…..they had meeting here to try and tell farmers what not to do in 2014 I went to It. I still have a print out from back then somewhere.
I do not know . It could be that trump repealed it… he did a lot of the Obama stuff like that…
I would certainly like to own my own water again… I will check on this… thanks ..J.
Please stop blaming Californians for everything that happens in California. PG&E is an incompetently run company that bribes our politicians to let them do stupid shit...same as 1000s of other big companies on every other state. If it were up to me, they'd have been seized for being insolvent and their infrastructure sold to the highest COMPETENT bidder.

I already messaged all my congressman about this stupid bill as well as Newsom to tell him I'll vote for ANYONE else if he signs this bill.

Any state representative that votes for this should be recalled or officially executed for treason (not that that would ever happen) because this tax is trying to be snuck through and it does NOT represent the best interests of Californians in any way, shape or form.
Come On Maaannn…!!! …excuses ..excuses…excuses…..if you can’t blame the voters of a state ,for electing the people that passed the rules that the voters are bitchin about , and then the voters DO NOT take the initiative to Vote Them Out,then who can you blame…It’s totally their fault…the voters are the only ones with the power to bring about change. For the voters to not act, enables the leaders to continue their abuses through the voters own inactions to remove them…
At some point we all have to take responsibilty for or own “inaction“…one can’t alway deflect any blame ,so as to escape blame…
Come On Maaannn…!!! …excuses ..excuses…excuses…..if you can’t blame the voters of a state ,for electing the people that passed the rules that the voters are bitchin about , and then the voters DO NOT take the initiative to Vote Them Out,then who can you blame…It’s totally their fault…the voters are the only ones with the power to bring about change. For the voters to not act, enables the leaders to continue their abuses through the voters own inactions to remove them…
At some point we all have to take responsibilty for or own “inaction“…one can’t alway deflect any blame ,so as to escape blame…
On the other hand, the offending section of the bill was already removed before you posted this story. I see a lot of unfair California bashing in these forums.
I'm going to have to call BS, on that. This is still a free country.
Out in the west meters on water wells are nothing new. It's in place to make sure you do not exceed your water rights. If you have 1 acre feet of water rights, that's all you get, the rest belongs to someone else......
Out in the west meters on water wells are nothing new. It's in place to make sure you do not exceed your water rights. If you have 1 acre feet of water rights, that's all you get, the rest belongs to someone else......
Gladly staying where I am. Too much craziness everywhere else.
I have not looked at it in about 4 -5 years. I assure you it was much more sever in every way than the 72 version.. it was unreal…..they had meeting here to try and tell farmers what not to do in 2014 I went to It. I still have a print out from back then somewhere.
I do not know . It could be that trump repealed it… he did a lot of the Obama stuff like that…
I would certainly like to own my own water again… I will check on this… thanks ..J.
BIASJO…..Thanks for bringing me up to date… several issues here…I am sitting here reading the official document that explains it all ,why it was cancelled , who cancelled it, what it reverted too and WHY.
This is the latest and best info I can find on this topic… I urge anyone with interest to do their own research…make your own decisions based only on your knowledge.

I represent this just a approximate guideline of what I have found.

IF anyone wants further info on this topic it can be found starting at the following

page 56626, of the Federal Register , vol.84,no 204/ Tuesday, oct 22,2019/ rules and regulations.

it reviews the extensive regulation pretty much as I remember it except that accurate name is slightly different . “Waters of the United States” is how it is addressed as a “ definition “ as to what exactly is considered the water under the control of the federal agency’s AS GRANTED BY LAW..

the 2015 law was in fact repealed for four reasons and that authority has been returned to the states , as it had been in the past…( it’s not that simple but that’s the jist of it )

A quick summary of the 4 reasons are, it was decided through law suits , public complaints about abuse , legal review and more ,that the power taken by the govt exceeded power granted to the govt under the law.. ( they fudged ) Haa,
> The administration at that time was seen to be doing a power grab by pushing the envelope of their powers to that not granted by congress,. It was not clear or well stated where their limits of their powers were under the law as written,. ( They were out of control)..Haa
> It also , when being presented and implemented ( advertised) it was represented by the federal agencies as replacing the previous regs and rules afforded to the states and tribal groups ,when it was not the intent of of the law as defned by congress.( they were a tat deceptive ) ..Haa
>It also was repealed to avoid further encroachment of federal powers over traditional state land use planning authorities ..( they fudged some more)..Haa
> LASTLY, it was found that the 2015 rules has serious lack of record keeping practices and procedural errors when dealing with the issues they were involved in… ( sounds sorta like destroying your own emails ) ..Haa

Simply put, the democrats under mr O got a bill through a committee , passed it into law , over reached the power granted and got thier hand slapped and their power took away .it was decided they also didn’t properly keep records and abused the traditional procedures in typical situations… the govt had 770,000 written public comments to decide to HOW to deal with these people enacting their own version of the law…
they chose to recall the whole definition section and shut down the feds involvement.

Good call guys , I don’t know who was behind it , but I suspect it was the administration in power during this period… this type of good call by the govt doesn’t just happen of its own accord..
At least not usually .
The controlling authority for e@chi of us seem to be your states own rules again…
I am pretty familiar with mine ,but probably need to update my knowledge of them.

Thanks Jim.
On the other hand, the offending section of the bill was already removed before you posted this story. I see a lot of unfair California bashing in these forums.
On the other hand …..I have no idea what is going on ,or not going on ,or on what timeline anything is goin on in California.…I don’t follow it ..I was totally making reference to the commenting poster on the concept of his dodging all responsibility for ones own problems, if they are ones fault.
If that was bashing it was bashing his mindset ,not a place. That mindset could exist anywhere.

I love California , been there many times… it’s a shame to see what has intentionally been done to it and why. I remember it well ,as a long haired youth there in the mid sixties… a wonderful , magic place , it was… I remember the real California…

But unfortunately , ” call some place paradise ,kiss it goodbye”……D.H.

we’re cool , no prob..
thanks for your comment,.J.
Parasites never give up trying to destroy life and those enjoying it.
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diy solar

diy solar