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They want to charge you for using the sun now

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9967
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Are you grid tied? If not then you would pay nothing but if you are Grid tied then people are going to have to pay some money to keep the infrastructure and the Generators running.
Yeah I am. And I pay for what I use from the grid. Why should I get charged more than the next guy simply because I also generate my own power to reduce how much I use from the grid (and therefore, put less stress on it)?
The days of spouting off fake news deliberately are coming to a rapid end. I give it about 5-10 years before every public lie can have consequences.
That'll be the day that humanity dies. Imagine going to court and trying to prove intent about just being wrong.
Just look at what happened to that Sick bastard Alex Jones. If it has been my Young Son that had gotten killed at Sandy Hook I would have gone out and hunted him down.
It's concerning to me that you would murder somebody over their words.
How low can humans sink? Well he has set a new bar. I hope they bankrupt him and send him to a prison full of horny guys. Then he can tell us what happened to him and we can all say it was a Hoax.
It's just as concerning that you're wishing rape on someone.
That'll be the day that humanity dies. Imagine going to court and trying to prove intent about just being wrong.

It's concerning to me that you would murder somebody over their words.

It's just as concerning that you're wishing rape on someone.
I take it your a Fan of this propaganda nut?
I would love to see your reaction if it was your 4 year child that was shot at Sandy Hook and some Left leaning talk show host was making millions of dollars saying your child's death is a Hoax.
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I take it your a Fan of this propaganda nut?
I would love to see your reaction if it was your 4 year child that was shot at Sandy Hook and some Left leaning talk show host was millions of dollars saying your childs death is a Hoax.

Not a fan. But just like the ACLU defended the KKK in the past, I stand by Freedom of Speech and the press. Let open debates.

The currently environment we find ourselves in with all the censorship is dangerous and nothing good will come of it. IMO.
Yeah I am. And I pay for what I use from the grid. Why should I get charged more than the next guy simply because I also generate my own power to reduce how much I use from the grid (and therefore, put less stress on it)?
I see your using the "Less Strain" argument.
You do know that power companies have devices that can precisely limit the amount of power your house can consume and then cut the power. So if your saying that your Tiny bit of power does not necessitate them keeping the grid as large as it is they can always put a limiter on houses like yours. If you try to draw more than you normally draw in a day it will cutoff the power when it reaches that point. This is used a lot in the UK and is very common piece of residential power company gear.

If your expecting them to maintain the Grid and Generators with the ability to fully power your house on Cloudy Rainy days or at Night then you have to expect that your going to have to pay your fair share of that maintenance cost. It cannot be shifted endlessly onto the shoulders of people who do not have Solar. At some point the price will be to high and they will go bankrupt and no one will have Grid Power.
Not a fan. But just like the ACLU defended the KKK in the past, I stand by Freedom of Speech and the press. Let open debates.

The currently environment we find ourselves in with all the censorship is dangerous and nothing good will come of it. IMO.
You seem to be missing the point. The KKK had beliefs that they expressed and that is protected under freedom of speech. What is not protected is Openly Lying when you know that what your saying is false. There have been numerous court cases where people have been found guilty of this simply because the prosecution had proof that the defendant knew what they were saying was a lie. Freedom of speech also has many other limits. I suggest you read up on them so that you don't break them.
I take it your a Fan of this propaganda nut?
No, I'm not. But you've got to admit, it looks awfully suspicious when someone on the radio who talks about how shitty the government is, and how people involved are committing crimes, is all of a sudden being prosecuted for free speech. Sort of makes you wonder if he wasn't right about something (obviously not Sandy Hook). It's a great way to make a martyr, regardless of whether he's right or not.
I would love to see your reaction if it was your 4 year child that was shot at Sandy Hook and some Left leaning talk show host was making millions of dollars saying your child's death is a Hoax.
I would probably be very upset with the person who shot my child, rather than some idiot talking nonsense on the radio. If you let people's words upset you to the point of violence, you might need to take a look at yourself. There's literally NOTHING somebody could say to me to get me to be physically violent with them, I've snapped on enough people to know it's not a good idea anymore. Actions on the other hand...

In no way is your position of violence and sexual assault over words defendable.

Sticks and stones...
Left leaning talk show host was making millions of dollars saying your child's death is a Hoax.
Also, I wonder how much left leaning news programs made on their coverage of both Alex Jones and the shooting itself? Everybody makes money on terror and violence. This isn't a left and right thing.
No, I'm not. But you've got to admit, it looks awfully suspicious when someone on the radio who talks about how shitty the government is, and how people involved are committing crimes, is all of a sudden being prosecuted for free speech. Sort of makes you wonder if he wasn't right about something (obviously not Sandy Hook).
The Parents sued as any parent would. They are the ones that have been on top of this from he started spouting off his mouth
It's a great way to make a martyr, regardless of whether he's right or not.
If Alex Jones is your idea of someone who can become a Martyr then your choices seem to be questionable. IMO he is human trash.
I would probably be very upset with the person who shot my child, rather than some idiot talking nonsense on the radio. If you let people's words upset you to the point of violence, you might need to take a look at yourself. There's literally NOTHING somebody could say to me to get me to be physically violent with them, I've snapped on enough people to know it's not a good idea anymore. Actions on the other hand...
Well I have not snapped on many people, but when they cross the line it is because that are no longer in a grey area were rational conversation or talk will work.
In no way is your position of violence and sexual assault over words defendable.

Sticks and stones...
Does not matter what you think is defensible. I would go after him with everything at my disposal. The Jail time and his Hoax story of what happened to him in jail would just be icing on the cake.
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The Parents sued as any parent would. They are the ones that have been on top of this from he started spouting off his mouth

If Alex Jones is your idea of someone who can become a Martyr then your choices seem to be questionable. IMO he is human trash.
Osama Bin Laden ended up being a martyr, that's why they buried him at sea. He was a colossal piece of shit too.
Well I have not snapped on many people, but when they cross the line it is because that are no longer in a grey area were rational conversation or talk will work.

Does not matter what you think is defensible. I would go after him with everything at my disposal. The Jail time and his Hoax story of what happened to him in jail would just be icing on the cake.
Seems like Alex Jones has been living in your head for a while, rent free. It's weird that you're so emotionally invested in something that has absolutely nothing to do with you. You're willing to have somebody raped and killed because he made OTHER people mad.

Next time I need somebody for an angry pitchfork-carrying mob, I know who to call. People like you, who make irrational decisions based on fear and anger, are the reason that things are falling apart right now. Show some restraint and judgment before you post complete, utter nonsense on the internet, and end up being dragged into court yourself for making death and rape threats on a public forum.
Osama Bin Laden ended up being a martyr, that's why they buried him at sea. He was a colossal piece of shit too.
Osama Bin Laden is viewed that way in America. For some sections of the Muslim community he means something completely different.
I have as much respect for them as I have for people who support Alex Jones.
Seems like Alex Jones has been living in your head for a while, rent free. It's weird that you're so emotionally invested in something that has absolutely nothing to do with you. You're willing to have somebody raped and killed because he made OTHER people mad.
No but Sandy Hook has been. If you had kids in school back then it should be something that is burned into your brain
Next time I need somebody for an angry pitchfork-carrying mob, I know who to call. People like you, who make irrational decisions based on fear and anger, are the reason that things are falling apart right now. Show some restraint and judgment before you post complete, utter nonsense on the internet, and end up being dragged into court yourself for making death and rape threats on a public forum.
Yes go tell that to the parents of the kids in the above picture, tell them how irrational I am about calling Alex Jones human Scum.
The press, governments, etc. lie all the time. Propaganda is not illegal.

As we said in the Air Force, if you’re catching flak, you must be over the target.
The press, governments, etc. lie all the time. Propaganda is not illegal.

As we said in the Air Force, if you’re catching flak, you must be over the target.
So why do you think Alex Jones is in court and has been found guilty if it's not illegal?
Osama Bin Laden is viewed that way in America. For some sections of the Muslim community he means something completely different.
I have as much respect for them as I have for people who support Alex Jones.
Just because you don't believe or respect somebody doesn't mean that somebody else out there doesn't.
No but Sandy Hook has been. If you had kids in school back then it should be something that is burned into your brain
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I did have kids in school then, it's incredibly sad what happened there, and the perpetrator is now dead. It's over. I don't know why you posted those pictures like I don't believe they were shot.

How many kids did you have in school at the time?
Yes go tell that to the parents of the kids in the above picture, tell them how irrational I am about calling Alex Jones human Scum.
I don't think anybody has a problem with you calling somebody scum. You're either missing the point or purposefully trying to avoid it to negate your violent statements. I tend to think it's the latter.
So why do you think Alex Jones is in court and has been found guilty if it's not illegal?
Because everything's illegal if the federal government wants it to be. That's a quote from someone who spent his entire life working for the DOJ, by the way.
Because everything's illegal if the federal government wants it to be. That's a quote from someone who spent his entire life working for the DOJ, by the way.
So why do you think Alex Jones is in court and has been found guilty if it's not illegal?

Sniff sniff.. I smell ignorance..

What was Alex Jones found guilty of?
Sniff sniff.. I smell ignorance..

What was Alex Jones found guilty of?
I haven't followed the case at all. I don't follow Alex Jones either, so I really don't know what was said, other than it was just something that was said.

I'm referring to the lynch mob mentality, and putting somebody in court for a conspiracy theory. What I do follow is history, and public censorship with the backings of a judicial branch is a very scary road to be headed down.
Just because you don't believe or respect somebody doesn't mean that somebody else out there doesn't.
And your point being? Your going in circles now.
I did have kids in school then, it's incredibly sad what happened there, and the perpetrator is now dead. It's over. I don't know why you posted those pictures like I don't believe they were shot.
Your standing up for him so I am wondering if your one of his political followers. Evidently most of his followers think it was big consiparacy and that these kids are happily living out their lives somewhere.
How many kids did you have in school at the time?
One at the time and for months we were never ever comfortable leaving him at school after that incident. The freaking phone would ring while he was at school and we would jump up in panic
I don't think anybody has a problem with you calling somebody scum. You're either missing the point or purposefully trying to avoid it to negate your violent statements. I tend to think it's the latter.
Oh no let me double down on that. If one of my kids had been killed I would be going out looking to have a talk with Mr. Jones right now.
I did have kids in school then, it's incredibly sad what happened there, and the perpetrator is now dead. It's over. I don't know why you posted those pictures like I don't believe they were shot.
It's not over when some scum is saying it's all a hoax and your kids are not really dead but probably hidden somewhere as part of a conspiracy.
Do you know what an AR15 does to a 6 year old? I would bet half of those parents never even saw their kids bodies in the Morgue or at the funeral.
Now just imagine someone starts to spin a story like this and you start to think that you might have buried an empty casket.
I haven't followed the case at all. I don't follow Alex Jones either, so I really don't know what was said, other than it was just something that was said.

I'm referring to the lynch mob mentality, and putting somebody in court for a conspiracy theory. What I do follow is history, and public censorship with the backings of a judicial branch is a very scary road to be headed down.
Alex Jones wasn't found "guilty" of anything. He was found liable, which is not a criminal offense.

Free Speech applies to the interactions between government and citizens, it does not apply to citizens between themselves. You are not free to verbally accuse people of things without proof, and you are not free to write or publish lies. While such actions are insulated from government oversight or laws, they are not insulated from civilian recourse. We have laws that allow for civil penalties that cover libel, defamation, and slander, and Jones was found to have violated those laws.

The government has not imposed any censorship on anyone that I am aware of as I believe it would violate the 1st amendment. However, once again, Free Speech applies to the interactions between gov and citizens, it does not apply to citizens between themselves.

The FBI asking Facebook to squash what they believe to be fake news is a gray area. If the FBI threatened Facebook, then I think that would be illegal, but if they just asked for a favor, then I'm pretty sure that's legal. So long as Facebook can say no, its nothing but a request.
Because everything's illegal if the federal government wants it to be. That's a quote from someone who spent his entire life working for the DOJ, by the way.
So what, thousand and thousands of people have worked at the DOJ. I am sure you can find one of them that believes in leprechauns.
And your point being? Your going in circles now.
I felt like I was typing in circles too ?. I'm not sure why I'm still trying.
Your standing up for him so I am wondering if your one of his political followers. Evidently most of his followers think it was big consiparacy and that these kids are happily living out their lives somewhere.
Like I said before, I don't believe that, or follow Alex whatsoever. I believe in quite a few "conspiracy theories" but that ain't one. From what Murphyguy said, it sounds absurd.

Would I see happening is a highly politicized trial of somebody who's openly critical of the government. What I meant by, the government can get you for anything, is that if they want to shut you up for some reason, there's always something they can find, on pretty much anyone. There's some pretty ridiculous laws still on the books, and I would gander that the overwhelming majority of people have committed an unknowing felony in the past year.

It does make one wonder if he was onto something though, and his public humiliation gives even more credence to his theories, regardless of what they are. That is, by nature, how conspiracy theories work.
One at the time and for months we were never ever comfortable leaving him at school after that incident. The freaking phone would ring while he was at school and we would jump up in panic
The only person who's at fault for you living in fear is the shooter, and yourself. Maybe you could make an argument that the news shoving it down your throat probably didn't help either, but you can't fairly single out one agency or person for it.

I don't watch the news, and the thought of a school shooter is always in the back of my head, but there's absolutely nothing about a situation like that I can control. I don't, and can't, let fear dictate my decisions. My kids go to school, come back and I have good days. Living in fear and anger sucks, I've been there, and I don't want to go back, it's not a fun existence.
Oh no let me double down on that. If one of my kids had been killed I would be going out looking to have a talk with Mr. Jones right now.
But they weren't killed. That's always a good thing. I genuinely hope you and your children live long, happy, and successful lives.

People want someone to blame when the person who committed the offense is no longer around, that's natural.
It's not over when some scum is saying it's all a hoax and your kids are not really dead but probably hidden somewhere as part of a conspiracy.
Yep, that sounds like a real scumbag thing to do, but the incident IS in fact over. Nazis are still put up on trial, and World War II movies are still made, but the war is over. The shooter is dead, and the victims have been buried.

Honestly, if I was a parent of one of the children, I would probably just want this to be over with as soon as possible so I can attempt to get back to some attempted normalcy (as much as you can have after loosing a child, I guess). I wouldn't want to spend my time in some courtroom rehashing the details of my child's murder with some nutjob who didn't have anything to do with the shooting.
Do you know what an AR15 does to a 6 year old? I would bet half of those parents never even saw their kids bodies in the Morgue or at the funeral.
Again, that's terrible, nobody should have to go through that.
Now just imagine someone starts to spin a story like this and you start to think that you might have buried an empty casket.
Who cares what some guy says? Why are you letting it affect you like that? There's entire sites and online forms devoted to 9/11 conspiracy theories, I don't see anybody suing them, or if they are, it's definitely not on the front page of the news.

I guess I just don't let let people get to me like others do. I couldn't care less about what the news or some rando says.
The only person who's at fault for you living in fear is the shooter, and yourself. Maybe you could make an argument that the news shoving it down your throat probably didn't help either, but you can't fairly single out one agency or person for it.
Read a book called "The Violence Project"

They studied the mass shooters, the police reports, interviewed victims and families, interviewed the prosecutors, active and retired police officers involved, friends of the mass shooters, and even interviewed the living shooters in prison. They went back almost 100 years in a 10 year study

They found some interesting trends. Trauma was, by far, the number 1 indicator at almost 90%. Most of the trauma was the result of domestic violence, drunken fathers beating them up, some was sexual abuse, death of a parent, etc.

They also studied how they planned the attacks, how long it took to plan, what they were thinking before the event, etc.

Long story short, (hope I remember these numbers correctly), some 70% of school shooters were encouraged by watching news media coverage of other shooters. Basically, most school shooters are copy cats. The fame of having their name and face spread around the nation, the emotional national coverage, etc.

They tried to get the media to refer to the shooters by some nondescript method that would eliminate the fame aspect, but it didn't happen.

News media coverage plays a significant roll in school shootings. Whether we can call that roll "responsibility" or not is a philosophical argument, but they do play a role.
Read a book called "The Violence Project"

They studied the mass shooters, the police reports, interviewed victims and families, interviewed the prosecutors, active and retired police officers involved, friends of the mass shooters, and even interviewed the living shooters in prison. They went back almost 100 years in a 10 year study

They found some interesting trends. Trauma was, by far, the number 1 indicator at almost 90%. Most of the trauma was the result of domestic violence, drunken fathers beating them up, some was sexual abuse, death of a parent, etc.

They also studied how they planned the attacks, how long it took to plan, what they were thinking before the event, etc.

Long story short, (hope I remember these numbers correctly), some 70% of school shooters were encouraged by watching news media coverage of other shooters. Basically, most school shooters are copy cats. The fame of having their name and face spread around the nation, the emotional national coverage, etc.

They tried to get the media to refer to the shooters by some nondescript method that would eliminate the fame aspect, but it didn't happen.

News media coverage plays a significant roll in school shootings. Whether we can call that roll "responsibility" or not is a philosophical argument, but they do play a role.
I couldn't agree more. I'll check out the book.

I saw a show a while back about a couple of shooters, and they both had pictures of the Columbine kids on their walls, as well as clipped newspaper articles of their other school shooting "heros". The media inadvertently turns these kids into idols for other disturbed children.

I think shootings should ONLY get local coverage, and the shooters name and picture should NEVER be mentioned on TV or in the papers. I think they (shooters) should be openly mocked and ridiculed. Imagine another kids reaction to "the shooter had a tiny little **** and no girlfriend, and he would never have one because he was a looser, and his little **** energy is why he felt the need to compensate with a large rifle", vs the borderline compassion the media has for these sick fu*ks now.

I think a lot of what's wrong with society today stems from the media, weather directly, or as a byproduct. I guess that's what happens when you're in the business of selling terror. ?

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