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diy solar

Trace 4024 internal breaker tripping


New Member
May 3, 2024
All, one of my 4024 has started to trip occasionally. The amount of load on the inverter has not changed and the tripping has now occurred 3 times in three weeks. Prior it has been stable. I wanted to check to see if anyone had seen similar issues and if the breaker can be replaced. Thank youIMG_0974.JPG
Don't know about this model, but thermal breakers age and can start tripping lower.

Do you have a way to measure that much AC current?

What are the loads? Some could have aged and increased in current draw, especially motors.

Of course if you can find another like it you could replace.
Or you could mount another breaker or fuse externally and bypass this one.

This is an AC breaker, smaller and easier to manufacture than DC.

Is that output (not input)? Do you feed a breaker panel? You could install a breaker of same value and backfeed it. Look for a hold-down so it can't pop out (because its pins would be hot), well if design doesn't have exposed pins, not such an issue.
Thanks for the reply. I have a sense system in the breaker panel and can usually gauge how much current is on each inverter. The inverters go to a panel and from there to the house. I assume this means if I go over 35 Amps AC it pops ... it's just unusual that he had been fine for years. Not sure how to obtain a replacement breaker though. The breaker may have just worn out ...
Have the same inverter. I did have that 35A breaker pop once; took me a while to find it. But in my case I think it was valid in that I had a bunch of freezers on it, which were all off for a while due to clouds and a grid power outage, and then they all came on at once.

But in researching that breaker popping, it seems that as they age, these breakers can start popping at lower currents and need to be replaced. And from what folks were saying, this is a fairly standard 120vac 35A breaker, so should be easy to source.
Thanks Steve777, I spoke to my solar supplier and they have a spare. Looks like it's fairly straightforward. The breaker has not been replaced since commissioning.