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Bob, thanks for the link!

page 50

Most Americans are aware and would agree that the events of January 6 were the convergence of factors related to security and politics. Few Americans would favor the presence of military forces at the U.S. Capitol, particularly during an event like the certification of a Predental Election. However, when the mobilization of D.C. National Guard (“DCNG”) was necessary to maintain order and safety, it appears the process of their mobilization was slowed due to these perceived political factors. Analysis to date of the events and response to the January 6 breach have left many unanswered questions. A full and unbiased review is necessary to ensure these delays never happen again .January 6, 2021, highlighted a culmination of failures at many levels, leaving the Subcommittee with questions regarding what and who is ultimately responsible for the intelligence, leadership, and structural failures of that day. In the aftermath of January 6, congressional committee initiated various investigations into the security, intelligence, and leadership failures at the U.S Capitol.


who was in charge of all three?
It says leadership at capitol fail last few words. That would have been Nancy Ice Cream eating and husband with strange hammer time Pelosi. The
DC. mayor

They had NG out for antifa mostly peaceful bbq At capitol
That would have been Nancy Ice Cream eating and husband with strange hammer time Pelosi.
D71, you are thinking the proud boys came to hear nancy or her husband talk?
you think BLM came to hear nancy or her husband talk?
you think antifa came to hear nancy or her husband talk?

IMO nancy could never get 5/10K people Listening to anything she has to say
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D71, you are thinking the proud boys came to hear nancy or her husband talk?
you think BLM came to hear nancy or her husband talk?
you think antifa came to hear nancy or her husband talk?

IMO nancy could never get 5/10K people Listening to anything she has to say
It was her job - Nancy Pelosi to get the NG as it was the DC Mayor when the Capitol police asked for it too.

What Trump should have done was declare Martial Law in 2020 but he was cowardly. Advised by someone against it.

When BLM Antifa were rioting he had every right to declare martial law. He could have secured the election too. Been dead ppl on the left. I still blame him for being a pussy. Trump will be listed as the pussy that wanted everyone else to put their ass on the line for him…..but when he had opportunity fell short. He could have truly drained the swamp - flushed the sewer. Afraid to go there. Trump was not ready to deal with the election he won… in 2016. He was a show boat with no go. Trump was following orders too. He could have declared Martial Law and broke their backs …. Did he have the Military backing him?
It was her job - Nancy Pelosi to get the NG as it was the DC Mayor when the Capitol police asked for it too.

What Trump should have done was declare Martial Law in 2020 but he was cowardly. Advised by someone against it.

When BLM Antifa were rioting he had every right to declare martial law. He could have secured the election too. Been dead ppl on the left. I still blame him for being a pussy. Trump will be listed as the pussy that wanted everyone else to put their ass on the line for him…..but when he had opportunity fell short. He could have truly drained the swamp - flushed the sewer. Afraid to go there. Trump was not ready to deal with the election he won… in 2016. He was a show boat with no go. Trump was following orders too. He could have declared Martial Law and broke their backs …. Did he have the Military backing him?

Yup but he's still the best we got that will actually close the border.
I've been browsing thru the document the select committee released .... There are so many things wrong with the way the original committee handled the J6 hearings it is mind boggling.
The problem is no amount of evidence that is turned up now will ever change the minds of people who followed the theatrical version of the J6 committee that played out on TV .... They did their damage.
I don't see how the participants in the farce will ever be held accountable for the fictitious version they presented to the public. Maybe Dinesh D'souza will do a movie or something.

Below is some more about the reasons the National Guard wasn't used to help fortify the Capitol. The Capitol Chief of Police tried to get approval for the National Guard, but was blocked by those above him in the Capitol security hierarchy.

Below is an except from the report .... With this being the bottom line ......
Had the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms approved Chief Sund’s request, it is likely
the Capitol’s outer perimeter would never have been breached.

Prior to January 6, 2021, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief was required by law to receive approval
from the Capitol Police Board before directly requesting assistance from the D.C. National
This requirement caused significant delays in the deployment of the National Guard
and therefore delayed law enforcement’s efforts to secure the Capitol.
In the days leading up to January 6, both the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms received
requests from USCP Chief of Police Steven Sund for approval to request National Guard

Chief Sund testified that he first requested National Guard assistance from the
House and Senate Sergeant at Arms during the morning of January 3, 2021.281 According to his
testimony before the Subcommittee on September 19, 2023, Chief Sund decided to expand the
security perimeter around the Capitol and believed National Guard assistance would be needed
to man the expanded perimeter due to the staffing constraints that a Joint Session placed on the
Chief Sund testified that on the morning of January 3, 2021, he walked into House Sergeant at
Arms (“HSAA”) Paul Irving’s office and asked that he approve a request for National Guard
assistance to support the expanded perimeter.

According to Chief Sund’s testimony, HSAA Paul Irving, upon learning of the request, said he did not like the “optics” of National Guard troops on Capitol Grounds and did not think the intelligence justified National Guard

Later on January 3, Chief Sund conferred with SSAA Stenger, who
like HSAA Irving, delayed Chief Sund’s request.

Chief Sund reach out to D.C. National Guard Commanding General William Walker and inquire
about what National Guard resources he could have ready for deployment if needed. Chief
Sund later wrote in his book:

"Several weeks after January 6, I had the chance to ask Stenger if he had been
given a heads-up that I was coming to request the Guard, and he told me that
Irving had called him and said, ‘Sund just came to my office asking for national
Guard assistance. We need to come up with another plan. I will never get this by

Had the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms approved Chief Sund’s request, it is likely
the Capitol’s outer perimeter would never have been breached.
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I've been browsing thru the document the select committee released .... There are so many things wrong with the way the original committee handled the J6 hearings it is mind boggling.
The problem is no amount of evidence that is turned up now will ever change the minds of people who followed the theatrical version of the J6 committee that played out on TV .... They did their damage.
I don't see how the participants in the farce will ever be held accountable for the fictitious version they presented to the public. Maybe Dinesh D'souza will do a movie or something.

Below is some more about the reasons the National Guard wasn't used to help fortify the Capitol. The Capitol Chief of Police tried to get approval for the National Guard, but was blocked by those above him in the Capitol security hierarchy.

Below is an except from the report .... With this being the bottom line ......
Had the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms approved Chief Sund’s request, it is likely
the Capitol’s outer perimeter would never have been breached.

Prior to January 6, 2021, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief was required by law to receive approval
from the Capitol Police Board before directly requesting assistance from the D.C. National
This requirement caused significant delays in the deployment of the National Guard
and therefore delayed law enforcement’s efforts to secure the Capitol.
In the days leading up to January 6, both the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms received
requests from USCP Chief of Police Steven Sund for approval to request National Guard

Chief Sund testified that he first requested National Guard assistance from the
House and Senate Sergeant at Arms during the morning of January 3, 2021.281 According to his
testimony before the Subcommittee on September 19, 2023, Chief Sund decided to expand the
security perimeter around the Capitol and believed National Guard assistance would be needed
to man the expanded perimeter due to the staffing constraints that a Joint Session placed on the
Chief Sund testified that on the morning of January 3, 2021, he walked into House Sergeant at
Arms (“HSAA”) Paul Irving’s office and asked that he approve a request for National Guard
assistance to support the expanded perimeter.

According to Chief Sund’s testimony, HSAA Paul Irving, upon learning of the request, said he did not like the “optics” of National Guard troops on Capitol Grounds and did not think the intelligence justified National Guard

Later on January 3, Chief Sund conferred with SSAA Stenger, who
like HSAA Irving, delayed Chief Sund’s request.

Chief Sund reach out to D.C. National Guard Commanding General William Walker and inquire
about what National Guard resources he could have ready for deployment if needed. Chief
Sund later wrote in his book:

"Several weeks after January 6, I had the chance to ask Stenger if he had been
given a heads-up that I was coming to request the Guard, and he told me that
Irving had called him and said, ‘Sund just came to my office asking for national
Guard assistance. We need to come up with another plan. I will never get this by

Had the House and Senate Sergeant at Arms approved Chief Sund’s request, it is likely
the Capitol’s outer perimeter would never have been breached.
We have no one to blame but ourselves if it is not righted in Nov 2024.

Warning they are trending some rumored Poll swings to Biden now. Guess what? They are going to cheat again.

TRUMP NEEDS TO SAY “THEY LIED TO ME ABOUT COVID.VACCINES”. Needs to say he is appointing Covid investigation Task force to Prosecute not investigate.

Trump is missing the opportunity to pick up all voters upset over covid vaccines …. Covid responses. He was either nut sack deep in it too or not.

I don’t think most anyone here doubt 6 Jan committee was lop sided except the faggots. They will speak up after they either swallow or spit. 🤣🤡😀👀
They were all selected to be on the Select 6 Jan Committee because most if not all had beef with Trump. Least ways that is how this FAKE Professional Wrestling Routine is playing out. That shit was scripted by Hollyweird. 🤣🤡😀

These ppl are crazy… 🤡 we have watched best circus ever definitely most expensive too.

$1.1 million dollars a month for what? Who got paid ? Congress already draws a salary. … like most govt workers. So who got paid?
We got punked ….

We the PPL are their over SIGHT …..we allow it so then it is on us. We are final power.

Trump is missing the opportunity to pick up all voters upset over covid vaccines …. Covid responses. He was either nut sack deep in it too or not.
D71, IMO J6th 2020 was his one shot, J6th 2025, we'll see 10000+ military at the capital.
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We have no one to blame but ourselves if it is not righted in Nov 2024.
TRUMP NEEDS TO SAY “THEY LIED TO ME ABOUT COVID.VACCINES”. Needs to say he is appointing Covid investigation Task force to Prosecute not investigate.

Trump is missing the opportunity to pick up all voters upset over covid vaccines …. Covid responses. He was either nut sack deep in it too or not.
I've been waiting for something like that too ..... Actually one of the things that concerns me the most about Trump. The more time that passes, the less likely he is to do anything.
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It will be the start of the end both will be fading off into history. I think once it's over lot less discussion about who is president.
Nah only the beginning.

Same old fight different people.

Especially if the candidate put forward isn’t a good ole boy, Wall Street,WEF, swamp person..

Any outsider will have the same struggles.
Racist, homophobe, xenophobic, etc.

The uniparty doesn’t want someone they can’t control.
Nah only the beginning.

Same old fight different people.

Especially if the candidate put forward isn’t a good ole boy, Wall Street,WEF, swamp person..

Any outsider will have the same struggles.
Racist, homophobe, xenophobic, etc.

The uniparty doesn’t want someone they can’t control.
I liked it better when news talked about tax and spending, ground hog day, Pardoning a turkey, Christmas Tree boring stuff.
It was her job - Nancy Pelosi to get the NG as it was the DC Mayor when the Capitol police asked for it too.

What Trump should have done was declare Martial Law in 2020 but he was cowardly. Advised by someone against it.

When BLM Antifa were rioting he had every right to declare martial law. He could have secured the election too. Been dead ppl on the left. I still blame him for being a pussy. Trump will be listed as the pussy that wanted everyone else to put their ass on the line for him…..but when he had opportunity fell short. He could have truly drained the swamp - flushed the sewer. Afraid to go there. Trump was not ready to deal with the election he won… in 2016. He was a show boat with no go. Trump was following orders too. He could have declared Martial Law and broke their backs …. Did he have the Military backing him?

I don't think so much the pussy, I think he was naive.

He trusted the wrong people and thought the system worked. He did not know how deep the rot went.

Personally I think this is why there is such fear about him this time around. I think you will see all the powers of the president come into play if he gets in there this next time. This is why I doubt he will win. And if he does win I doubt he will fill out his term.
Yup. The Dem party of 2008 sounds like the republican party of today.

I know that's much earlier but yes.
If biden had done the shit that he talked about then for the here and now we would have a great country.

He would of been very popular. Instead he is doing just the reverse…. Funny how they flip good cop bad cop
Instead he is doing just the reverse…. Funny how they flip good cop bad cop
D71, IMO with them it's whatever work at the time, he just opened up more of alaska to oil drilling, yet ran with
the democrat's on their green new deal, he'll do anything to keep gas prices down.

D71, IMO with them it's whatever work at the time, he just opened up more of alaska to oil drilling, yet ran with
the democrat's on their green new deal, he'll do anything to keep gas prices down.

View attachment 201897
Biden was a news media condemned public broadcast liar in 1987 after his run for President. He with drew because of it. Media said he was done because he was caught in lie after lie no character left but a figment fraction = lie.

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