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D71, that's how it works for me, and maybe you.
I was caught speeding in WI a long time ago. I was going about 8 miles over the posted speed limit. The state trooper took my license and made me follow him to the police station. Then was required to pay the fine on the spot or get locked up….until trial or got money for fine. Ever tried to pay a fine from jail. I’d bet it is not possible without help from the outside. I think it was under $100 fine. Been so long can’t remember. Used my NEW credit card to pay because did not have time or money to stay - fight it. I was forced to plead guilty by signing paying ticket and basically the fine confirmed my guilt because of circumstances. The police officer-hwy patrol had estimated my speed.

I WILL NEVER SET FOOT IN WI again. I won’t buy anything labelled from there either. That bs was unfair. I lived with it. I do still hold a grudge towards WI based on that ticket experience - bs. There was no internet to make public my dissatisfaction with the WI State Patrol ticket process. FEE Grabbers,… threatened imprisonment over ticketed traffic violation. Strange how we have cars that can easily cruise at 100mph but we are restricted to 55mph at that time. Justice.

I’ve also been pulled over because was the wrong color for the neighborhood and that area of town. Police stated as much. So based on my skin color the police suspected a crime but nothing else noted as to what crime. Officer first question was why was I there in his investigation of my suspected crime. I had done nothing to be suspect except “traveling”. Again they did not had any crimes listed just suspected because of my skin color in that area of town. Hmmmm…. I told him it was none of his business.

The area was known for poor ppl selling sex and drugs.
“Gorilla grip pussy” is not for everyone and we have borders - unseen divisions. Not that I have ever had “gorilla grip pussy” just what felt for the pull over. The cops thoughts: I was there either buying illegal sex or drugs or?????? If those things collected taxes for the govt then they would not be crimes is my feeling. Justt my thoughts.
I was actually dropping off a fella worker and It was none of the cops fucking business. It kinda pissed me off. I let the police finish his investigation without resisting. … and asked for their information when was no longer detained …. Made a complaint. Cop kept me there for about an hour being a prick. Police Treated like a criminal when making complaint about officer at the station. That police officer moved up became a chief of police. Justice.

ACCORDING TO INFORMATION SCOTUS has ruled police are suppose to when pulling over for a traffic violation only detain for 15 minutes no longer. Unless can articulate reasonable suspicion. With advent of police required wear cameras and ppl using their own cameras then am sure things might change.

What want to see are the videos from Mar-A-Largo of the fbi raiding it. I want to hear the comments made by the fbi on their body cameras. Will we hear it? Did they wear body cameras.. fbi? Why not?

I want to see the fbi film footage and evidence from epstein island too
Women have a hard time understanding and explaining FORCE Reality with no enforcement you can sue ppl from now until doomsday. Knowing the law and serving the law is never going to effect real change without opposition knowing there is real power as in a force. The 2nd amendment was the force for when the 1st no longer work.
What she is not stating towards end of video is words by themselves mean nothing. We have law after redundant law on the books. Women are retarded at times and why men never let them be equals for that displayed purpose in the past. Talk talk then last resort is cry until the man does something.
The woman in video is avoiding the direct question at 50:00 mark then acts crazy and confronting - angry. Who arrest the violators - who does the enforcing is the question to her. To emotional for her….. on and on avoidance of just saying …. The Judge Advocate General is the one to report to. Wtf is wrong with this woman. This is why although smart she thinks words are it. That is all we need.
Simple question to her was who enforces ? They have in fact made good steps forward…but….

Common Law is real….but again she never answered the direct question. Answer is "Judge Advocate General" Why won’t she just say that instead of acting crazy. Ppl like her is why she loses followers. Answer the question vs acting crazy and mad - angry.

Women read romance novels men do not. Majority of Q were horny women wanting their knight in shining armor to show up and save them. Do you know any men that read women’s romance novels? The playboy, penthouse, and hustler magazines are not romance novels. Strange women say they hate those magazines but women are in them? Are the complaining women really just jealous or what? 🤣😀 Haha

Hmmm truth with crazy
D71, I'll believe it when they release the court records.
when Bill was getting head in the oval office(blue dress), trump was grabbing by the pussy in NY(his words, not mine)
IMO bill and trump are made of the same stuff
D71, I'll believe it when they release the court records.
when Bill was getting head in the oval office(blue dress), trump was grabbing by the pussy in NY(his words, not mine)
IMO bill and trump are made of the same stuff
Tommy do you not like want something like “gorilla grip pussy” on a freq basis? Me - rather have a good hamburger. A good hamburger is hard to find.

Most women want guys to chase them make them feel like the only one in the whole world. Most women let themselves get into situation and some do thing. Monica worked for Mossad … Netanyahu offered have it go away if Clinton freed Pollard. It was recently in their own newspaper the Times of Israel but still discreet. They waited long time to do a public reveal. Bill Clinton has been compromised by Israel many times Both Epstein and His gf Maxwell were Mossad agents or assets. Maxwell's father was too.

Do you like watching women dance. Do you like giving them money to dance? When you get married are you signing a contract for life long access to “gorillia grip pussy.” Are there Contractual Conditions? What is the Common Law?

if you go to a whore or screw a sex porn star what are the expectations? You paid them once. If you have to pay them again at a later time to keep silent is that blackmail and extortion which is a crime?
What did epstein do with his dirt?
Tommy do you not like want something like “gorilla grip pussy” on a freq basis?
D71, I do get that I knocked up my wife at 16. but once I had my first heart attract, my gf
moved me into the guest room, she didn't want to wake up with a dead person.

Nikki's legs look very good to me:love:
D71, I do get that I knocked up my wife at 16. but once I had my first heart attract, my gf
moved me into the guest room, she didn't want to wake up with a dead person.

Nikki's legs look very good to me:love:
All you need to do is be a democrat political billionaire to touch that political prostitute. … might get sued for it later. Make a video for evidence. A bump on the head during wild sex might turn into rape.
Do you think Trump had hard time getting women once they knew he was a billionaire.

Look at Elon



Biden slipping tongue to grandaughter and the daughters diary was as real as the biden laptop.
That diary was left in a house that was rented. Sort of like the laptop was left out.

Do you think Trump had hard time getting women once they knew he was a billionaire.
D71, he could have a Russian model half his age, me my wife was 2 years older then me
, my gf of 50yr is 1 year older. me I don't have gold toilets, and I wouldn't trade places.

we all have to play the cards we are dealt.
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D71, he could have a Russian model half his age, me my wife was 2 years older then me
, my gf of 50yr is 1 year older. me I don't have gold toilets, and I wouldn't trade places.

we all have to play the cards we are dealt.
Tommy what did the Army call those hats worn on the Army Enlisted - men back in 1970’s - onward? There was an interesting name for them.

cunt caps
part of what they called a dress uniform.

most time we had green baseball caps on.


looks like I may need defrost my refrigerator, looks like it draws current every half hour.

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I was caught speeding in WI a long time ago. I was going about 8 miles over the posted speed limit. The state trooper took my license and made me follow him to the police station. Then was required to pay the fine on the spot or get locked up….until trial or got money for fine. Ever tried to pay a fine from jail. I’d bet it is not possible without help from the outside. I think it was under $100 fine. Been so long can’t remember.
Sounds like your in person skills or talking to police are about equal to your ability to talk to people online
Sounds like your in person skills or talking to police are about equal to your ability to talk to people online
Ryujin it was policy for WI State Patrol to make people pay fines that didn’t live there in that State. Ppl would skip out never pay ticket according to the Trooper.

They were fee grabbing.

You do a good job proving Murphy or Leo right.
Who ever said you a russian TOOL.
you act like someone else double dribble.

Wipe your nose. Put your straw in your lil drink box and take a slurp.
If Trump picks her as VP then Biden will be better choice

She just wrecked 1st amendment and made more laws to go with the laws that were already there …. If you are not Pro-Israel then according to what she stated you are hate crime. F her.

Jared has already had his dual passport ass out pushing antisemitism laws too

These ppl are Israel 1st
If you dislike things like WOKE and DEI
Don’t back Antisemitism Laws. Oppose and Protest Antisemitism Laws.

You can not lift a group up and then shit on everyone else. Trump has already done this for Israel He put antisemitism laws in too. Trump either learned from those mistakes when they called Trump antisemitic with the very laws - movement he helped put in place. I suspect Trump did not learn….
Not all ppl want antisemitism laws in the jewish world inside the USA this is something ppl like Soros and ADL desire. Again there are already plenty of laws in place to protect them. They want EXCLUSIVE LAWS for themselves.

Look at this older post point about Trump and how he was called antisemitic. He had supported them with special treatments - laws then was called antisemitic That is how it works.

Post in thread 'Trump'

This video is part of the control exposure of CIA - criminals in america. These ppl are tied with groups like the Mossad. They allowed ppl like Epstein to freely be Epstein with his criminality . With Epstein if they had serious Antisemitism laws then they would have claimed anything said about Epstein was antisemitic. The CIA are excellent “word smiths” brought us control-stuff like Patriot Act. The CIA loves the word Conspiracy.

Russell Brand talking about CIA

ADL are word smith experts and sometimes they tell you up front like lately. They were formed over a criminal jew. Sort of early George Floyd except the death sentence was forced - carried out as ruled by courts for the convicted crime of murder. The governor was most likely bribed or black ailed to pardon….Leo Frank. Hence ADL was formed.

The ADL and Southern Poverty Law Firm are attacking ppl on Right directly but want a special shield of Antisemitism laws so you can’t mention them.
ADL says anyone opposing illegal immigration are racists …. Never mind you are being mugged raped and murdered. If you complain you are all of those things like racist according to the ADL. The above video is old alex jones.
Antifa and Bolsheviks pushed antisemitism laws after WW2 in Europe but having been involved in Russian revolution prior to WW2 also pushed antisemitism laws to maintain communist control.

He needs draw a pathetic chaulk line around himself:

Ask them who are doing the assaults ADL is talking about. They blame white ppl.

I will offer a simple solution if an Israeli is here being attacked because they stand with Israel who are exporting Palestine ppl to here then they can expect much worse in the future. Where else is obvious increase coming from. They should go back to Israel and stand there. Here is how that will work if they - Israeli keep exporting the Palestine ppl to here…Palestine ppl will get guns and shoot the Israeli here then the Israeli will push for USA gun bans here.

The 60 Minute news crew were attacked because a jewish woman named Barbara Lerner Spencer living in Israel pushed immigration on Sweden many years ago. Then Spectre’s new country Israel she was from U/sA but moved there is causing mass refugees and immigrants to hit Europe and here in USA with their expulsions and land grabs. She whines and cries there will be RIGHTFUL blame for what her and Israel have done in forms antisemitism.
Barbara Spectre old video and latest 60 minute crew getting assaulted. This is why they want antisemitism laws.

Post in thread 'Illegal Immigrants just ffs'

The illegal immigration HIAS Group Mayorkas belonged to is jewish as he is using tax payer monies to recruit bring ppl here. Remember Israel is becoming less diverse for their population while you are expected to be happy with their out cast coming here to live.

Post in thread 'Illegal Immigrants just ffs'

Silence is acceptance. Ppl tried to warn you about covid.. If you are a late bloomer then you better look at these form opposition real quick because ppl like that governor want the Antisemitism laws nationwide. If you could have opposed the Federal Reserve would you? You are sitting around when something similar is happening to cover the ROTHSCHILD Family and Friends origins up.

If you dislike Hate Crime Laws and Discrimination Laws excluding white ppl for claims now and over past years then welcome to even more of it with antisemitism laws.

So they want guns outlawed and 2nd amendment gone too.

In the big bill that was suppose to have gone through from the Chuck Schumer Senate they had a $400 million dollar free money for USA jews to protect them . They need that $400 million in usa tax money… and will get it sooner or later. The ADL and rest of the chosenites will make sure of it.

The ppl that were attacking jews on college campus were against attacks on Palestine ppl. Protestors against Zionism. BDS was a system of boycotts against Israel from companies like jewish owned Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. But Trump wanted to jump into the middle of their civil war.
The jews here also want that $400 million dollars.

Most ppl are terrified to talk about these things yet they are going to take $400 million from you tax payers to spend on themselves here. Only in America.
They should be thankful we are taking this estimated $451 Billion dollars of estimated illegal immigrants. Israel are expelling their undesirables. We will take them.

However the Israeli here and the ADL need to be honest and stop blaming white ppl. It is their former neighbors from there that moved here attacking them. Not white ppl such as the idiot from adl claim.
Look up this nasty jewish man from the ADL.
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White white white white white…. He hits every white with a broad brush….. they are working for the free $400 million sought tax monies for here.

Then he admits they did call for a pause to make musk conform. Listen to his double talk. He says can have zero effect against 1 st amendment while zero out antisemitism. They can’t co-exist. He is a nasty nasty person attacking all white ppl and christians. He needs to be taking out of the adl - FIRED. GREENBLATT IS A BAD REPRESENTATION.

What color is Greenblatt? He is white. Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream was jewish opposition called antisemites. Greenblatt needs to name “who” instead constantly white white white white. Some of the white antisemitics he complains about are jewish ie: Ben Jerry as example.
They do not need any additional laws that put them on a pedestal They need to stop being assholes then complaining when ppl say their shit stinks.
This article describes in detail the actual evidence surrounding Trumps pre-authorization of 10,000 National Guard for J6.

What the J6 committee put in their report was a bald faced lie. Trump had offered and put the guard on ready status ..... and recommended ..... National Guard to secure the Capitol on J6 ..... before the event ... that offer was turned down by Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving
The president can authorize the Guard .... which he did .... but cannot order them.
The J6 committee had the testimony .... but buried it and lied in their report.

This article may be behind a paywall.

I found this to be very interesting given Thiel's link to Trump


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