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diy solar


Mass immigrants that bring nothing are a negative and a drain on an already depleted resources and monies.
If anyone can’t understand economics $34 trillion dollars in debt means we are broke and only idiots can’t see that.
D71, complaining about the dollar in a capitalist economy(with a still growing GDP). :fp2
it would easy not see the economic benefits of things like helping in ukraine , or resources used for immigrants.
but they still pay someone's rent, and send someone's kid to collage.

one of the side effect of a capitalist economy D71, your misfortune is someone's paycheck.
There was some very bad behavior on J6 by a portion of the crowd of Trump supporters. The vast majority were there to protest, nothing more.

That said, those of you who consider that some kind of turning point for the country are conveniently forgetting the actions of the anti-Trump groups over the course of his presidency, including one celebrity holding an effigy of his severed head.
Freudian slip
Klystron, no, more like I was programmed. when I was in grade school the first thing we would do
is stand and say the pledge of allegiance, then talk about the United States Constitution, then
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

I bought into that, and the grass is greener thinking.
Almost forgot…. Clarence Thomas will become lead SOC when lib leftist and RINO judges are impeached and Trump puts in new ones.
Liberal tears and fears will be confirmed… you, democrats pushed it to far. You couldn’t just be decent human beings. So…. There will be a lot of mental hospital - prisons built. Trump loves construction. You can poop sex each other all the time.

That is my version of Martin Luther King Dream.

D71, complaining about the dollar in a capitalist economy(with a still growing GDP). :fp2
it would easy not see the economic benefits of things like helping in ukraine , or resources used for immigrants.
but they still pay someone's rent, and send someone's kid to collage.

one of the side effect of a capitalist economy D71, your misfortune is someone's paycheck.
Just remember a gallon of gas is currently $3 a gallon so will take 3 of your silver bullion coins each time you get 1 gallon. How many do you have? Transfer your wealth. Misfortunate one.

Billionaires get their money from someone else. So your misfortune is true - why hate on Trump and not the rest. That is the problem. From someone in basic middle looking at it. All this focus just on Trump. Hmm… not ppl on the left that have more wealth. Interesting.

In foreign countries riddled by war ppl will resort to cannibalism Seen it. Probably be here. Are you fattened up. Someone in your local will be hungry.

Those 11+ million ppl here illegally if only ~10% decide to arm up and form up that is 1 million strong military inside our borders. You are welcome. They will in most cases be killing fags homo first.. Muslims -Islam hate fags. So…. You brought them here so enjoy.
The pampered spoiled Left are in for that awakening. The women that want equal rights are next. Rape city.

Will citizens form up yes… how will friend from foe be determined…. The old way was skin color likeness not diversity. See where this is going to be headed ww2 germany. They had a cleansing because it was same situations created as now. The left and right have brought it to this point. Allowing the border to be over run was intentional. The final solution will be nukes. On ourselves. Thanks We really appreciate it.

Only idiot doesn’t know that germany was broke as hell in 1930 or so but found massive wealth…. Rut ro… someone financed all that. Wonder who? Probably same ppl that always profit off war….through out the centuries.

That is one possible situation.
Klystron, I can see how that would creep you out, but to compare it to 300 people going to prison?
J6 was over 500 ppl in jail…no insurrection charges on anyone… . Hmmmm so what are you saying .. the democrat civil war carried out for 7+ months in 2020 was noticed as blm antifa cover. That will be resolved for justice soon if Trump gets back.
D71, at no time have I hated on anyone, but I don't agree with his approach.

it works good for tearing things down, IMO that's not in our interest right now
The left have hated plenty for both sides. Stop lying either that or chose your side which will probably be required soon.
Leftist already putting on Trump gear like they did for j6.

Tearing things down? ‘Build back better” “ Bidenonomics” hmmm … nothing better has came from Biden and he keeps the border open still. Allowing Illegals to cross border are not immigrations that is criminal. There is process and even rejection. Or we have open borders like now. Both the left and right are allowing it.

You will see major violence when welfare is slashed from our own and the 11 million imports here illegally. Good luck. How many silver bullion $1 dollar coins do you have. Transfer your wealth.
You will see major violence when welfare is slashed from our own and the 11 million imports here illegally.
I'm too old to worry about a bunch of Hoveround running me over. all the young are just living their lives.
‘Build back better” “ Bidenonomics” hmmm
all through the turmp years I would drive past the empty parking lots of the Belvidere Auto Assembly Plant
last week the lots had a large number of cars.
I'm too old to worry about a bunch of Hoveround running me over. all the young are just living their lives.
Just remember when we are both getting beat down and made to kneel in front of the trench we dug for our final dirt nap … just consider what could have maybe been said now or in the past to have prevented it. Oh It won’t be just us. Young ppl are going into the death trench too. Whole sale cleanse…. Diversity. I will be the one saying “Told you so.” No smiley face

The elderly are targeted each flu season and covid deaths was better for the years at systematically reducing social security debt monies owed to ppl that had paid into those broken systems. Entitled eliminated. They will be remembered as the lucky ones for their ease of murder in hospital environment. Quick question how many ppl died at home from covid…while in their own beds? The money saved by the elderly deaths can be sent to Ukraine and Israel. USA LAST OR SUBTRACT MORE from America which LEAVES NONE AT ALL. …. RINO want to cut internal USA budgets to give money away outside our borders. Ala Israel and Ukraine our best allies. They will be Best friends money can buy. …in foreign countries that won’t allow average American in when the time comes..
Example name explains. They mean the World not themselves for this type. Again name is plain.

Our open border allowed 11+ million illegals in ….again If only 10% Do illegal things like murder then…. Toast. If our military shows up they have to treat everyone as enemy until sort and vet. So …..toast. Militia unidentified by military will be viewed as hostile… toast. Military see ppl with weapons as hostiles same as police. Toast Curfew violations will be seen as hostiles - toast. Refusing to surrender arms to military - toast. Food and water will have choke control points… toast. Ppl not starving like rest will be noted as hoarders….toast. It is not going to work out like either side imagine. A hold out single sniper with bolt action in like the infamous bell tower in texas caused a lot of problems. Again not going to work out well

Why they want firearms is to make their take over easier end it not end like vietnam-Iraq or Afghanistan.

“I told you so.” My words.

The CULT is voting for Biden again and saying the last 4 years were fine.
A little more trickled out today.

See new posts


Michael Shellenberger

A missing binder of top-secret intelligence about Russia threatens national security, says CNN. But it doesn't. And now, credible sources say the U.S. government is hiding the binder because it incriminates the intelligence community for illegal spying and election interference.




Michael Shellenberger

U.S. Government Is Hiding Documents That Incriminate Intelligence Community For Illegal Spying And Election Interference, Say Sources
Why doesn’t that guy named "sources" run for president. He seems to know everything. All the news outlets always take his word for everything without question.

That guy must be a genius. I think I’ll write his name in.
who is Sources?
Sources is a complex personality as are most of these small breed pundits.
Same to all the people in this thread, your time is limited, make the most of it.
Why is your time limited?
Black garlic and Wedding crasher.
Irrelevant though
Cut back on the THC and enjoy the CBD.
I really don’t want to sit back and watch people kill each other.
Then don't.
All people do on these forum is talk about others and never with others
What are you talking about? I'd bet some of the best discussions on the interwebs take place here.
all through the turmp years I would drive past the empty parking lots of the Belvidere Auto Assembly Plant
last week the lots had a large number of cars.
Because cars aren't selling, the auto industry is in the shitter.