diy solar

diy solar


Your opening post are so well orchestrated and timely, I have to wonder if you are just a bot.
How would the 911 operater know your race?
Did I say the Operator?
I said the Police as in he is dispatched into a neighborhood and the Officer knows the House and the owner from possibly prior incidents and then decides not to respond.
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I am having more and more trouble taking your posts seriously.
It seems that you have a particularly virulent strain of TDS that has totally shut down your logic centers and destroyed your ability to engage in any critical thinking when it comes to Trump.
Well Bob if it makes you feel better I never took you seriously. ?
It's pretty clear that you spend all your time thinking about Trump. Most of us have better things to do with our time.
What is surprising, is that even the most radical Trump supporter would not waste their time creating thousands of political posts on a Solar Forum.
Has this massive waste of time created any converts?
Anybody with Brains knows that most Americans are already locked into their positions on Trump, so exactly why do you waste your time?
It almost feels like your being paid to keep on making new threads and posts on this Forum.
Did I say the Operator?
I said the Police as in he is dispatched into a neighborhood and the Officer knows the House and the owner from possibly prior incidents and then decides not to respond.

Maybe those prior incidents are the reason they don't want to respond (content of character) and not their race (color of their skin).

This is what liberals do. They want the color of their skin to get them out of the consequences of their character.
Well Bob if it makes you feel better I never took you seriously. ?
It's pretty clear that you spend all your time thinking about Trump. Most of us have better things to do with our time.
What is surprising, is that even the most radical Trump supporter would not waste their time creating thousands of political posts on a Solar Forum.
Has this massive waste of time created any converts?
Anybody with Brains knows that most Americans are already locked into their positions on Trump, so exactly why do you waste your time?
It almost feels like your being paid to keep on making new threads and posts on this Forum.

We aren't trying to convert anyone. We already know Biden voters are irreconcilable.

We are just here to discuss things amongst ourselves to keep our sanity.

If you don't like what the men are discussing then you can always put your pink pussy hat on and go to the march with the other biden supporters.
You’ll be banned before me.
You’re a very mean man and threaten people.

Your mental health will be much better if you just stay in a censored environment.

The off-topic forum of this site and Twitter are not good places for people like you.
Oh you Americans just love your bickering over trivial things like politics.
If you think about it, just about every politician starts out with all the best intentions and along the line that goes all down the drain.
It doesn't matter what country you're in, it is all the same.
Bickering over some old people doesn't solve anything.
Every president or Prime minister does everything wrong according to those who oppose them.
My only comment in this senseless thread, over and out (y)
We aren't trying to convert anyone. We already know Biden voters are irreconcilable.

We are just here to discuss things amongst ourselves to keep our sanity.

If you don't like what the men are discussing then you can always put your pink pussy hat on and go to the march with the other biden supporters.
Why have you hyjacked this thread?
Read the OP.
You have several others threads dedicated to your groups opinions only.
Face the facts. You can’t help but harass, intimidate and threaten people who don’t agree with you.
This can only mean that you are very insecure. Your struggle is with your own humanity.

Your response to me will no doubt include childish name calling.
Did I say the Operator?
I said the Police as in he is dispatched into a neighborhood and the Officer knows the House and the owner from possibly prior incidents and then decides not to respond.
Making up a scenario to fit "YOUR" narrative. I have personally observed that the people who toss out the race card consistently are themselves raciest in thought.
Well Bob if it makes you feel better I never took you seriously. ?
It's pretty clear that you spend all your time thinking about Trump. Most of us have better things to do with our time.
What is surprising, is that even the most radical Trump supporter would not waste their time creating thousands of political posts on a Solar Forum.
Has this massive waste of time created any converts?
Anybody with Brains knows that most Americans are already locked into their positions on Trump, so exactly why do you waste your time?
It almost feels like your being paid to keep on making new threads and posts on this Forum.
I am merely posting events as they happen .... Events that I come across in the course of my reading. These events should be particularly interesting to you since you would never see them if they weren't posted here.

There are going to be MORE Supreme Court decisions to post about.
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Making up a scenario to fit "YOUR" narrative. I have personally observed that the people who toss out the race card consistently are themselves raciest in thought.
By your reply i can see it was a perfect example that you could not refute, so you instead diverted to a personal attack.
Keep on throwing stuff, maybe one day you will hit the Target :ROFLMAO:
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We aren't trying to convert anyone. We already know Biden voters are irreconcilable.

We are just here to discuss things amongst ourselves to keep our sanity.

If you don't like what the men are discussing then you can always put your pink pussy hat on and go to the march with the other biden supporters.
And We and by we I mean Democrats, Independents and the 50% of Republicans that are not supporting Trump know that his followers are nothing more than Cultists. We just wish we had a better option than Biden but if Biden is the only palatable dish on the Menu it's a lot better than voting for a Narcissist lunatic like Trump.
We aren't trying to convert anyone. We already know Biden voters are irreconcilable.

We are just here to discuss things amongst ourselves to keep our sanity.

If you don't like what the men are discussing then you can always put your pink pussy hat on and go to the march with the other biden supporters.
If I set up a thread dedicated only to pro-Biden post and no talk of trump at all, could you, would you stay off it?

diy solar

diy solar