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Trying to survive the hurricane Need some assistance on my generator powering my inverter


New Member
Jun 2, 2021
So i'm having some issues with my generator power my inverters to charge my batterys. He used to work but I have changed my Inverter tp6048 Some power gold To echo worthy 2 5000watt inverters. The tp6048 had a big transformer in it Where the eco's do not. My issue is when I try to use a generator to charge the batteries it really serges up and down and I have changed the current Down to 15amps and it's still doesn't. I can see my j k b m s software that it draws fifty sixty amps and the generator kicks out. I have to use solar only at this point in time to charge a batteries Any thoughts? They're saying we may be so out for days if not weeks of power I'm north of houston Thanks for any help yes I have a lot in and out with the phone and the internet
How big is your generator?
Turn off eco settings, if any.
Generator may need to provide load plus powerto charge battery.
Maybe turn off load on one ecoworthy, and charge battery with just the one.
If you can get to Sulphur Springs, call Sgnature Solar about picking up a chargeverter to charge the battery.
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Hi Buick,
Like DIYrich said, it depends on the size of your generator. If for example, many 4000 watt generators can only run 3,200 watts continuous. You may still be set for too high of a charge. 60 amps on the battery side of a 48 volt system could be too much for my example generator (60x54=3240). If the charge is stopping for some other reason than amperage, check if your inverter allows you to adjust your range of voltage and frequency larger. That could allow the generally more "dirty" power from a generator to work.

For anyone else reading this, please do test a scenario like this so you are fully confident when you do need it. It's good to run your generator every couple months anyways, so make it a "real world" test. Shut off the grid side, and practice it for real.
How big is your generator?
Turn off eco settings, if any.
Generator may need to provide load plus powerto charge battery.
Maybe turn off load on one ecoworthy, and charge battery with just the one.
If you can get to Sulphur Springs, call Sgnature Solar about picking up a chargeverter to charge the battery.
Sorry for the delay the phone service and internet service has been real sporadic still with no power. My generator is 12kw And everything work fine with my tp6048 sunpower Only thing different it had a big transformer in it. The eco worthy's power the house fine the generator by itself powers a house fine but when I try to feed it into the input of the eco worthy I can look at the jkbms And it will ramp up the fifty sixty amp Then the generator wants to kind of shut down And it will go up and down even if i've got the input current set as low as fifteen amps. I will adjust the current to a point where doesn't load down the generator too much and still keeps refrigerators and other things going. I have wrote the manufacturer but in a probably the next hurricane for I hear back from Them. Thanks for your help
How big is your generator?
Turn off eco settings, if any.
Generator may need to provide load plus powerto charge battery.
Maybe turn off load on one ecoworthy, and charge battery with just the one.
If you can get to Sulphur Springs, call Sgnature Solar about picking up a chargeverter to charge the battery.
Forgot to answer one of your questions these are set up 240 split phase So the master won duper takes whatever you said in it to the other one so I can't shut one of them off
No useful suggestion on the gen problem but another chargeverter vote.

I'm using a chargeverter for my newer sungold unit and my old tp6048 unit.
My 12kw gen can run it thus handling the inverters needs and powering other stuff too if needed. I actually power two houses at once with generator now.
Possibly a grid priority mode? If your loads are met, and it is set to PV priority, it may not use the gen to charge. Setting it to prioritize grid (gen) charging may help.
Possibly a grid priority mode? If your loads are met, and it is set to PV priority, it may not use the gen to charge. Setting it to prioritize grid (gen) charging may help.
There is a priority setting But I think it's in the right position prior to the storm coming in I went out and switched over utility power which is the same as switching to the generator power and charged all my batteries
No useful suggestion on the gen problem but another chargeverter vote.

I'm using a chargeverter for my newer sungold unit and my old tp6048 unit.
My 12kw gen can run it thus handling the inverters needs and powering other stuff too if needed. I actually power two houses at once with generator now.
Yeah I realize A separate charged controller is an option But I like the availability to change the current in the current controller based on what i'm trying to run at the same time So I can apply excess current to the batteries From the generator
Can you stop all loads temporarily and see if generator can charge batteries alone?
Do you have AC input power hooked up to both of the 5000W units?
Have you tried changing to APL setting for the input?
Are your neutral ground bonds correct?
What about the setting for neutral ground bond?
Also, make sure you are adjusting the correct current current setting, you should have one for solar and one for AC.

You could also try adding a separate resistive load to the generator like a heat gun or hair dryer to load it down a little bit and hopefully stabilize the voltage and frequency a bit.
Can you stop all loads temporarily and see if generator can charge batteries alone?
I was thinking about that earlier that I might try turning off the back feed to the house and solely put power into the batteries. I'll give out a try to ball that seems to be a really unusual problem. I'll Let you know
Sorry for the delay the phone service and internet service has been real sporadic still with no power. My generator is 12kw And everything work fine with my tp6048 sunpower Only thing different it had a big transformer in it. The eco worthy's power the house fine the generator by itself powers a house fine but when I try to feed it into the input of the eco worthy I can look at the jkbms And it will ramp up the fifty sixty amp Then the generator wants to kind of shut down And it will go up and down even if i've got the input current set as low as fifteen amps. I will adjust the current to a point where doesn't load down the generator too much and still keeps refrigerators and other things going. I have wrote the manufacturer but in a probably the next hurricane for I hear back from Them. Thanks for your help
Can you use your tp6048 as a battery charger? Hook your jenny to that and run couple leads to your batteries
Can you use your tp6048 as a battery charger? Hook your jenny to that and run couple leads to your batteries
I could've unfortunately I just sold it prior to the storm would have been kind of a pain to try to hook up
Try turning off big loads.
Maybe an imbalance in l1,l2 that the generator doesn't like.
Find any inverter to use as a battery charger.
Try turning off big loads.
Maybe an imbalance in l1,l2 that the generator doesn't like.
Find any inverter to use as a battery charger.
I ran a test this morning turned off any load and just feed the inverters to charge battery's still just up and down surging lowered setting to as low as 25amp charge didn't make any difference hopefully the manufacture will have a thought. Thanks
Do you have AC input power hooked up to both of the 5000W units?
Have you tried changing to APL setting for the input?
Are your neutral ground bonds correct?
What about the setting for neutral ground bond?

Also, make sure you are adjusting the correct current setting, you should have one for solar and one for AC.

You could also try adding a separate resistive load to the generator like a heat gun or hair dryer to load it down a little bit and hopefully stabilize the voltage and frequency a bit.
My setup is I back feed the solar as well as the Generator from my garage 100amp feed and has worked great so just using that grounding. And as far as a resistive load I have a blower fan plugged into the generator. If you have time or any of the members I just uploaded the pdf manual and I short video of settings to my google drive that I have shared with the factory. I will provide link the last I have heard maybe power returned tomorrow along with internet just using hotspot.
Based on the manual, if I'm understanding it properly, inverter one AC output supplies L1 power and inverter 2 AC output supplies L2 power.
Thus setting 31 must be 2P2 and not 2P0 since you need the phase from L1 to L2 to be 180 degrees out of phase not 0 degrees as you currently have it setup. Your generator is trying to fight against your inverter constantly since it is out of phase with your inverters, I'm surprised that you haven't blown any breakers or fuses yet!

Good luck and let us know if this fixes it for you please.
After re-reading page 44 of the manual several dozen times and downloading a different manual to confirm, since it is a bit confusing...
My interpretation is that setting 31 on inverter one should be 2P0
and inverter 2 should be 2P2

This should tell them to be 180 degrees out of phase.

I wish theyd phrase it better in thse manuals, gets confusing sometimes...sigh.
Also your settings video didn't show setting 56.
setting 56 - leakage protection

this possibly may cause surging in the genny as well
If neither of those fixes your problem then try changing to the following settings:

03 APL
06 AC1ST
Based on the manual, if I'm understanding it properly, inverter one AC output supplies L1 power and inverter 2 AC output supplies L2 power.
Thus setting 31 must be 2P2 and not 2P0 since you need the phase from L1 to L2 to be 180 degrees out of phase not 0 degrees as you currently have it setup. Your generator is trying to fight against your inverter constantly since it is out of phase with your inverters, I'm surprised that you haven't blown any breakers or fuses yet!

Good luck and let us know if this fixes it for you please.
I can tell you when I first put them I had a hard time with those setting till it started working right and as I mention in other comment before storm I always will top off the battery's with utility power and those settings are very confusing and someone on here recommend the current ones and never touched it after it started working. I will check into (56) setting and let you know. thanks

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