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diy solar

UF maybe?


New Member
Jun 25, 2022
I have been in my house for two years. I built the house myself. I lived in a camper on the property for a year prior to moving into the house as I was building it. Long story short I have had COVID 9 times since 2020. Around the time I moved into my house I got a round of COVID and it has put me down for about two years. Doctors have prescribed me everything in the book.

I had a friend come over to metal detect, and his 47.5 hertz unit started going haywire near my house. Said he has never seen it before. I have had my solar equipment in my shed for the past 3 weeks. I have started feeling better and actually have been able to go outside.

So am I becoming sick off of the RF frequency? What could be the issue?
I have seen people make claims that things like proximity to high power antenna and cell towers can make you sick ..... but I don't know anything about it or have any experience with it.

If I had Covid over and over again, the last thing I would do is expect answers from mainstream medicine ..... I would be trying to get a phone consultation or other help from places like this .....

Edit .... also, I consider vitamin d levels to be very critical for protection from Covid, Flu, and immunity in general ..... Get you Vit D levels tested via blood test ...... a lot can be found about Vit D with a search, but I want mine to be in the upper 2/3 of the range ....Not just "in range." Your insurance may not pay for the test, but you can pay for it yourself ..... research how to get your Vit D levels up.
Try to find a Dr that understands the importance of Vit D ..... If they poo poo it, find another Dr even if you have to go online and telephone consult.
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Have your doctors done bloodwork, tested thyroid levels, T levels, vitamins etc?
What other changes, if any, have you made in the past few weeks?
I have had my blood work done. My eosinophil levels are off the chart. And I have been getting shots for that for nearly two years. It was just strange bc it all started when we moved into my house
I have seen people make claims that things like proximity to high power antenna and cell towers can make you sick ..... but I don't know anything about it or have any experience with it.

If I had Covid over and over again, the last thing I would do is expect answers from mainstream medicine ..... I would be trying to get a phone consultation or other help from places like this .....

Edit .... also, I consider vitamin d levels to be very critical for protection from Covid, Flu, and immunity in general ..... Get you Vit D levels tested via blood test ...... a lot can be found about Vit D with a search, but I want mine to be in the upper 2/3 of the range ....Not just "in range." Your insurance may not pay for the test, but you can pay for it yourself ..... research how to get your Vit D levels up.
Try to find a Dr that understands the importance of Vit D ..... If they poo poo it, find another Dr even if you have to go online and telephone consult.
I have checked all of my vitamin levels. I follow Gary brecka who goes into details about your vitamin levels. I have tried natural medicine with no luck.
I have checked all of my vitamin levels. I follow Gary brecka who goes into details about your vitamin levels. I have tried natural medicine with no luck.
I watched a video clip of Gary Brecka explaining the importance of Vit D and it looks to me like and he seemed well versed about the importance of Vit D.

don't know anything about eosinophil .... but, it seems like a marker you can use to measure your progress ... or relapse if it starts going the wrong direction.

We have to be careful not to be giving medical advice, but Just following a logical process .... if you think the problem may be associated with your environment .... you should change your environment. Have you had your eosinophil levels checked since you started felling a little better? Is it possible to move back into the camper as a test? How many other people are living in the house? .... do they have any new problems since moving into the house?
I have no idea how getting your solar system online could make a difference.

If you are able to move out of the house and your symptoms and blood work improve, the next thing would be to determine what is wrong with the house .... it could be things like foam insulation or mold.
I've seen horror stories from people who had spray foam insulation improperly done ..... Too thick a coat at one time can cause it to not cure properly and be toxic.
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I would have my water supply checked
That is a biggie. There was a bottled water company in Flint Michigan ….ppl drank that contaminated shit all over the country. The same place Obuma went and drank a glass after it was supposedly cleaned up as shown on tv. The mf’er just touched it to his lips.


Definitely get your water checked. Excellent recommendation.
. it could be things like foam insulation or mold.
Im going with this or some other allergic reaction. Covid tests are notoriously inaccurate. If its something biological (virus bacteria fungus ) you should definately try "Pine needle nasal spray" sold by Mike Adams at I use it whenever I go to a store, church etc ANYWHERE there's people AND after I get home from them. I used to catch several colds every year. Ive had covid twice.. the two nasty ones. Since using this spray Ive not been sick once. From what Ive read and been told a rhino virus will find a place in your nasal passages and incubate for about 3 days until theres a large viral load. Its too much for the body by then and the body then trys to fight it making you feel terrible. If you can prevent it from getting a foothold (with spray) youre golden! And you made the correct choice by not getting the jab!2024-06-2416.00.11-1053907073.jpg
Im going with this or some other allergic reaction. Covid tests are notoriously inaccurate. If its something biological (virus bacteria fungus ) you should definately try "Pine needle nasal spray" sold by Mike Adams at I use it whenever I go to a store, church etc ANYWHERE there's people AND after I get home from them. I used to catch several colds every year. Ive had covid twice.. the two nasty ones. Since using this spray Ive not been sick once. From what Ive read and been told a rhino virus will find a place in your nasal passages and incubate for about 3 days until theres a large viral load. Its too much for the body by then and the body then trys to fight it making you feel terrible. If you can prevent it from getting a foothold (with spray) youre golden! And you made the correct choice by not getting the jab!View attachment 224373
I will definitely give this a try.

I have went to a natural doctor and they gave me stuff to cleanse for parasites just in case.

I would eliminate water bc we were on that for nearly a year and was ok. 3 things happened when I got sick. I installed solar, I moved into the house and I got a round of COVID then.
My doctor won't prescribe me ivermectin. I have asked and he told me no. I have debated taking horse ivermectin.
Ivermectin can be purchased online with no prescription.
Yes .... or get it thru the FLCCC kit or via one of their doctors.

A doctor that won't prescribe Ivermectin is acting strictly to protect himself ..... not putting your interest first, especially if there's a chance you have parasites.
I'd be Dr shopping.
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diy solar