diy solar

diy solar

Underground LifePo Storage

Okay this looks like a suitable thread to rejuvenate.
As some of you may know and remember I am building an ICF home and I have ended up with quite a few blocks left over, whilst pondering what to do with them one option was to create a exterior battery bunker. At this point it would be very easy to dig out, stack the block and pour the concrete with the rest of the house next week.
So I test stacked some blocks together and ended up with an idea that would give me interior dimensions of 6 ft 3 long and 4 ft 9 wide by 60 in high.
The water table here is about 15 ft below the surface and we have super sandy soil that drains like crazy so I really do not think a fully sealed ICF and concrete bunker will ever have damp issues.
I already punched out 2x 2 in PVC pipes through the wall from the garage where the inverters will be to the outside and it will be very easy to place the bunker right below and just continue these PVC pipes into the Bunker.
The other reason I'm thinking of doing this is because I don't want insurance to have any more excuses than they already have to be arseholes.
I am assuming that your place is high enough up that even one of these bizarre "Bomb cyclone" Rain storms could not flood your property?

My advice to you is don't do what I use to do and just build it big enough to work, make it beig enough for later expansion!
If your going to do it just spend some extra cash and make it about 8ft x 6ft with a roof high of at least 7ft so that your head is not hitting into the ceiling. Going Six feet wide is highly recommended. My electrical room was originally 5 ft wide and the Electrician told me that he would not be working on the electrical unless it was at least 6ft wide. His reasoning was pretty sound to me, he said he needs space to jump back in case something goes wrong and he does not want to be slamming into a wall and getting trapped from moving backwards.

I am so glad I took his advice because more batteries kept on going in and they fit with enough area to work on them because I went 18" longer and 12" Wider and hgher so I have headroom.
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