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diy solar

Upgrade 12v to 48 volt in Camper van with GOpower 2000 inverter and 300ah agm. 12 v dc to dc charger


New Member
May 10, 2024
Brainerd MN
I have a vandoit van and looking to add a cruise ncomfort ac system. I am wondering if I can use the same wiring and update battereis, inverter, alternator to 48V. I believe the components will fit the cabinet, except for the 48v to 12v converter. I am assuming the wiring would be overkill for the new components but dont know if that is a problem. The alternator would also need a converter to handle 12 v and 48v system. I also have 400watts on the roof and a 220w portable panel. Thoughts are appreciated. I am a newbie on this so I expect to curl what hair I have left when I arc something!
I wouldn't try to convert to a 48v system. I looked into all of this before. Stick with your 12v system.
12v x 1200 a/h is the same energy as 48v x 300 a/h. The 12v will drive the inverter just fine without the multitude of 12-48-12 complications.

BTW my 12v 2000w Go Power runs the RV air just fine. Although is uses a lot of energy so usually I look for a place to plug in if I need cool air for an extended period.
It is fairly easy to upgrade to 24 volt using the same wires and components.

Upgrading to 48 volt more or less means throwing it all away and starting over.
It is fairly easy to upgrade to 24 volt using the same wires and components.

Upgrading to 48 volt more or less means throwing it all away and starting over.

I see it the same as @HarryN

Easy to go to 24vdc as you already have 12vdc wire in place.

You can get some 12vdc to 24vdc DC2DC chargers assuming your alternator is 12vdc.

If you post a schematic of your current electrical the forum can be more helpful giving you suggestions.
24 volt alternators are also easier to obtain and keep under control / cheaper.

I am not saying that modern 48 volt alternators don't work well - they do - but you have to do everything correctly vs with 24 volt, it is a bit more forgiving.

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