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diy solar

Victron VenusOS driver for serial connected BMS - JBD / Daly / ANT / JKBMS / Heltec / Renogy / Tian / ECS

This is amazing, I'm on the design phase of my system for off grid (already did it for the van) and this is going to rock. If you need some betatesters, count with me. Currently, 2 packs of diy batteries with JBD bms + victron shunt, scc and inverter/charger with a pi2 (os venus). In the future, i'm planning something bigger for home.

Edit: When I bought my BMS (JBD), I order it as UART, and I guess it has the UART connected to the bluetooth stick. Can I remove the bluetooth stick and connect there some other adapter. An Usb (to the pi) and on the other end RS485 to the UART could work?

Sense títol.png

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I use the serial battery driver on a GX device (Raspberry, Venus 2.84) with an Overkill Solar BMS (16s) and a Multiplus II. While discharging the battery the driver works flawless but when the multiplus starts charging the driver disconnects and shows "Not connected".

While charging:
View attachment 85806

Charging stopped:
View attachment 85807

cat /data/log/serial-starter/current | tai64nlocal:

cat /data/log/dbus-serialbattery.ttyUSB0/current | tai64nlocal:

Can somebody help?
Hi, I was wondering, did you update the Multiplus to the latest firmware? I did (494) and got weird outputs. This could effect the BMS also.
1 All my assistants/setups were gone, reinstalling I see now in remote 2 ESS releases.
2 In VRM I see sometimes weird values, battery drains a lot and it goes nowhere...
I will this weekend flash back to the previous one, and install the new smartdaly also (now working on a cheap balancer)

My Victron Quattro is too old to use firmwares (small CPU) that support DVCC according to Victron manuals at least...
Do i strictly need to enable DVCC if I do not require functionality like the BMS talking to the Quattro ?
My aim is just to be able to have remote monitoring of everything in Victron VRM... I am fine with not being able to adjust charge current dynamically.
legit... i got an overkill bms 100a 8s 24v and connected their "JBD-UART-TOOLS" UART to USB adapter into the Overkill's BMS UART port and then connected the USB to my Cerbo GX (updated the driver on the GX via SSH) and rebooted the Cerbo GX and boom, it is show my BMS details - LEGIT! Thanks! Can't wait to be able to change the "SerialBattery" to another name, but i dont care, i am extremely happy I can view the BMS details with my Victron setup!!! Thank you

Do i strictly need to enable DVCC
You should be able to get your battery into the GX display using the driver without the DVCC option. Your battery will not be used as the battery monitor in the system, but at least you will see you data.
Is there development around the SBMS0 or is that on hold for some technical or other reason? Trying to decide in which basket to put my eggs! And happy to supply some ko-fi...
I'm looking forward to getting this setup.

I have the 24v/100a JBD BMS. The Bluetooth module connects to the left most white connector (UART), is it possible to utilize this driver with either the RS485 or RS232 pins so I can utilize Bluetooth simultaneously?

is it possible to utilize this driver with either the RS485 or RS232
Yes, you can use either TTL (sometimes also called UART), RS232 or RS485 serial connection with the driver. But your BMS need to have those chips and connections and your BMS only have the TTL used by the bluetooth that is the default. You can asked for the RS485 or RS232 to be added when you order the BMS, and then you can use the bluetooth along with those other ports.
Yes, you can use either TTL (sometimes also called UART), RS232 or RS485 serial connection with the driver. But your BMS need to have those chips and connections and your BMS only have the TTL used by the bluetooth that is the default. You can asked for the RS485 or RS232 to be added when you order the BMS, and then you can use the bluetooth along with those other ports.
Great info, thanks! I already have the BMS, so not too concerned if I can’t use Bluetooth at the same time.
@Louisvdw Do you need some more donations to make the multi battery feature happen? Is there something else we can do to help bring that to reality? Thanks for the great work, as always!
@Louisvdw Do you need some more donations to make the multi battery feature happen? Is there something else we can do to help bring that to reality? Thanks for the great work, as always!
Finally got the time to connect the daly 16S 250A to my 305 Basen batteries wih your script
As suggested I removed the 10A balancer, to avoid conflicts.
The Daly/Cerbo works fine with the supplied Daly UART cable, so no need for a (expensive) Victron cable or converter
Now I have another set batteries on the way, together with a simular Daly smartBMS. (was ment for a client, but he decided to go AC instead)
What would be best:
2 banks with own BMS
2 banks with 1 BMS.
The theoretic draw can be up to 580A, would it be wiser to use both BMSes or just 1?
And another question, the smartshunt, shall I disable this? The readout is quite different (the 100% was always low on that, even if I set the high voltage to 58v) Found the answer:
Thanks Louis for the hard work, just donated also.


  • Remote console Daly.JPG
    Remote console Daly.JPG
    50.6 KB · Views: 8
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What would be best:
2 banks with own BMS
2 banks with 1 BMS.
The theoretic draw can be up to 580A, would it be wiser to use both BMSes or just 1?
I'm still busy with the muti bank support. So until that is complete you will only see 1 BMS in VRM, but if you are using VenusOS v2.74 or lower you should still see details for both BMS in the remote console.
If all your cells are well balanced, then you can use 1 BMS with no problem if your current draw from the inverter will be handled by the 1 BMS. (5kVA Multi will draw should be below 150A at 8000W). More BMS is also a good option if it is fine that you will only see half your values for now.

PS. If your SmartShunt and BMS is so different then there is most likely a setting mismatch between them. The Daly could also need a calibration if you see some of the cells are fully charged by the BMS SOC it not near 100%. If you do see 100% SOC on the Daly it might rather be a capacity setting on the Shuntshunt you need to check
Thanks for that, you are right...
I forgot the daly to set the specs of the batterybank. I did that now using the BT and app. The daly and smartshunt are somewhat the same now.
I let the firmware at 2.74 on the cerbo, since there is no major upgrade in the latest.

Is it possible to display the particular cells in the cerbo? I assume this data is spitted out because the BT app can show them also. (Sorry if this is asked before)

The second bank is on the way and i got the daly smart for $150, I see they are now around $250 on aly
For now VenusOS V2.74 is a good version for the driver compatibility.
We do have all the cells, but it is not displayed as VenusOS doen not have place to display them. You can look at this PR, but I still need to clean that up so that it is easy to implement/support for users so there will be some changes on how that work in future. You can test it on this beta release (see PR for details on how to install and see it). Once it is released I should have better instructions available as well.
I don't need to see them all, maybe the highest, lowest and middle voltage.
But thanks a lot for all the work
I don't need to see them all, maybe the highest, lowest and middle voltage.
But thanks a lot for all the work
High and low cell voltages are there. You don't need to do anything to get those.
In VRM -> Advance you can also enable the Min/Max cell voltage graph and the Battery Midpoint Voltage graph. They are also both populated.
Hi @Louisvdw

I've just added a comment to a bug report on your GitHub. I have a JBD BMS and a SmartSolar 100/30 MPPT. For some reason your serial driver seems to make it near impossible to have both devices recognised at once.

If I reboot VenusOS with only one device connected - either works fine. If I have anything in addition to the BMS connected at boot, only the BMS works.

I'm running firmware 2.80. Any suggestions on what I can try or how I can assist with testing this further? Seems at least one other person is having the same issue. I'm limited on firmware options due to having a newer RPI4.
@calciumkid that does seem to be an issue on the venusos V2.80 and higher firmware. Best option at the moment is to downgrade to 2.7* firmware which you cannot do with the newer Pi4. I'm still trying to find the reason for the problem on 2.80+.
The serialbattery driver is the last driver to be tested on a serial port, so only when none of the other drivers worked will this the battery driver be tried.
So if your device is wrongly detected the first thing to try is to unplug that device and reconnecting it again to go through the driver dection sequence again.
Once I have more detail on how to fix that I will also update that ticket on github, so best to describe to it.
Hi and thx for this driver.
have a question or wish.
dont see that the BMS do balancing
but it dos. :)
is it possible to implement this values pls.


diy solar

diy solar