diy solar

diy solar

What do with my system when I’m not roadtripping


New Member
May 16, 2023
I do not live in my van. So when I am not using my system (for weeks), what is best practice for storing my authentication when not I use? Should I leave it connected? Or disconnect the panels, and batteries?
Is this system the one like everybody else has? I disconnect the solar because that works best for my system and laziness.
Ya know , that is a great recommendation for the very thing I was wondering about this morning..

I have finally finished and tested and am happy with my whole what do I do..?
do I use it and save a few dollars or turn it off , as most electronics have a finite life in use… and save the shelf life of the components for when they are needed…
your right …turn it off… better for the system .. easier for me… a win -win.

while electricity is this cheap , why wear out your expensive stuff…? Seriously , why..?
As when there is NO power , then what you have is valuable and worth a kazillion dollars…at least half a kazillion…!!

Thank you , good call.?