diy solar

diy solar

What is a dump load anyway?


New Member
Mar 5, 2024
I think a dump load is something like this: someone has a 10kw PV array. Th solar charge controller can handle that. They also have 10KW in batteries. The batteries are low in the morning. During the day not much usage but son is out charging batteries. At some point more is being collected from PV/SCC but batteries are full. Don’t have more batteries to put them in. Therefore use the electricity being generated for something. Electric hot water heaters have come up. No idea what a sand battery is. Melting snow not sure how that would work. Anyway please educate me. Am I on the right track?
I think a dump load is something like this: someone has a 10kw PV array. Th solar charge controller can handle that. They also have 10KW in batteries. The batteries are low in the morning. During the day not much usage but son is out charging batteries. At some point more is being collected from PV/SCC but batteries are full. Don’t have more batteries to put them in. Therefore use the electricity being generated for something. Electric hot water heaters have come up. No idea what a sand battery is. Melting snow not sure how that would work. Anyway please educate me. Am I on the right track?
A place to dump excess PV..
Water heater, car charger, whatever.

diy solar

diy solar