diy solar

diy solar

When are heat pump permits needed?

Seems so strange to need a permit to connect a heatpump. (why?)
I guess were not as regulated as I have assumed up in the north.
The R gases in HVAC have always been regulated and so you always have to pull a permit.
The inspector could have made a mental note and started to investigate if a permit had been pulled.
Home inspections look for permits on things like this, and if none found it starts to get complicated.
I don't need a permit for my fridges and freezers. Disposal is regulated.
Interesting to see the level of regulation in other jurisdictions.
The only time I ever had to deal with 'unpermitted' work on a house, it was the neighour that ratted me out - expanded a backyard deck a bit wider without permits, inspector showed up a few days later.
One of the reasons I left the City life for Rural.

“ it was the neighbor that RATTED me out”

What a great timeless phrase….
What an accurate synopsis of an event…
What a great reason to live remotely…

Rats everywhere now days…
A few years ago I had a heat pump installed in the garage loft without a permit. Last year I had a Sol-Ark installed in that space. The inspector said nothing about the unpermitted heat pump when he inspected the solar installation.
Inspectors are trained to put on blinders and only inspect what they came for. I recently did a new main panel and overhead upgrade. The inspector did not want to see the now sub panel but insisted he see the water heater for bonding. Went into the garage, all servers running with backup diy batteries and all. Walked right past and just looked at the water heater.