diy solar

diy solar

Why is the universe expansion accelerating?

These were the first videos I saw of him...
This guy is a hoot... the best line so far...
I had a hour and half bus drive home from school. It was so long cause I kept getting kicked out of local schools. I was doing this to further my education.
Update: Can't decide if this guy is a genius or a quack. Interesting that the mechanical functions are coming with numbers that match quantum mechanics.
Update: Farther along, these are fun to ancient aliens... but it seems like some truth mixed with a lot of self-delusional pattern matching.
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And that is at the crux of my suspicions, related to why no-one questions the "fact" that expansion is accelerating.

At least now I have an understanding of what suggests that it is: Position is not linear with velocity, suggesting a velocity change has occurred.
Oh, they've questioned it.. and re-questioned it, and have done experiments to either verify or disprove those questions.

Believe me, the model they have right now has stood the test of fire from everyone with different theories.. this is why the model still exists and no others have taken center stage.

Other ideas have come, been shot down because their models don't jive with observations, and new ideas sprung up.. after passing theoretical models, they then invest money to test..

We've gone through so many ideas we're left looking for a particle with mass that doesn't interact with the electromagnetic force, or in the gloriously stupid way in which scientists name things "WIMPS"

Think about it, how does a particle have mass (and thus energy?) and exert gravity, but not interact electromagnetically? WTF?

One of my favorites was the hidden neutron star and black holes theory. Considering there's a neutron star just 200 light years away from us (which is the equivalent of being on our own door frame to the rest of the galaxy) , one must consider how many black holes we can't see.

There are other issues in this debate.. and unfortunately for me, some of them seem to dispel my own ideas as well.

I love science...