diy solar

diy solar

Configuring Multiplus with Pylontech Batteries


New Member
Sep 19, 2020
I posted this on the victron forums, but I'm still not sure if I can just use my smartphone to do what I need to do...

I have a solar kit I bought recently with a Multiplus 48/5000/70 and a SmartSolar 250/100. The system has a CerboGX and Touch 50. The battery bank is 4 Pylontech US3000.
I was reading the Victron-Pylontech compatibility article, and just watched a webinar on the topic, but I'm still unclear.
To make sure all my Victron components are configured properly according to what the batteries need, can I just use the VictronConnect app via my smartphone? Does this operate via some sort of bluetooth connection internal to the CerboGX?
Or do I need to buy the Smart Dongle or MK3 USB separately?
Doesn't the CerboGX and Touch50 replace the need for the VictronConnect app or at least replace the need for the SmartDongle/MK3-USB?

Can I modify the parameters (float charge voltage and change 50Hz frequency to 60Hz frequency) with just my smart phone equipped with 4G internet connection, hotspot output, and bluetooth capability?
(I replied in the other thread but for the benefit of this thread) - no, you can't configure with VictronConnect unless you have the MK3 (not the smart dongle) cable. You can, however, use VE.Configure with the assistance of the VRM portal (remote configure).
Oh nooooo!
(I replied in the other thread but for the benefit of this thread) - no, you can't configure with VictronConnect unless you have the MK3 (not the smart dongle) cable. You can, however, use VE.Configure with the assistance of the VRM portal (remote configure).
Another contradiction... Here's the response I got to the same question on the victron forum:

Yes you can configure the CerboGX using the VictronConnect App. The Cerbo (by default) has it's own Wifi accesspoint to which you can connect. After that you can use the VictronConnect App to configure the device and eg. let it connect to your own WiFi network.

The Touch50 replaces the need for the VictronConnect App. The CerboGX is the heart of your system, it can't be replaced with just the app.

Once your CerboGX is connected to Internet (using WiFi or Ethernet) you can use Victron VRM ( to connect to your CerboGX over the Internet. From there you can also use Remote VE.Configure, which eliminates the need of the MK3-USB dongle. However, Remote VE.Configure has it's limits.
I guess this person missed the part where I was specifically asking about configuring the parameters of the Multiplus?

I'm tearing my hair out over this victron stuff. They need to organize this topic into a FAQ.
Most of what I want to do involves setting parameters of the Multiplus. If I can't do anything from the smartphone, then why the heck do they have a VictronConnect app available on the play store? Why do they have a VRM app separately? A Victron webinar I watched basically said that they're trying to replace the VE.Configure program with the VictronConnect application/software.

Why not go ahead and just synthesize all these different apps and weird-sounding pronouns into one master app/software program?! And to top it off they don't even provide a FAQ in layman's terms on this most confusing topic. I have to assume this hurts their sales.

It's going to be a huge inconvenience for me to do this setup, if I have to use my laptop. I sent my laptop to repair the RAM a year ago, and when I got it back from the factory, the battery no longer worked. The battery is not easy to replace on this laptop, and even harder now that I'm in South America. Of course I can't plug the laptop in until I get the solar system up and running.
Oh nooooo!

Another contradiction... Here's the response I got to the same question on the victron forum:

I'm tearing my hair out over this victron stuff. They need to organize this topic into a FAQ.
Most of what I want to do involves setting parameters of the Multiplus. If I can't do anything from the smartphone, then why the heck do they have a VictronConnect app available on the play store? Why do they have a VRM app separately? A Victron webinar I watched basically said that they're trying to replace the VE.Configure program with the VictronConnect application/software.

Why not go ahead and just synthesize all these different apps and weird-sounding pronouns into one master app/software program?! And to top it off they don't even provide a FAQ in layman's terms on this most confusing topic. I have to assume this hurts their sales.

It's going to be a huge inconvenience for me to do this setup, if I have to use my laptop. I sent my laptop to repair the RAM a year ago, and when I got it back from the factory, the battery no longer worked. The battery is not easy to replace on this laptop, and even harder now that I'm in South America. Of course I can't plug the laptop in until I get the solar system up and running.

It's not a contradiction actually -- you're missing the difference.

1) You can't configure the Multiplus with VictronConnect without the MK3
2) You can configure the Cerbo with VictronConnect without the MK3

VictronConnect is becoming their one-stop-shop software over time ... it's just not there yet (e.g. they just recently made it able to configure systems with multiple inverters).

Without the MK3, your first step is to get the Cerbo online and connected to the Internet. Once that's done, it can be configured with VE.Configure over the Internet (but you obviously need a computer for that).

BTW for VictronConnect to work over MK3, you either need a computer or an Android device (IOS/iPhone won't work).
Okay, you're starting to clear up the confusion... I do have an android phone, but what's the point of me using the VictronConnect app if I can just use my Touch 50 to configure the CerboGX? What I need it for is to change the parameters (or at least view the parameters) of the Multiplus as well as the SmartSolar 250/100. You just claimed that the VictronConnect app is useless without the MK3-USB when it comes to changing the parameters on the Multiplus. How about the SmartSolar MPPT?

Either way it looks like I'm going to require the MK3-USB. Are you sure about this? Maybe things have changed since you last looked?

Without the MK3, your first step is to get the Cerbo online and connected to the Internet. Once that's done, it can be configured with VE.Configure over the Internet (but you obviously need a computer for that).
I can't use an android phone for that?
The Cerbo can't change the settings on the multiplus that you'll need to change (like battery type, charging voltages, etc). VictronConnect can be used to get the Cerbo online to the Internet and that's about it - but you're right, you can do that from the Touch 50 as well. From there, you'll use the Touch 50 to interact with the Cerbo - but you won't be able to configure most of the multiplus settings this way. The MK3 must physically connect to the VE.Bus port of the multiplus (and USB connects to computer or Android).

VictronConnect *can* configure the SmartSolar MPPT's. It just can't configure the inverters unfortunately.

I confirmed this information with Victron within the last month, actually. You either need MK3 or use VE.Configure remotely over the Cerbo/VRM connection. And VE.Configure must run on a PC. Check out here: - this includes videos on using VE.Configure as well as doing a remote VE.Configure over VRM.
Ok now you've almost brought me to a complete understanding. Unfortunately, it's really looking like the answer I didn't want to hear.

I just viewed some demo screenshots of the VictronConnect app, and there was a section that showed the country code could not be changed with a notice saying it has to be done via VE.Configure.

So, that's bad news for me. Very bad news. It looks like I'm stuck here, having to run a laptop with a valid battery and buying a cable that costs about $100USD locally.

I guess I better look for someone with a laptop I can borrow, and download both VictronConnect and VE.Configure software on it, and then run my Android's hotspot. Or is it necessary to have internet access on the laptop when configuring with both of those software programs?

Otherwise I can go buy my generator urgently and plug my laptop into the inverter to configure everything. Here's my thread on that. I'm still not sure what kind of generator to get.
You don't need Internet to use those programs - just a computer and the MK3 adapter.
You don't need Internet to use those programs - just a computer and the MK3 adapter.
OK, so to summarize and check if my comprehension is correct:

I absolutely need to use a laptop with an MK3-USB cable for what I want to configure. The cell phone on its own will not accomplish the job - even with internet. However, the laptop with MK3 on their own will accomplish the job - even without internet.
OK, so to summarize and check if my comprehension is correct:

I absolutely need to use a laptop with an MK3-USB cable for what I want to configure. The cell phone on its own will not accomplish the job - even with internet. However, the laptop with MK3 on their own will accomplish the job - even without internet.

Yes. And apparently only because of the grid-tie requirement (which needs VE.Configure which needs a laptop).
There's another curve ball. I'm going completely off the grid. What do you mean when you say grid-tie requirement? What are you referring to?
There's another curve ball. I'm going completely off the grid. What do you mean when you say grid-tie requirement? What are you referring to?

Oh, I thought I saw you mention that you needed to change the grid code which requires VE.Configure. If you're off-grid, you don't need to touch that and you'll only need VictronConnect on an Android device (with MK3) - so no laptop needed.
Oh, I thought I saw you mention that you needed to change the grid code which requires VE.Configure. If you're off-grid, you don't need to touch that and you'll only need VictronConnect on an Android device (with MK3) - so no laptop needed.
Hi, I found an electrical engineer who works for the local government doing installations. He recommended I just use the VE configure program and my laptop to get setup and double check the parameters that my distributor supposedly pre-configured.

When I said grid code, perhaps I didn't understand the meaning....

Since Victron is European, maybe it's set for European grid, which would be a different voltage and frequency. In Peru the grid is 220V & 60Hz. So, that's what I want my Victron Multiplus to output.
Hi, I found an electrical engineer who works for the local government doing installations. He recommended I just use the VE configure program and my laptop to get setup and double check the parameters that my distributor supposedly pre-configured.

When I said grid code, perhaps I didn't understand the meaning....

Since Victron is European, maybe it's set for European grid, which would be a different voltage and frequency. In Peru the grid is 220V & 60Hz. So, that's what I want my Victron Multiplus to output.

The grid code setting is only for feeding the grid. The frequency setting is its own setting.